《[ Magical Amputee]》Chapter 4- fix up/ and new inventions


Chapter 4:

“As I quickly get up from my position I hurry over to the spot where the parent squirrel just dive bombed into.” What I see is a flying squirrel with lots of blood coming off its missing leg. I don’t know if I think it will survive if I try to save it so I pick it up with a towel Dorian gave me and rushed off towards the little one before it could even try to run away I hurried and snatched him from his position.

“as Dorian sees what im doing, he tells me lets rush too my house I have a my first aid box at home we aren’t that far.” we are running at the fastest pace possible I am struggling to rush at the same speed as Dorian, this is actually my first time running with armor on so I haven’t really got used to running with it.”

So I ask Dorian if he could rush the rest of the way, I know im only keeping up because hes letting me and before I could even hand the wounded parent squirrel over, something really incredible happens.”

[Dorian]” young in I think it’s time for me to show you one of my secret skills, I call it “morphing strength” I know dwarfs aren’t as fast as other intelligent species but I’ll show you that they are wrong about us.

After he said Morphing strength he gained three feet of height In a second then his entire lower body bulged until even his veins looked like they had veins constricting themselves then he gripped me by my waist with one hand and in a instant we were in front of the damn house.

“ I could not comprehend how fast that was but what I did know was that I needed to hold on to the two squirrels as to not lose them.

After arriving in front the house we hurried up and ran in to the house right after Dorian Morphed down to his regular size.

“As soon as we get inside the living room I set the injured parent squirrel on the table and wait for Dorian to get the first aid box..”

The parent squirrel tried talking to me again through telepathy, it felt very weird to hear another voice other than yours when you’re just thinking.

It kept asking me if I got his son to safety, and I told him that I brought him with me he currently laying down on the sofa over there.

After I said that Darion walks in and preps what we are going to do, he pulls out a glass like object and inspects the wound, he tells me that the bottom left limb was cut off so cleanly that he would need to sutures the blood vessels close and stitch the skin close that was cut off and attach it back on, and before I could think anymore I completely forgot to pick up the freshly cut limb.


After thinking for a few minutes Dorian gets closer and closer to finishing the operation and right before he closes it I tell him to stop and that I have a sudden idea since I don’t want the poor guy to be flying around unbalanced I said I’ll give him a pseudo arm like mine, if I can do it right like mine.

He won’t have as much trouble as he would without it, so I began my first experiment on sentient life, I touch the squirrels little stub and I transfer a bit of my ability on it.

It takes a while after a few mishaps and I can see the stub slowly turning into little squirrel paw. Then I tried another thing so he wouldn’t be so sensitive pain so I tried to tap into his monster core and bring out his specific attribute.

“When I did do it something weird happened once I touched his monster core with my configuration ability, a screen popped up in front of me.

[Elemental Skin Upgrade]: “would you like to upgrade your elemental skin, you have come into contact with the next level for your gentle breeze attribute, “lesser gale”.

As I read through the content of the message I obviously clicked yes to it.

After learning this secret I wonder if this is the clue I need to upgrade elemental skins affinities. Then while I was happily exited on my discovery, Dorian and the parent squirrel was just looking at me with the face that would say what are you happy about.

I quickly turned my face out of their glancing range.

“ I had told each of them how after I fixed the nut berries leg I had gained an upgrade to one of my affinities after I had touched berries monster core. My skill went from gentle breeze to lesser gale. Also yes his name is Nut berry.”

[Dorians]” eyes suddenly went wide after he had heard what I had said. This was his first time ever hearing that after connecting your mana to a monster core would you be able to upgrade an affinity based on its compatibility.

After we talked for a while I had offered berry and his son to stay here if they wanted, of course with Dorians Permission.


Later that day I had to tinker a bit with my new weapon I had added on a new feature an air compressor that when I run out of disk I can shoot it off even without it but with lesser force.

[Mini Divider model (1)]:

• A weapon capable of severing anything in its path if given enough spin and power.


• You can add elements to increase spin or destructive power.

• Lesser gale divider-shot of quick slices of air when thin glass disk run out.

• Lesser gale blowback- able to blow back or stun anything under two hundred pounds.

I also built into an attachment that with the combination of the compressor and my lesser gale winds I could blow back someone who is trying to get close with a large burst of air.

It’s a feature I put in since I have not had any close combat training, yet.

Today after our close miss call with reckless killing i have learned a valuable lesson and the main one is some of my ideas are very strong in nature, but if I don’t regulate their power they can cause reckless damage.

Let’s fast forward a week.

I have currently been given a regiment to build my body up a bit more since hunting other monsters would be too much for me.

“so I will demonstrate my current regiment, first I run around the village for about an hour, but hat didn’t turn out so good. My first day I did not know how lazy I was till I made my first lap around my legs felt like pudding after I made it to Dorians house.”

“But I didn’t let that stop me so I went around a few times until I hit number four and I ended up laying in my bed for a week.”

I could feel the lactic acid build up around my butt cheeks and my whole chest area. I don’t think I can move for a while.

I reminisce about a certain anime of when you beaten down enough your body will get stronger based on how strong you pushed it.

After remembering it I now know how wrong that lie was, well I was younger back then and I thought if you casted a spell on your jello it would turn into a slime monster, but that never happened but I didn’t let that stop my abundant creativity.


It’s been three months since I first started my body strength training, and today was the day that Dorian will teach me how to make a special ring.

I think he called it a portable inventory it will help me carry all of my equipment and partial suits if need be but the trick part is that you have to be able to hold up to the weight all it does is condense items into a denser form to be carried easier.

It was a technology built to help merchants and mercenaries carry their supplies when needed.

It took a few tries since I haven’t worked with this metal before they call it, “voided metal” it metal that when you craft it you have to be able to craft it your specific strength so you can carry it.

[Before people start wondering how a merchant holds all those supplies it’s that they are incredibly buff to become one you have to be able to lift 1000 pounds while calm.]

Since I didn’t want to deal with crafting it to my specific strength I changed up.

My technique in configuration has been getting stronger and I am able to mold most common metal to my biding. I uttered configuration and the metal floated towards me and instead of going to my hand it floated towards my head and right before I tried to stop it it floated into my right eye.

I didn’t become blind from this but the pain of it slowly entering my eye it hurt like hell I fell down in agony as I rolled across the floor holding my eye from the pain I kept rolling until suddenly the pain went away and something weird happened my whole right sight vanished. Then my partial armor suit floated up to me and once it latched on to m limbs It begun to actually fade into my skin and right as I was wondering what happened a grey box appeared in my line of sight.

Inside it was my armor in a more tiny form and it says “panther lily” and after I said that it appeared back on my body.

I thought that’s very convenient if only this darkness disappeared I could enjoy this.

Then what do you know it disappeared.

Author’s notes anybody want to make up a name for this new eye inventory thingy it would be appreciated. Also comment and rate if you would like I just love putting out ideas on paper and you guys are to judge what makes it good. Also do you guys like the ideas I know I introduce a lot of inventions do you like it. also im still pretty new so please disregard my bad writing habits, i am an aspiring engineer so my english essays were not always well im more of a science tech guy

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