《A virtual reality game according to a martial artist otaku》Chapter 30


Kira POV

"Woah, woah we haven't come here to kill you!" I frantically tried to save the situation. She was a higher level than me and I doubt I would last long against her.

Dylan whistled. "She is level 50, so it would take a lot of you to beat her."

"No!" She shouted. "You're trying to kill me!" She jumped into the air and lifted her broadsword above her. "Shit. DODGE!" I shouted. We jumped away just in time as this crazed girl slammed her sword into the ground.

Earth, dust and rock flew in all directions. One pebble grazed my arm but it had enough force to seriously graze it. Grimacing in pain, I withered the grass around myself to heal the wound.

After some experimenting, I found out that wither was actually better than heal... As long as there were plants about.

The warrior girl looked at us with disgust. "How dare you dodge! You need to stay still so I can kill you!" She shouted her logical argument.

"BUT WHAT HAPPENS IF WE DON'T WANT TO DIE!?!" I shouted back. She looked at me. 'Shit.' I jumped to the side. A millisecond later her broadsword smashed the space where I was. I rolled out of her target area. Scrambling up, I faced her.

"I DON'T CARE! YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!" she retorted. She raised her broadsword again, clearly intending to cleave me in half. It was brought down.

"NO WE DIDN'T! YOU JUST ASSUMED IT!" I shouted back. The sword stopped a few centimeters above my mask. She had a 'I realised something' expression on her face. "Oh. Sorry for the misunderstanding." She bowed, and I held up my hand.

"Well it's fine. You didn't kill us now did you? So, uh, what's your nam-"

I didn't manage to finish my sentence; a couple of players appeared. They wore angry expressions and were shouting something. Their swords were pointed towards the purple-loving girl. She bared her teeth.

"These are the ones that tried to kill me." She brandished her broadsword and rushed them. "I WILL KILL YOU ALL!"

I watched in shock as she ran off. 'This girl is crazy.'

Dylan put a hand on my shoulder. "Let's explore the city. We should visit the guild to get money for the materials we harvested."

I looked back at the crazy girl. She was cutting a guy in half. 'She'll be fine.'


We walked into the city. Our aim: TO SEE THE SIGHTS OF MAGNOLIA!

Dylan looked as though he had been here many times before. The siblings, however, wore expressions of amazement as they marveled the city. 'They look like manga characters, with open mouths and wide eyes.

They had a right to be amazed. 'They probably have never seen a city this large.' We spent a couple of minutes trying to find the adventurers guild. Once we finally found it, I was shocked; it is so much larger than the one Konohoa.

We walked in and many eyes turned towards us. I didn't know if it was because of the my mask or the three NPCs accompanying me.

Apparently, getting friendly with NPCs is not something everybody would do; many saw them as just bits of data, treated them as though they were only quest-givers or divulgers of great secrets. Players were not interested in their back-stories', unless they held a quest. Some even abused NPCs.

I walked up to the counter. In front of me was a girl (why are all receptionists girls?) who had a serious expression. She had black hair and she wore a white military style uniform. She also wore a headband with a single white bow on top.

"Hello. I am Kagura and I will be your receptionist for today. Is there anything I could help you with?" She asked us. Her tone of voice clearly indicated that she was serious about her work.

"Er... Yes. I would like to sell some weapons and some pelts. Could you please appraise them?"

She motioned me to another room and I followed her in. The room was fairly large and had a wide area for appraising things. Kagura indicated that I should put everything on the stage.

I went into my inventory and selected what I wanted. I pressed 'show' and everything came out.

Clatters of metal falling on the floor sounded the area. The bandits' weapons were the first to emerge, followed by the pelts.

We had kill many mobs over the days and Dylan insisted on skinning each and every one of them. It was an arduous task for the siblings, but I did it without question; you never k ow where this money would become useful.

I looked at Kagura who was in the middle of appraising the great axe. I could tell she was very thorough in her analysis. I patiently waited for a few minutes as she inspected everything.


