《[ Magical Amputee]》Chapter 6- you only have one best friend/ first hell pushup


[size=xx-large]Chapter 6- you only have one best friend/ first hell pushup[/size]

hey everyone i just noticed but guess what we got to 51 followers today i thank you again by doing the ultimate gratitude bow jumps in air lands on forearms starts spinning gratitude bow!i also just noticed that i made a chapter that did not use the "..." but'...' for thoughts and narration ill take it off if you dont like it

I try to catch my breath and right before I speak he says “please don’t hit me I didn't mean to be a half breed.”

‘I wake up in bed again, nut berry in the corner of my room flying around"-thought Rad,’ I wonder what he is doing in my room? - He thought again.

"Right before he could even ask Nut berry interrupts him, " OMG Rad your awake!your awake! Me and Dorian thought you would never wake up again, you hit your head very hard on the steel flooring."- said nut berry.

"well all I remember was loosing all the power in my body after putting on the new suit then darkness, by the way nut where is my suit how did you guys take it off?"- rad questioned

"the thing is we didn't so much take it of it disappeared before we were able to take it off, well Dorian tried to take it off but right before he touched it glowed blue and faded like a swirly line inside your eye."-explained nut berry

"Just to check what he's saying I close my right eye and what appears in front of me is a second suit titled "King Kong Jr” floating right next to the panther lily suit.’

‘after getting out of bed nut berry didn’t say anything else other than for me to take it easy, also that I wanted to know how he was doing with his new limb, he said it works and is more responsive towards his thinking and reactions.’

‘I walk towards the door but not right before I get past the mirror I see something different, my limbs have once again changed a different color but that not what’s weird my shoulder blades and my top portion of my chest also have the same colored engravings like my arm and for some reason they look a bit harder to the touch.’

‘I wonder if this has anything to do with my individual element attributes going up in the next stage, I can see the clear silver and blue lines are getting a bit bigger than the other one elements since I don’t really try to merge myself too much with fire or other metals.’

‘Omg, I look so bad ass with my shirt off also my hair is starting to get long I wonder if I should cut it before it starts to interfere with my black smiting and body training.’


‘Well this can easily be fixed since I’ve been training my body a lot I should be able to make like a short razor out of my wind.’


‘2 hours later I have cut my long flowing hair into what a person would call a tapered spiky fade not to long not short. I found out that I had separate color hair spiked at the crown top of my head it goes in order as blue, silver, red, and brownish black I wonder if this is weird in this world.’

‘I also have been seeing improvements in my calculation abilities I can now work on three different things at once.’


‘Just across the village in the council room the elders of the village are talking about the unprecedented dangers floating close in proximity to their village.’

“Dorian I heard you say that there was a baby wolf king Kong stalking you while searching for water stones” said elder 1.

“Well yes, it happened around the time we were walking away from the village about twenty to thirty later after we left I started to feel the watching eyes of something hundreds of meters away from my position at the time.” Explained Dorian

“As we got closer to the river I could feel its prying eyes getting closer and closer towards us and at the time we left it decided that it was time to make a preemptive strike while we were leaving.” Said Dorian

“The strange thing was that when I faced off against the beast it displayed power it shouldn’t be able to use at that class and age. It looked as though it was just born a year ago but it was displaying power of a normal adult wolf king Kong.”

“So you’re telling us basically we have an abnormal crouching on our living quarters that wasn’t there before, the last time there was a pack of these monsters living close to our proximity in fifteen years they usually inhabit the lower mountain forest.” Elder woman 1

“we might have to start training the kids to combat this threat in the future, we can’t have the, unprepared for the future, so I think it’s a unanimous decision? The kids in the village before the next batch goes to academy in a few years we need them to be strong enough to protect themselves from a threat of this size.” said elder



At that same time someone was walking around looking for his master.

‘Man where the hell is Dorian I thought he was in the forge but it turned out to be he was not there working on anything, he is not even in the house.’

