《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Oneshot special - conclusion


Choices :

-don't look


I shouldn't look at it…

Oneechan might have her own secret that she doesn't want anybody knows. it shouldn't be right for me to pry like this.

Returning the book to the shelves, i return to cleaning her room.



I stopped cleaning when i heard a loud noise.

Looking at the source of the noise, I hurriedly running out from the room.

There, i saw…


She was fainted in the kitchen.

My heart almost stopped.

Rushing to her, i was panicked.

"Oneechan!? Oneechan? Please, wake up..."



I don't want this…

I dont want her gone to somewhere else

Please, god, anybody…

Don't take my oneechan away!


Oneechan is slowly opening her eyes.

"Huh? Imouto? W,why am i in your lap?? Is this heaven? Did i die and ascend to the sky? Huh? But i don't remember i was doing anything good to earn me the right into the heaven? Ah, i see! This must be a dream, sorry imouto in dream! But i have to return to reality because my actual imouto is waiting for me! So, farewell!"

It seems like oneechan thought this was a dream and trying to return to reality by sleeping again.

Thank god…

So she was okay…

"Huh,i..imouto? Why are you crying? Eh? Is this my fault for saying i want to return already? I, i'm sorry imouto in dream! That's right, imouto in dream or not, you're still imouto! How can i think of leaving you like this!? Right, since this was a dream that means i can just do whatever i wanted right? Imoutoo, let me hug youuu…heehehe.. then perhaps..."



Oneechan is surprised that i was suddenly yelling.

Even i don't know why i am suddenly yelling like this.


"Uhm? Um? Imouto san? Imouto sama? Please, calm down?"

She looked worried and confused at my reaction.

But, i can't forgive her.

I was really angry this time.


"Y,yes imouto sama? This idiotic oneechan didnt understand anything, but its probably, no, its definetely all her fault. S..so, um.. i'm sorry"

"Why aren't you sleeping?"

"Um, thats, i thought i shouldn't have troubled you too much. So i tried to preparing my own food at least, but i got dizzy so the dish was fallen. I'm sorry, i end up putting more work.."


I wipe my tears with my sleeves.

Oneechan seems like she was trying to stop my tears, but since i was glaring at her she stopped trying.

Oneechan, you don't understand anything at all…

"Am i… that unreliable?"


"I was not a kid anymore oneechan. I can do housework, working on my homework, and taking care of you..."

I look straight at her face.

"Oneechan. I knew you didn't return home more often lately. it was, because of me right?"


Seems like it hit the bullseye, so she avoids eye contact.

"I..imouto? Where did you know about it? Don't tell me, a suspicious four eyes glasses wearing pervert is blabbering his foul curse chant while eyeing on your virginity..."

I shake my head, denying it.

"No.. but i already had my suspicions already"

So i tell her.

"It's not the first time this happened right? You made the same face like before.."

"Same face?"

"You know, when you decided that we live independently from mother and father is missing…"

"Eh? Do i?"

I made a small smile.


Oneechan is just like the usual.

"I'm sorry, oneechan.."


"For being selfish"

I hold her hands.

Oneechan looks flustered and happy for some reason. Her face is red like a lobster.

"Hawaha, imouto chan? Could it be, its okay now? Do i finally get a green light? Yosh, a woman only had one chance in her lifetime! Some wise person in the past was saying, why did you come? Because she was there! Imouto! Let's get married right no..…"

"You're working had, didnt you oneechan"

? Oneechan seems to be trying to hug into an empty air, but she was always weird so i didnt think too much about it.

"Your hand is getting rough… I remember it being more smooth before"

"Guh!? I,imouto, even though i was like this, I am still a woman, so getting told that my skin is rough is kinda hurts"

"Also you sleep late often, you worried often about the lack of exercise lately so your fat is gathering in the below instead in the above, and your breath and way of talking is starting to remind me of our father…"

"I,imouto.. please, please, stop? Oneechan hp is already at minus ground zero, anymore, then…"

"You were like a second father, so I wasn't lonely at all"


(Imouto is saying that without any malice or evil intention which hurts her more)


Oneechan looks burned out, and it might be just my imagination but I saw something that looks like a smokes coming out from her.

