《A virtual reality game according to a martial artist otaku》Chapter 29


John POV

"Care to explain what happened with Eizan?"

In front of me was the school council president. She was called Michelle Nakiri and, you guessed it, she was Lucy's sister. However, contrary to Lucy's nice, quiet, personality, Michelle was always the one who started, and dominated, every conversation.

She held quite the Spartan attitude which was demonstrated in every. Single. Assembly.

"Well he started bullying me and I retaliated. His elitist attitude angered me. He saw that I was lower levels than him and tried to rub it in my face."

"By retaliation, you mean smashing him with a chair several times, right?" She looked unimpressed with my answer.

"I tried to be the smarter man by looking uninterested but instead he carried on. I simply gave what he deserved; I heard that he flaunted his level and bullied several other people. I punished him."

"How he is punished is handled by the school." She sighed and rested her head on her hand. She studied me closely. "You really are a pig in clothing aren't you?" I sighed. She tells that to everyone that didn't meet her standards. I, for example, have been called this multiple times.

Any ordinary person might think that her insult will make her unpopular, but no. She effectively brainwashes anyone near her. Only a few are resistant. Lucy, Hajime and I are to name a few.

"Anyway," she said, rising. "Your punishment is -"

Lucy suddenly burst through the door. "Are you alright John?" She suddenly hugged me form behind. I grew flustered, something soft was pressing into my back.

"I-I'm fine. The real question you should ask is is the other guy alright." She pouted. "Who cares about that guy. He is the one who bullied you! He got what was coming to him!" I looked back to Michelle's disapproving gaze so to say 'SEE! Even you sister agrees with me!'


She kept the gaze. "As I was about to say, your punishment is a one week suspension." I widened my eyes. That means one week of playing! But also homework, BUT PLAYING FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK! Nice.

Sighing, I got up to leave, and Lucy also followed me. "Wait." Michelle's voice came from behind me. I turned round. "Don't repeat that incident again." I nodded.

"I understand."

Lucy and I left and although we were out of the room, I could still feel Michelle's gaze boring into me.

Once we reached our classroom, Hajime greeted us. "Well, that happens to those who decide to try and bully John." He smirked. I looked away irritated. "Now, now. Don't tease John. Or he might not help you next time." Lucy retaliated for me. "I am not so defenseless like last time." He snorted. "I have combat experience."

"Endless online doesn't count."

"Then I have no combat experience." He looked embarrassed and we all laughed.

"Oh yeah. Lucy, I am near Magnolia and will probably reach you soon. Mind telling me your name and where we will meet?"

She pondered for a second. "I won't tell you my name, but I want to meet near the city gates at dusk. Is that okay?"

I sighed. Why won't she tell me her name?!

"Fine. Anyway. Let's form a party once we meet. By the way, Hajime. Where are you?"

He looked flustered. "Well, I, erm, I am in a place called Tokyo. Yeah, I know it's Japan's capital but is is a hell of a lot of differences. For one, there are man-eating monsters roaming the streets ant night. Some of the more powerful ones are active during the day. A lot of players have died to them."

"So what are the monsters called." I was excited. It would be really interesting fighting these 'monsters.'


Hajime thought for a second before answering. "I believe they are called Ghouls."

Lucy then interjected. "So what is your game name?" Hajime was about tap the side of his nose, signaling that I was his secret, but then he saw Lucy's intense stare and gave. "My name is Kaneki. I am a level 40 Brawler, Librarian and I am just about to get my third job."

"So what are you hoping to get as a third job? Besides, why did you get Librarian as a second job?" I asked. Hajime pondered. "I wan to be a CCG recruit. As for why I got a Librarian, it was because it was either healer or Librarian. I wanted the rarer job sooo, yeah." I raised an eyebrow. "Any advantages?" Hajime shrugged. "Not that I know of currently but I will find out soon."

Lucy narrowed her eyes. "What the hell is a CCQ recruit how do I get it?"

"Oh, it is a job unique to Tokyo. It is a class that allows you to officially kill ghouls and receive rewards for it, instead of just dying." He smiled.

Our teacher walked in and we had to separate. Sighing, I left.

I logged back on and was greeted with a sword in my mouth. I widened my eyes. "Waah the hel are you doing!?!" I spluttered. Mitsuki, who was holding the sword, shrugged. "It was the only way to wake you up."

"But A SWORD!?!"

"We tried a stick, a water canteen and finally a sword."

Don't they know I won't wake up no matter what if I am not logged on?

"You know what? Fine. Just don't do that again." I sighed. "Lets go to Magnolia."

Dylan started walking and the siblings went in the middle. I followed and soon we see the city gates.

"Woah." Mitsuki breaths. I have to agree with her; the massive city gates look awesome, even from 100 meters away. They were made out of stone, but it was their size that was impressive. The black gates gave the city slightly creepy look, but they complemented the defence and size of the walls.

As we were walking up, the was a massive bang and part of the wall was smashed through; we could see the city that was on the other side!

"What kind of power is needed for that?" Yu cried out.

We ran the rest of the distance to the gate and we saw the outline of what caused the commotion.

As the dust cleared, a lone figure emerged. We stood in shock, as the perpetrator stood in front of us.

It was a girl. She had long, purple hair that was tied up using a purple bow into a ponytail and her eyes matched her hair colour. She wore a battle dress that looked as though someone replaced silk with armour on a ball gown, yet she looked as though she lived her entire life in it. The battle maiden wielded a broadsword her own height yet handled it with ease.

"Beautiful." Were the only words I could mutter as she emerged.

She noticed out party and looked at us with more hostility at us. She pointed her broad sword at me. Her voice sounded but what she said shocked me.

"I see. So it's true. You came here to kill me"

Hello it's me, Tealover. Can you guess who this is? And what is her name? Correct answer gets an imaginary cookie. ?

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