《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 138


-Back to beggining again-


I screamed.

The amount of magic power that I unconsciously released made the surrounding people is getting tense.

But i have no time to think about them, nor did i care...


When did this happened?

Is it from back then?

I thought it's weird that slime is escaping so quickly.

So when it catch me, it slipped a worm inside my head.

After appraise the worm corpse, i know that its name is spy worm.

It can examine their victim information, be it their memories, personality, and knowledge. And sending back the information to their owner.

That means...

That thing!

Just how much did he manage to know!?

How much did he poke inside my head!!?

Considering it wasnt so long since then, it’s probably not everything.

But there's no doubt he know a lot about me now!

If he had a method to expose my memories or showing it to everyone, i would be in a serious trouble.

At the worst case,

I might have to cancel even my final plan.



I was angry beyond reason now.


The surrounding girls probably sense my bad mood, since i leaked out my magical power like crazy now.

On their point of view, i might looked like a monster now.

I can’t stop it from leaking, neither do i want to stop it.

At that moment…


A fireball is shoot at me.


It was the old woman.

“M.. meia sama?”

Someone is surprised that she shoot without any warning.

Starting to speak, the old woman is looking at me

“I don’t know what just happened and why, but it’s clear that you’re too dangerous of a person. For our country sake, Leave! And don’t ever coming back again! Otherwise, we have to use force to get you out from here!”

It looks like this old woman had made her decision.


I was unprepared, so that shot wounded me a bit more than I expected. Adding to my mind like this, my defensive skill is not active either.


The old woman is calling for something, and in no time at all i was surrounded by monsters.

“This is the base of our forest, and many of our tamed monster had made this their home. Don’t think you can kill us so easily if you decide to fight, devil!”

They’re totally preparing for a battle now.

But it was a wrong move.

I was beyond pissed right now, so when the old woman is provoking me.


I prepare to counterattack by gathering my magical energy to shoot photon cannon!

I might be wounded, but i still have enough strength to kill them.


With that word, they all be preparing to battle me at last man standing.

A massacre is probably unavoidable now, and i had given up on peaceful method.

Aargh, that’s it..!

I’ll just hang this old woman corpse and start threating them that this will happen if they didn't join the war.

If they still didnt want to, i will just hang the weakest looking first, then next eldest looking one.

Screw the plan, screw the festival.

If they’re considering me the enemy right now, that's fine.

If the beastman in a trouble because i had gone mad then that's fine. Whatever!

I guess i really blew it this time, but it was already too late.


I have been considered as enemy now, it's already impossible to explain it to them..

Neither do i want to.


I start to speak my mind loudly.

“..disappear, disappear, disappear! ALL OF IT, ALL OF THEM, JUST BE GONE OF MY SIGHT!”

Throwing a tantrum that even surprised me, i threw out a cries like a spoiled child.

But, before any of us started.


Someone is approaching here.


“I finally found you guys! Where are you guys gone to? I can’t find anyone in our usual meeting place.. eh…?”

Making a dumbfounded face, the girl that saw us prepared for battle is getting surprised.

“W..what happened? Why it’s so messed up here? And, why are you all making such a scary face? ...ah?”

The brown haired girl is looking at me and seems to realize something when looking at my face.

“Kaitou.. sama?”

Looking dumbfounded, she was muttering the fake name that i thought i would never hear anymore.


-Inside the meeting hall-




Me, the old woman, the brown haired girl, and the surrounding amazon is gathering here.

Neither of us is speaking to each other, and the atmosphere is so tense.

Me and the old woman is looking so serious that either of us seems like we can jump and start to attack each other now.

The rest are pretty tense because of us, and the brown haired girl looks troubled.

Since it seems like it won’t continue l anywhere at this rate, the old woman is starting to question the brown haired girl.

“So Nora, what happened?”

“Ah, right! What should we do, Meia sama? Mai and the other are...guufu.. *sniff*”

“Now now, if you didn’t start to explain we won’t understand. Calm down a little, alright?”

Patting her like a granny do to their grandchildren, she was making a soft expression.

“Guu.. i am sowry.. actually..”

Then i heard the story behind their country before they got splitted, and the gist of the current situation.

Apparently, the people in this country is splitted into two faction after a certain incident.