"Its over.. my life is over.. in the next life, let me being reborn as a sea slug.. i was the lowest lifeform, being that even lower than a trash"

She probably think of stupid things again, but thats what i like from oneechan.


I called her once more, but she was still mumbling to herself.

She was always by my side, even though i was just a good for nothing and can only relying on her.

Oneechan had already sacrificed so much for me, and I can't even do anything to her.

I don't want to be her burden, and more than anything, i want to make my oneechan happy.

Word was probably not enough to convey my grateful feelings, so…

"I love you, oneechan"


In that moment.

Everything seems to be frozen.

A time that feels like an eternity, yet short like a fleeting memories.

All of the samsara and hell had been frozen. All of the life in the world seems to be celebrating by howling together.

The unborn babies is making a fuss inside their mother stomach, the earth rotation seems to have been stopped in 0,00000000000001 second.

The words seems to had been resonating all over the corner of the universe, all of the animals are standing up with their two feets.

Unwalked babies , sick people, and handicapped people all seems to dance in joy for a moment.

This kind of miracle that seems to deny imagination and reality had happened in less than 0,00000000000001 second that everybody just thought that it was just a dream.


Only one didn't.

Only one knows that she wasn't dreaming.

And that one person now…


Had stopped all of her life activity and making a face like those who reach the "true enlightenment"

All hail imouto, the messiah of the world! ( for 0,00000000000001 second)


"Please don't make me worry like that oneechan!"

"Tee hee. Imouto angry face is cute too"

"Don't laugh, mou!"


Geez, oneechan is really handful.

For a second there, I thought she had stopped breathing.

So i got panicked, and called an ambulance.

The people in neighbourhood is getting curious, and when the ambulance is coming she was back to normal.

I had to apologize to the ambulance people and our neighbour. It was really embarrassing.

"Well, thankfully nothing happened. Seriously, don't make your little sister worried like that"

Four eyes.. I mean, our glasses neighbour is coming too because of the ambulance siren.

I'm sorry! Oneechan been calling him like that so often that i got brainwashed into calling him that too!

"Heehe, that's right. You shouldn't made my imouto worried four eyes! Just go home already, and don't interrupt our love nest!"

"I'm sorry, it seems like your big sister is still sick. How about i helped her back into her bedroom?"

He said that while clenching his fist. Uhm that's no good, he would definitely hit oneechan if i leave it alone.

Um? Is it just my imagination, but when they seeing each other's eyes some words floating like "i won" "don't get cocky bitch. Want me to fire you?" "Haha, barking like a loser. I know you wont fire me because my imouto will end up homeless if you do" "i can always send you to work as a tuna catcher in some far away south island with an excuse of promotion, try to provoke me again and i will made sure your life will never be the same anymore" "i'm sorry! I guess i got too far!"

That's amazing, they can communicate with each other without opening their mouths.

"Anyway, don't return to work for a while. You're actually more tired than you thought, so just get some rest. i'll have your kouhai to cover your part"

After saying that and confirming that both of us are fine he returns to his house while saying to contact him if something else happened. And he specify a lot just me, not oneechan.

Um, that was a bit creepy.

"Hah, and don't ever come back! Imouto! Sprinkle some salt!"

"Oneechan, you're being childish.."

Seems like oneechan is being energetic, but its getting late so she should just be sleeping soon instead of fighting with our neighbor.

That's right, now that i think about it...

"Oneechan, what is that you're working busily lately?"


She made a face like she didn't want to talk about it.

After some thinking and making an anguished face, it seems like she was finally decided to confess.

"I was.. trying to buy a house"


"Well, this was still our parent's house right? And considering the situation, i think it was better to sold it. But because we were here it would made it harder for them to. So i think it was better for us to have our own lovenest, er, no, its fine for them to stay to..gether too"

She seems to make an annoyed face when saying together.

"A big project is coming out soon, once it was done i would probably had enough money to buy a house. but we severely lack of personnel so i cover a few people's worth of work"

"And how many people worth of work is it that makes you so busy?"

"Urgh? Do i have to say it?"

"Don't hide anything from me anymore, oneechan.."

"Umm.. about.. nine, no, ten people worth of work?"

"Ten!? What are you thinking oneechan!?"

I yelled at oneechan.

"Uh, i knew. Its bad. That four eyes tries to stopped me too. But i just can't wait anymore. I want to finish it as soon as possible."

