《A virtual reality game according to a martial artist otaku》Chapter 32


Third person POV

"Haha. Look at that guy. He is walking around with an NPC! Although the girl seems pretty. Her purple hair is nice."

"He looks as though he is taking that NPC on a date! Haha!"

These sorts of comments were directed to a particular pair that were walking around the city. One had black hair and was wearing casual clothing; these were not the clothes that person usually wore. He was wearing them specially for this occasion.

The other person, the NPC, was a girl. She was wearing a white one-piece dress that contrasted her purple hair. Her red glasses complemented the smiles that she showed to the person walking beside her.

"Wow. Tokyo is so nice Rize. I never seen some of the parts that you showed me! I am very thankful to you." Her friend complemented the woman.

"Well I am glad you enjoyed it." She lightly laughed; the person next to her was charmed. She turned to him with upturned eyes. "I am sorry if this inconveniences you, but could you walk me home?"

The boy stopped and lightly smiled. "Sure. Where do you live?"

She smiled and pointed to an alleyway. "I live through here. Follow me, Kaneki..."

He followed her into the alleyway...

Less than a minute later shouts and screams came from the alleyway. A sudden loud metallic clang and then silence.

Kira POV

I logged onto Endless online and was greeted with a strange notification.

*Ding* Congratulations to player Kaneki! They are the first player to have unlocked the perquisites for race change: One-eyed ghoul!

'Wait.. isn't that Hajime!?!' How did my best friend, who called himself a 'casual' gamer, be the first player to ever change race!?

Not waiting for my week expulsion to end, I logged off and called Hajime.

"Hi John. How's it going?"

"Not bad, although that isn't my reason for calling. How did you get a race change!?"

He sighed before answering. I could imagine him with closed eyes. "It was kinda embarrassing how I got it. Remember how I told you about the ghouls?"

"uhuh..." I listen carefully.

"Well they look like humans and they are very good at hiding themselves. Well I asked an NPC to act as a guide for me around Tokyo."


... First death flag...

"At the end of the tour, she asked me if I wanted to go on a date. I said yes. I was curious."

Second death flag...

"It was rather all fun, and it was getting dark, so she asked me to escort her home."

If it is a date and it ain't a romance anime... You're gonna die. Third death flag...

"So I then asked her where her home was and she pointed to an alleyway and said her home was near there."

Fourth and most evident death flag...

"I followed her and she suddenly hugged me. I was happy at first until..."

"Until what?"

"Until she bit a chunk of my shoulder off..."

"Well... Shit."

"I know right? I was bleeding out and this ghoul, complete with black eyes and red iris, chased me. Out her fucking back some red shit burst out. Apparently it's called 'kagune.' Anyway, I was running for my life whilst she was chasing me laughing like a maniac."


"In the end, a ran into a building site and she followed me. I ran under a crane and attacked me using her red tentacle kagune. I thought I was going to die but then..."


"Some wires snapped, and the steel beams that the crane was holding fell down on the ghoul that was chasing me. I lost consciousness due to blood loss and shock but I didn't die! Apparently, whilst I was out, some people found me and transferred me to a hospital. It was too late to save the ghoul."

"Alright but how is this got to do with the race change?" I was getting impatient.

"I'm getting there. I was about to die but thankfully healers transferred some the ghoul's organs into me! And when I woke up I received the notification that my race had changed..."

"Well damn that is one weird perquisite. Do you think you can use the kagune now?"

"I doubt it but we will see. Anyway, I have to go now. Meet you later."


I felt sorry for Hajime. He had gone through such an extreme betrayal. 'Oh well. Better get back to playing. Lucy might be up already.'


I log back on and see a still-sleeping Tohka. Her purple hair was covering most of her face. The problem was, she was on my bed...

I quietly got up. I smiled. She was still in her battle dress. 'How is that comfortable to sleep in?'

I opened the door to leave when suddenly Tohka 'woke' up."Wah.. Where are you going?" She asked in a panicked voice.

"Oh you've logged on. I was going to level grind and hopefully resurrect Gabumon as well. Do you want to come?"

"Yes!" She shouted, jumping out of bed. Her broadsword suddenly appeared and she hoisted it on her shoulder.

"I am ready to kill!"

It seemed wrong for a girl like Tohka to say those words. She must have looked quite threatening to some, but for me she looked cute. I laughed. "Well at least wait until we are in the woods. We don't want to break something in the city now do we?"

She laughed as though remembering something embarrassing. Her eyes drifted to the broken city wall as she put her broadsword away.

"Well, let's go and wake up Dylan and the siblings." I held the door open for her into the corridor.

As we walked I asked her where we could resurrect Gabumon. "Well I heard that you need to pay a hefty fine to the local church of about fifty silver." I looked at how much money inhad left.

99 silver. I had spent quite a bit to buy the armour I wore now, but I still had enough money to resurrect Gabumon. "Let's go Tohka. We will get Gabumon and then wake up the others."

I followed her into the corridor. We were near the exit when we came across Nina and Alexander.

"Hello there! She greeted us. Alexander barked once before walking up to us. "Morning Nina." I returned the greeting as I petted Alexander's head. "So how was our inn? Good, right?" Nina asked us with gleaming eyes. I nodded with a smile on my face.

"We have to go, but we will return Nina. See you later."

"Bye." Tohka and I waved at Nina as we exited the inn.

We walked together to the church, talking about things that we usually did in real life. We also talked about our different fighting styles. I used martial arts and skill to fight but Tohka merely swung her sword at the first thing in front of her.

We reached the church without a problem. A young man in a robe greeted us. "Hello I am Alexander Anderson and how may I help you?" He seemed like a nice person, with his white priest robe and... WAIT ARE THOSE BAYONETS!?!!

"Uhh. I would like to resurrect my pet. Where do I go to do this?" He smiled.

"Follow me, I will show you where and how."

He led us to a discrete room at the back of the church. In the middle of the room the was an altar that looked exactly like the one people resurrect on. "You first have to pay 50 silvers, then I will initiate the ritual." I sighed and coughed up the money. He pocketed the money and went up to the altar. He raised his arms and then began muttering a spell in a language I didn't know.

After a minute, a bright light shone in the middle of it all. It was so bright I had to cover my eyes! Once the light had faded, A sleeping Gabumon lay there. "He is just sleeping right now and wake up shortly. I would imagine it would be better if you take him to your hotel and wait for him to wake up."

I nodded and picked Gabumon up, princess style. I turned to face Tohka and she was conversing with Father Anderson. He nodded and she gave him some money. 'Ahh. She wants to get her pet back.'

Father Anderson once again raised his hands and muttered the same spell. Once again the bright light shone and in the middle of it all lay a sleeping...

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