The one who support the mutual love of girls, and the one who support the mutual love of boys. Basically yuri and yaoi.

Despite the yuri faction is the oldest and original teaching, the newly growing yaoi faction is starting to spread at considerable rate and already grown into the biggest faction here.

Neither side is trying to give up on their ideologies with each other, and mutual understanding is probably already impossible.

Huh? I am in the other world right? Didn’t i ever seen this happening in my original world?

Oh well, whatever. Not like i has anything to do with it... right? It has nothing to do with me, lalalaa.. *closing the ear and shutting the mind*

Anyway, since the war have came, they think it was supposed to be the time to put out together their differences and start to join together in order to save the world.

Them, the yuri faction had send their representative, which is why the security is rather lacking when i came here.

At first, the negotiation is going smoothly. Since even they know it wasn't the time to fight for their taste when the world is in danger.

But, this Mai girl from yuri faction start to make a unnecessary retort when the leader of yaoi faction is bragging about their ideologies.

Thanks to that, the negotiation broke down and they end up capturing the representative of yuri faction.


This Nora girl managed to escape somehow and asking for help after returning.


“I get the situation, but…”

The old woman is making a sad expression.

“Saving them is probably impossible for us”

“W..why, Meia sama?”

Nora is making a disbelief expression.

“As you know, our main fighter is there. If even they're captured, the only one here is second class warrior at best. Besides, they got more number and trained beast than us. If it become a war, it won’t be good for either of us. Well, the world might be destroyed first though”

“No.. no way..”

Getting dispirited, Nora collapsed.

Trying to support her, the old woman speak to her.

“Calm down. They’re probably not going to kill them. They should have realized that nothing good would happened to do something that would invite an all out war of both side. We can only hope that they managed to calmed down eventually and realizing it was just a misunderstanding”

“O.. okay..”

It seems like they decided to just wait until the matter is settled on their own.


Do you really think i actually had that time?

“This is bullshit”

I start to speak.

Everyone is looking at me.

“You think the problem can be settled just by waiting? What? Don't tell me you seriously thought someone would eventually solve this situation just by waiting? And voila, everyone can hold their hand and putting their difference aside?”

Hearing that, the old woman and the others are starting to looked at me with a disbelief expression.

“It must be nice to be naive, huh? Well, that’s to be expected for the bunch that lives secluded inside this forest getting closed off from the rest of the world either. As long as you yourself is unhurt, anything that happened outside is noone of your bussiness. Hah, you know what the saying of people like you in my home country? That's right. A trash of society.this country, your way of life, your home, the people. Everything is called a trash. A garbage that nobody even bothers to pick or care even if it rots in the middle of the road. A bunch of selfish bastard licking each other wound just to make themself feels better”

Hearing that i called them trash, some is getting angry while looking at me.

That's good. If you got angry at me insulting them, that means they still got a pride left.

“How laughable”

I provoke them further.

“So your best warriors is getting caught. You lack weapons, lack morale, lack soldier. So all you can do is wait and see? Then let me ask. What's the use of waiting then? If it was just waiting for trouble to pass, even a monkey can do it. So you guys had given up on thinking, perhaps it's better to call yourself animal... no, cattle? A live inside the farm while waiting for your turn to get slaughtered. Perhaps that's good for you. Yeah, it suited you guys best huh?”

Hearing my words, some of them is start to shout.

“Just.. shut up, you..!”

“What, would an outsider understand anyway?”

“How dare you criticize our way of life and calling us a cattle! Even against a devil, we won't just be downed so easily!”


I merely smirked.


Cannot stand my behavior anymore, one of them is shouting.


“Weren't you guys mistaken in where you pointed your fang against?”


They all getting confused.

“Don’t get me wrong. Isn't your actual enemies, no, the enemies of the world is neither me or the other faction?”


They start to get silently listening.

“Think. Other than the destruction of this world, What do you think if by chance we lost this war against the demons this time?”


“You guys lack imaginations, so i’ll tell then. Until now, the demons and humans-demi humans are not doing a full scale war against each other. So this will be the first time both side will seriously tried to kill each other since their lives is depended by it”

“So, the demons will consider us as threat too seriously. After all nobody wants to die. And even if we managed to survive and by chance managed to run into the new world that the evil god envisioned somehow, do you think our relation with them is repairable at that point?”