"Oneechan... so, getting drunk was just a part of your work?"

"Huh? No, i got carried away and drink too much because it was more delicious than i thought…"


Imouto makes a scary face like a hannya mask is showing behind her

"I..imouto sama? Your face is scaring me? Why do i feel like i know the feelings of a frog being eaten alive?"

"No more drinking, okay?"

"Uhm.. just, once in a month?"


"Yes, ma'am.."


"Is that all?"

I asked oneechan if there's anything more that she didn't say to me.

"Umm that's.."

"There's more isn't it?"

"Ugh! O..okay, wait a minute then"

Oneechan seems to return to her room for a while.

After ten minutes.


"A teddy bear?"

"Happy birthday, imouto. Sorry it wasn't much, but i got it from my advanced paycheck"

She hand it over to me.

I giggled when receiving the bear.

"Oneechan, my birthday is three months away you know. How many gift were you preparing aside of this one?"

"Uh? How did you know..?"

"You do the same thing last year"

"Umm, did i?"

"And the year before too…"

"I guess, i forgotten, ha.. ahaha.."

While hugging the bear, i smiled to oneechan

"Thank you oneechan. I am glad you're my oneechan after all"

"Y..you're welcome. Thanks for being born, imouto"

? Oneechan didn't react much like usual, but i was preoccupied with the bear so i didnt think about it too much.

While looking at her sister, oneechan is hiding something on her back.

(I didn't get found out, didnt i?)

In there, she was hiding a flyer for a marriage ring


-Five years later

After that, oneechan work is going smoothly despite some minor problems.

We sold the old house, but mother refuse to accept it all saying it was our right to use the money.

We come into decision to just split it three for the living cost, so that oneechan and mother didn't have to work as hard as before.

Oh, and we had found father whereabouts.

He actually didnt give up and running away like we thought and having a job in south arctic.

He said his work is confidential so he cant tell anybody about his work.

Um, what kind of work that he cannot tell anybody? But he seems to be fine about it so we don't ask any further.

It might take some time and effort, but I feel like we four can be together again someday.

I have grown up safely into the high school.

I have decided to become a doll maker in the future.

Seeing the dolls that oneechan give to me, i realized i want to make my own someday.

Today, i was going to work hard too for my own dream.

Oneechan? She was fine. A bit too fine in fact…

Today too, she was…

"Will you marry me, my cute kawaii imouto that is more adorable than cuteness in the world manifested into a living being? No, even the word cute is cannot describe it. How do i put it? Ahh, venus! Yep, you're my venus! Ahh i see. This feeling in my heart is true all along. I LOVE YOU IMOUTOOOOO!!!"

"...Oneechan, have you considered becoming a teacher in the drama club?"

Since this happened a few times already i am not surprised.

Once the school is over, oneechan is waiting for me in front of the school gates.

Today she was wearing a black suit and sunglasses like a bodyguard. Not long ago she was wearing a tuxedo.

Well that was still tolerable, last month she even goes as far to hire a white horse and kidnapped me in the middle of the lesson.

I can hear people whispering "the imouto eater is here again" "how scary, the imouto eater" "the imouto eater never gives up huh? Why didn't they just get married already?"

It was embarrassing, but i already given up trying to stop oneechan...


After she didn't have to work hard anymore, oneechan seems to have focused all of her energy to me instead.

She quits her previous job, and having too much free time in her hands.

Basically, she become a troublesome neet.

If she was just staying at home it might be less troublesome, but she was stalking me everyday saying she didn't want to miss my growth anymore.

Um, we already live together since basically forever, must she follow me in my school too?

"Oneechan, please stop fooling around and get some new job already…"

"I dont want to! I didnt have enough imoutolinium for ten years already! I wont miss it for even a second anymore, haah.. haah.. imouto breath when she walks, imouto air when she sits, imouto…."

Uhm oneechan didn't listen as usual, so i ignore her and just going home on my own.

Today is another peaceful day as usual


In the new house, i was cleaning the storage room

"Geez, oneechan is not cleaning up as usual"

Some of the items from our old house is here, so i rearrange them.

"At this rate, i kinda worries about her future. Hmm?"

Amongst them are strange looking book with chain.

"What is this? Did oneechan order something weird again?"

