《A virtual reality game according to a martial artist otaku》Chapter 34


Third person POV

Kira stared at the night dire wolf. Clearly it was on a whole different level than day dire wolves; six levels in fact. It growled in anger at the human that dared kill its brethren.

"COME AT ME!" Kira grew tired of waiting. The wolf ran right at him, hoping to knock him down and finishing him off quickly. "Now, Gabumon!" Kira shouted. He had his pet prepare to fire his blue flames at the beast before hand and now it was beginning to pay off.

Gabumon opened his mouth and fired his 'blue blaster.' It hit the wolf right in the face.

'It worked!' Kira naively thought. The wolf landed but other than looking pissed off it was otherwise unperturbed. 'Shit.'

"Hide, Gabumon. You've done your part!" Kira readied his sword and charged at the flaming wolf.

He tried to maim it by stabbing through its paw but it managed to lift it just in time. Unfazed, Kira swung his katana upwards, cutting through the ankle of the wolf.

Blood spurted, covering the orange blade. Kira smiled as the wolf yelped in pain and tried to run away from him. "Where do you think you're going?" He snarled at the limping wolf. He set his blade alight.

The wolf snarled, clearly afraid of the fire. Kira meanwhile, merely ran at the beast. He jumped a two meters from the beast's open mouth and Kira plunged his burning sword in-between the eyes of the wolf.

With a cry, it fell down dead.

*Ding* Congratulations! You have reached level 31! Please assign stat points. Stat points available: 15

"Please put three each into strength, agility, dexterity, stamina and intelligence." Kira said with a satisfied voice.

*Ding* "What now?"

Congratulations! Your pet has level up to 22! Gabumon will evolve into Garurumon!


Kira turned round and saw a pleased looking Gabumon. "I made it!" He examined as he suddenly began to glow with a bright light. Kira shielded his eyes.

Once he opened them, he gasped in shock; standing in front of him was a giant wolf with fur of various shades of blue. It had claws the size of Kira's face and teeth the size of his hands. Its tail wagged in happiness. "Garurumon?" Kira questioned the blue wolf in front of him. The wolf merely smiled, showing sharp canines. "Can I kill some bears to see how good I am?" A new, gruff voice came from the wolf. It still had Gabumon's attitude. Kira smiled.

"Sure you can, but let's go together; let's see how good of a battle pet you are!" With that, Kira jumped on Garurumon back.

The giant wolf howled and ran off, leaving the corpses of the wolf pack in its wake.

Third Person POV

A single carriage sped through a grey highway. It was obviously going at the horses maximum speed. However, instead of carrying valuables, its occupant was one person.

Two figures spied the fast carriage; one was a male is a suit and a tophat, the other a girl with an umbrella

The Lord Millennium is is search of you

Looking for his heart now, have you heard the news?

Maybe you stole it from him, I'll see if it's true

Who is it that has my heart? I will find you soon...

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