“Inside the world where demons and the evil god have a absolute control of, do you think we can win? No, at most we all will all be beaten and live as a slave, or worst, as cattle.”


“You guys will be stripped of your dignity as humans and live as their cattle. Everyday you only live just to be eaten or killed. Being dried of everything that you have, having your babies killed in front of you, without not being able to lift a finger against!”

Well, most of those are just a bullshit i speaked from eroge though... besides, if they win the world is supposed to be destroyed anyway. Not that it would, at least for now.

“They will rape your wife in front of you while laughing, and having a son born from a who knows the father is when you absolutely swear to have a daughter. And that son will be eaten, or worse that son which have a stronger demon blood will take turn in raping you when he was a adult. And when you had a daughter in future, that son will be having fun with your daughter too!”

“Hii.. hiee..”

They looked pale and scared of imaginating how their son will rape them.

Well, neither of them seems to know an actual man that much, so let them imagine what would their son looked like.

Okay this seems to be working. Another push!

“With their great sword “excalibur” that pierce even heavens, the father and son will have fun inside this haven of ra... living hell for woman. Either your womb is getting ravaged fiercely, or you guys will be splitted into two by the holy sword… and their fingers creeping out to your insides like a tentacle and spreading over your butts forcefully...”


Some of them is start to screaming after imagining the scary thing of man things inside their mind. While the others are vomiting while holding their butts.

Okay, time to cook them.



They looked like a mess and cannot seems to think properly.

If i am gonna do it, i’ll do it now.

“Is it fine to let the other faction admiring those scary “man” so much? Although many things happened, isn't they used to be your sisters? A family that is irreplaceable to you?”


“Is it fine to let them inside their delusion of a man actually look like? Being trapped by their poisonous hand?”

I make a pose of tentacle with my hand, while trying to scare them about what is man seems like.

“Isn't now the time to save them from the dirty temptation of vile males? You there!”


I pointed at the girl called Nora that get dumbfounded the whole time i speak.

“Do you remember love?”


“Ah, sorry. *cough* I was mistakenly speak that infamous title from the songstress and the pilot...”


“You had a woman that you love, didn’t you?”


She seems dumbfounded and didn't get what i talked about.

Then, after thinking for a while, she got a bit embarassed and speaking.

“Ah, umm.. thats.. i don't know if it was love or not, but there's someone... that i respected… but, unfortunately she didnt seem to remember about me… and everyone just deciding my relation with my childhood friend which troubled me so much, although we’re not like that at all...”

She seems to taking a glance to me sometimes.

Huh? Is it someone among the people here?

Oh well, i ignore it and continued.

“Then, were you fine if that person married with a man?”

“Huh?” she looks dumbfounded.

“ And as a combo, your childhood friend is being taken by a man too. Not to mention it’s a demon! “

“With their loong loong black tentacle like hand and tongue, the demons are touching and licking their sensitive part of skin, like it was the most delicious treat possible… hmm?”

I thought she was getting horrified, but she looked confused instead.

“Erm.. Kaitou-sama.. do you had that kind of hobby?”


Now i was the one getting confused instead.

“Why asking me? I was explaining about your one side love”

“Ermm. Thats why.. uwweeh, no, no, forget it. Its fine.”


“I’m sorry! My mind is getting complicated right now! Please let me think about it”

She start to mutters like “Eh? But i am technically already married right? Would this considered cheating? Uuu, but didnt i said it myself that i am not sure? But she didn't seems to remember me at all, so i guess it’s fine? Huh!? But i said it was admiration, not love. So what am i get confused for? Uuu abshshddhdhnd…”

Ookay, she speak like a broken record and her expression is dead like a machine that works too much.

I guess i was asking a wrong person. I shouldn't ask someone with a mental defect.

“So, you guys!”

I ignore her and tried to speak to the others.


‘Where did everybody go?”

Nobody to answer my question.

The old woman is the only one other than that Nora girl here. So she answered my question.

“You scare them too much about your explanation about men, so they return to their room and they said they refuse to coming out to the outside world where a creature that dangerous exist somewhere within this world”

Answered that old woman with a tired looking expression.


Why the fuck things never go as i want lately?

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