I opened it easily, but the ten year old me probably would have a hard time opening it since it was pretty tight.

Slowly opening the pages, i read the content.

After some time passes…

"Whoosh! I came in by the wind and gone by wind! Imoutooo, i knew you're here by the smell! Sniff sniff, ah, i found youu. Seriously, when i opened my eyes you were already gone! To think you can go home by yourself in no time at all that i didn't realize! You must be waiting in home to surprise me!, nuh nuh don't cry in loneliness my dearest imouto, i understand your feeling! you can hug your oneechan here. Come cry to my breast"


"Yes, my dear kawaii imouto that i loved enough to destroy the the world and kill any humans that dare to oppose our love?"

Suddenly, imouto shows the diary (death flag) in front of her.

"Do you know what is this?"

After seeing it, oneechan froze.

Her smile looks like it was fixed by glue, and she turned into a statue.

While looking away, oneechan turns her head around and saying.

"Uh uhm, it looks like its going to rain soon. Shouldn't you pull the laundry soon, imouto?"

While saying that, imouto bring out the vibrator with little girl panties on both hand.

"Mind explaining yourself, oneechan?"

I didnt smile and look at her with cold eyes.

Oneechan is not changing her smile, but a huge amount of sweat is pouring like a waterfall from her face.

"Ahh! That's right! I forgot that i got interviewed for a job today! Oh look, its already getting late. I should go now right?"



I didn't reply, and she didn't speak anything else either.


"I AM SORRY~!!!"

She prostate herself into the ground.


"I told you to not hide anything anymore, right oneechan?"

"Uh um.. this might sound like an excuse, but i didnt mean to hide it at all… more like, I had forgotten about it.. you know, like when you wet your panties at elementary school and trying so hard to forget it as a buried dark past that shouldn't touch the light of the days...


"Basically, i forget about it! Sorry!"

Oneechan prostrating herself again this time.

Geez, oneechan…

Shouldn't you hear what i should say first?

I am not angry you know? Besides.

"Oneechan, you're sick"


She made a face like being stabbed with a knife.

"Not to mention you're a weirdo"

"Guh!? Uh uh…"

"I thought that's normal, and everybody just have their own preferences. but once i grew up and comparing it to other people now i knew it wasn't normal at all.. basically.."

"You're a pervert that loves her own little sister. And a hopeless one at that, oneechan."


Oneechan looks like she was the heroine in fighting game that received the finishing blow that ends the game.

She collapsed, and her eyes is only showing white while convulsing.


If i read the diary as ten years old, perhaps i would be too shocked to even face her.

But now that i have gotten used with her usual act, i had got used of it.

Or more like, i got desensitized? Huh? Am i getting weird too then?

I am not really angry, but i want to give her a lesson sometimes.

While smiling, i was lowering my head into ground to meet her face.

"But oneechan, at the same time…"

You're the best oneechan in the world.

The one i love the most.

I grab her cheek, and put my lips to hers.


Oneechan looked surprised.

Well, either do i.

It's strange, i thought i never think of oneechan that way.

But now i know.

Rather than lost oneechan somewhere else, i rather keep her beside me.

That way, she wont go into anywhere else.

It might take time to feel the same way to oneechan like she does to me, but I don't regret it.

I already cannot live without oneechan anymore and I don't want her to gone somewhere else far away either.

I don't know if this feeling is mutual, but reading her diary now i knew we both feel the same way.

From now on, we wont ever be separated. I dont want to.

We will be together forever, oneechan.


….at least, it should be a happy ending just like that.

Unfortunately, i should have know.

That my oneechan, is a hopeless pervert.


Oneechan suddenly standing up and kissing me.

Because i was surprised, we had fallen into the ground together.

"Wait, oneechan?"

I look at her,

Her eyes look like in frenzy, and she was like a beast.

"Haah.. haaah.. imoutoo.. IMOUTOOOO!"

"Wait, oneechan! Not so sudden! Ah, you're ripping my clothes off! What are you, a beast in heat?"

"Imoutoo! I love youu! *pant pant* uhmm imouto smell, imouto sweat, i can't hold back anymore! Ehehe, itadakimasu…"


I hit her head as hard as i can


I guess, we still got a long way to go to officially becoming lovers.

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