‘I wonder where he went, you would think your caretaker would be in the house in case you woke up but no he’s out somewhere well whatever he should still be close ill just wait till he comes back but before that lets take a stroll around this big village.’


‘I might meet some new people today, and right as I say that i turn the corner to see some small like kids beating on a bigger but still small child I wonder why they are ganging up on him, I thought this place was fairly peaceful other than the monsters lurking around.’

‘Maybe I should help him and right before I could say anything a lady shouts from behind me stop what you’re doing before I tell all your parents what yall are doing!’

‘Well that kind of saves me the trouble I don’t think these kids would have taken me serious if I was to help since im only a foot taller than them.’

‘I walk up to the kid who was getting bullied after seeing the other kids clear out from the threat from earlier.

‘I Start to introduce myself but something unpredictable happens right after saying “hi my name is Rad” the kid just gets up and runs away super fast it takes me a sec to register what just happens and I say wait as I try to run after him.’

Im right behind him when he gives another burst of speed and he’s almost out of site, but not before I channel the wind on my feet something weird happens my feet turn into tiny circles of air and I start gliding two inches of the ground super-fast and I try to tackle him when I got close enough he tries to dodge but I grap his shoulders to revent him from taking a sudden turn.

Right as I grab him we both come to a stop by rolling on the ground.

I try to catch my breath and right before I speak he says “please don’t hit me I didn’t mean to be a half breed.”

I reply back with a huh” I wasn’t going to hit you I just wanted to know why you ran away when I tried to introduce myself and also I wanted to make my first real friend since you looked like you needed one.”

I try to catch my breath and right before I speak he says “please don’t hit me I didn't mean to be a half breed.”

He just nodded his head and said” my name is Vlad im a half human/half dwarf in this village and many others dwarfs feel as though If they breed with other species it was a sign of lesser status and so they bully me a lot for not being like them I hate it sometimes I wish I could have been born normal. Why couldn’t I be born normal im just like everyone else I grow up normal, I eat regular food, I play the same as any other kid I just want to be normal”

“Whoa, there chill Vlad you see, like you were going to blow at any moment, its ok if you feel lonely I used to feel lonely and wonder why I was not normal either but back then I had people who played with me regardless of what I was so how about as of today we become friends.”

{[It was at this time he didn’t know but this will be his right hand and friend for the rest of his life, also Vlad doesn’t know but he’s going to be one of the strongest people in the world but not yet.]}


It’s been a couple of days while Rad is still a bit tired from expending himself from the new suit and running after Vlad, these two guys have been hanging out ever since and it was right at the same time Dorian noticed this and came up with an idea since he has to start training the kids to protect themselves.

“Rad and his new friend come over here!” said Dorian

“Yes’ said rad, “sir yes sir” said Vlad

“today and until you guys go off on your adventures I have been assigned to train two kids in the village enough to protect themselves from most monsters in the surrounding and further out regions.”

“welcome to hell and the first thing I want you to be able to do Is do 10,000 pushups in one day five times a week till your training is over, now start!


Two hours later I time out after thirty two pushups dang this is very hard, vlad times out after a hundred maybe hes use to it?

Author notes: well hello everyone just a bit tired and sleepy, tooth still aching a bit but guess what im starting to manage better after taking these pain pills of death. You guys are probably wondering why the character has not learned Anything from using his elemental skin reason is if he learns something it just means its his elemental skin not a separate skill. So if he uses the lesser gale to hover he can only hover because he can manipulate the air under his feet but its not like he can fly.

Im not going to just put a stupid skill up like everyone else and put the skill fly, then explain why flying is a separate skill from his elemental skin, a lot of people think things like that are separate when there not.

Also reasons why his skin is not as hard as you think to protect him from his sudden falls of death, just common sense it’s only around his limbs not his body or head.

Also yall don’t know it yet but I put an Easter egg inside one of my characters in the chapters have fun figuring it out. Hahahhahah comment away!

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