Once she had finally finished, she approached me and told me how much it all cost.

"Overall the weapons are second-rate whilst the pelts are very good. You will receive 1 gold for your troubles." Doing a 'not bad' face, I followed her out of the room and into the main hall. Dylan and the siblings were talking to each other. Yu noticed me first.

"So, how did the appraisal go?"

"Not bad. Got one gold for it all."

"Well I am not at all surprised. The amount of weapons and pelts would give you that amount. The guild doesn't even question where you got it from. Handy, right?" Dylan interjected.

"Oh well. Yu, Mitsuki. You should also sell your swords. We will get you some real weapons this time." They both widened their eyes at me and rushed off to Kagura.

A few minutes later, they came back. "We both got three silvers for our weapons!" Mitsuki smiled. "Good. Let's find the local armoury."

They nodded, and followed me out.

After an hour of walking, we finally found an armourer.

"What do you want? This isn't the place for kids." A youthful voice talked. The owner of the voice was a young man, around my age wearing something akin to traditional samurai clothing. A sheathed katana hung by his waist.

"Don't scare away new customers darling. Yellow and welcome to our armoury."

"Yes! Welcome to out armoury!"

Two voices sounded. One belonged to a red-head clothed iron armour that covered most important parts. I say most because most parts of the body were covered. I swear I could hear Dylan drooling behind me.

The second voice belonged to a young girl who seemed to be their... Child? No. Wait. Not their child. These two before were human, but this one... Is an elf.

Her two pointed ears alongside her long silver hair practically screamed 'I AM A STEREOTYPICAL ELF.'

"We came her to find some melee weapons for these two." I motioned to Yu and Mitsuki. "Could you show me your wares?"

He grunted and opened a curtain to another room. Yu and Mitsuki entered. Dylan and I tried both go in but the blacksmith stopped us. "Only they can choose their weapons. You wander around whilst they choose." I shrugged; I had to meet Lucy in a couple of minutes.

I went out and turned to Dylan. "I have to meet someone I know. If you want, you can come, but if you don't you can wander around." He pondered for a second. "I will go with you, but I will stay away from the person. Is it a girl?" He teased.

"Yes." I answer straightforwardly; this was the best way to deal with annoying people.

I found myself walking with Dylan to the gates. The sun was setting and the scene was beautiful. I walked outside the gates and waited.

Third person POV

Kira walked outside the gates and waited. On the streets, a certain girl was headed his way. She skipped whilst humming a tune, and her expression was that of ecstasy.

'I am finally going to meet John!' She thought. She swung her broadsword around, scattering players and NPCs alike. She thankfully didn't hit anything.

This girl, you probably guessed it, was Lucy. She was the level 50 that Kira and his friends encountered earlier and she was currently on her way to meet Kira.

"Ah. There are the gates." She was almost at the gates. She looked at the destruction she had caused earlier. 'I wonder if that had any repercussions. Oh well. John takes priority!'

She skipped out of the city and her eyes met Kira's at the same time. Her mind blanked; this was the same person she had attacked!

"Lucy?" Kira's voice shook her out of her stupor.

"Yes John?" She smiled. "Sorry I attacked you earlier." He laughed and waved the misunderstanding off.

Dylan was standing a couple meters away, and quietly thinking. 'I swear I can see the hearts in her eyes... How has this fucker not realising that she loves him!?!' He cried miserably in his heart. 'This bastard is dense as fuck.'

Kira, oblivious to Dylan's pain, carried on talking with Lucy.

"So, Lucy" he extended his hand. "I don't believe that you and I have met in-game. My name is Kira. What is yours?"

Lucy smiled an innocent smile. She shook Kira's hand.

"Tohka. Tohka Yatogami."

Hello,it's me, Tealover! So how do you like the meeting and this story?Any constructive criticism is welcome. Here's another question: What should they do now?

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