《A virtual reality game according to a martial artist otaku》Chapter 35


Lucy's POV

Goddammit Kira! I had finally met him in Endless online but then he decides to split up! "GODDAMMIT!" I screamed as I beheaded a wolf.


By now, seeing the enraged girl eyeing them to spend her rage on them, the wolf pack tried to flee, only to be blocked by a giant two-tailed cat. "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!?!" I screamed as I rushed them.

Whimpers of pain resounded throughout the night.

Kira POV

I suddenly sneezed. "Woah. Endless online can make people sneeze! Quite realistic." I ducked under a tree branch. And another one.

I was mounted on top of Garurumon. I was gripping his back fur, worried that I was going to fall off; he was fast and nimble, even in the forest.

We suddenly came across a wolf pack that used to be level 12. Now they were level 18. "They are perfect for your first fight Garurumon." He growled in agreement.

The wolves were sleeping in a circle, completely oblivious to our presence. Garurumon looked as though he was ready to go in and start slashing. "Wait." Hearing my instruction, he was puzzled. Why did he have to wait?

I pointed upwards. "Jump." His eyes widened and his face turned into a smile, revealing his canines. He knew what I had meant. He turned away and trotted a few meters back. I sheathed my Heaven's wheel and gripped Garurumon's fur even harder. "Kill." With that one instruction, my pet ran and jumped into the sky.

"YEAAAHHH!" Garurumon and I roared as we went into the air.

The wolves woke up confused; they knew that there were enemies... But where were they?


Their question was answers when Garurumon landed on two of them. His claws turned one into the wolf equivalent of sliced bread whilst the other wolf just... Fell apart.


"Pretty sharp claws. Nice one Garurumon." I complemented Garurumon and he stepped out of the blood puddles.

I unsheathed my katana and pressed my legs into Garurmon's side. I do not want to fall off in this situation.

The wolves snarled, clearly not pleased with our introduction. Garurumon snarled back.

Third person POV

A wolf jumped at Garurumon, aiming for his eyes. Garurumon stepped back and, as the wolf landed in front of him, opened his mouth around the head of the beast. The last thing that the wolf managed to do was widen his eyes as Garumon's mouth closed, biting the entire head off.

The wolves learnt not to attack the head and opted to disable him first before finishing Garurumon off as he bled out.

An over-eager wolf lunged at Gabumon's side, forgetting about the human seated on top. An orange blade flashed and the wolf's head separated in two; from the tip of the snout to the back of the head. The corpse landed on the ground with a thump.

The remaining wolves tensed, unsure of themselves. Garurumon, on the other hand, was not one to stand around whilst the four remaining wolves pondered their chances of success. Neither was Kira.

Garurumon leaped at the closest wolf, turning it into mush as his claws sliced thought flesh easily. Kira fired off three lightning bolts, paralyzing the wolves. They were mercilessly killed.

Kira then proceeded to skin them; he needed the money, but getting something usable out of sliced wolf was hard, but he somehow managed......

"Alrighty. Now we just have to clean ourselves; we're covered in wolf blood. Come on Garurumon. We have to meet the others soon."

"Alright. Jump on and we will get there in a jiffy." Kira laughed as he spoke. He jumped on and as soon as he landed, they were off.

It took them ten minutes to get to the meeting point, just outside the city. Dylan, Yu and Mitsuki were already there and waiting.


Yu and Mitsuki were both now level 31, which impressed Kira. What impressed them, was the fact that Kira was riding a giant wolf.

"Where did you get that?" They questioned. "Would you believe that this is Gabumon's evolved form?" They widened their eyes in realisation.

They talked for a bit, waiting for Tohka to show with Kuro. It was getting dark and Kira needed to log off soon. 'Where is Tohka?' They all the same question running through their minds.

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