《I'm going to do it! I'm going to reincarnate into a fantasy world and live a great life!》I did it! I Reincarnated! 8


I’m floating.

Just another cloud in the sky

Just another mass of gas.

I’m just the same cloud you can find anywhere.

Still since I’m a cloud I have some sense of individuality.

Since I’m gas, I can take any form.

Look I’m a dog.

Now I’m a cat.

Now I’m a giant toe nail.

Oh hey I’m a big turd now.

But all good things come to an end.

I turn dark.

I turn heavy.

Then I start raining.

Ahh I’m shrinking.

I’m turning from cloud into rain.

I’m dying, I’m sacred, I don’t want to go like this.

I don’t know how long it’s been.

But I’m water now.

I’m no longer a cloud.

I’ve become water.

Is that right?

I’ve become part of the sea.

One giant mass of water.

If I had anything to comment on it’d be that my reach is really far now.

Some 2 miles, 3 miles away a bird drop into the sea to swoop up a fish.

I’m water now, or I’m the sea now.

Wasn’t I a cloud just a moment ago?

Wouldn’t that mean I used to be a part of the sky?

What separates the sky from cloud, aren't they both just gas?

Then shouldn’t I be separate from the sea as well.

I got it, there just isn’t a word to describe how awesome I am!

I’m Gifragt!

I live in the sea, you may not see me, but see I am me, the one and only wafat!

But had I rained in a different area, had my time as a cloud been elsewhere.

I could have been puddle, or pond, or lake, drink, or mixture, or food, or mizu, or agua, or nước, or воды, but I ended up in the sea.

In a way even if I had become any of those things, wouldn’t I have ended up back in the sea on way or another?


By water routes, or animal, or I could have become a cloud again eventually rained back into the sea.

Isn’t this my final destination either way?

Maybe I’ve already lost my identity, even though I remember being a cloud, I could have just been ice that melted into the sea, and mixed in with the rain water.

I hate this.

Why do I have to be anything.

Why can’t I just be cloud, or water or ice.

I don’t want to change.

I just want to be me.

Why do I have to become anything.

I can see it.

I will evaporate and become a cloud right when I’m happy with being water.

I will turn into ice after floating far enough up North, or far enough down South.

I will end up in a lake only to be drunk by an animal, and after it dies eventually the water will go back into to the sea.

These are all possible for me.

But why do I feel like I have no control over where I go?

I pretty sure I’d be happy if I could just choose myself what I want to be.

I just want know for sure where I’ll end up.

I hate being tossed around and turned around like this.

I hate how meaningless I am, I’m water just a tiny part of giant sea.

Why can’t I be the sea!!

Why can’t I be me!

I don’t want to do anything.

I don’t even care anymore.

I wish I could do everything.

I wish I could become anything.

I wish I was I was special.

That was a weird dream.

After waking from that wet dream, I get up and Varvara is staring at me.

“Get ready, they’re taking us to the Adventure Guild today”


She tells me, as she warms up some water for me.

Man, she’s the cutest thing ever.

She always acts cold, but always helps everyone out.

Even if it’s just little things like heating up the water, she does it without anyone asking her to.

I get up and pat her head.

“You slept for a long time.”

“I sure did.”

“I heard you’re strong, that you beat Leo.”

“I sure did~”

Petting her head is the best feeling ever.

“We’re 6 years old now.”

“We sure are~”

“The water’s done”

“Water… ahh that reminds me”


“You can call me Gifragt!”


She’s looking at me all confused now.

Confused Varvara is cute too.

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