《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 137


-Explaining a misunderstanding is harder than starting it-

-Inside a dungeon-


“Behave yourself and don’t do anything unnecessary, alright?”

Saying that, the old woman and her guard had left.

While myself, was tied like a dangerous monster inside the cell.

The chain that entangle me is massive enough to hold a creature three times larger than me. And looking it closely there is various spell and hexes that is strong enough to easily chained multiple a rank monster easily.

Well, i might be able to forcefully break it if i want to. But even i would be weakened badly enough if i do that. So i guess it’s better to keep quiet for now.

Though did they need to blindfold and gag my mouth and eyes too?

This situation reminds me of that underground eroge… ah fuck, forget it. It isn't funny if i am the one that gets chained.



Looking back at why i lost my mind back then.

Because of that weird-shaped pudding..slime, bloodlust fill my head and i cannot think normally.

But actually, i tried to visit this country after i heard some interesting things from the guildmaster.

Apparently, a huge considerable amount of bl doujin is smuggled here without permission.

I wondered who smuggled them, but that’s not what interests me here.

Apparently, just from numbers alone this country had a lot of population. Even compared to the three major countries.

Plus, i heard they had a various strange technique here. Which cannot be obtained from another place.

If those guys are joining our war, it would make things more interesting… i mean, its not like i was coming here because of the rumored baby making art with fellow member of the same sex. Yep yep, definitely not that.

Anyway, I didn't know much wherever that info is true or not. And i just found out about this place recently. so i didn't send any “spy” or “angels” here. But they should have seen the “revelation” at least.

But there’s no guarantee that they will join the war, so to make sure i will come to visit them personally.

That, and the “portal” won’t be last forever.

I have gather all of the mana crystal that i can gather with the help of spies to power them up. But at most it can hold out another one or two day since there's a lot of place it need to connect.

Once it was gone, there would be no more reinforcement from various place of the world.

All of the surrounding place that can send army would already send all of them. And those which is too far won’t make it in time.


So if i had to act, it have to be now.

Unfortunately, that shit slime interference is still bugging my mind, although i dont want to think about it anymore.

So when i teleport to the nearest place of that country, my mind is still filled with rage and i tried to kill them instead.

Thankfully, hearing the black cat voice is calming my mind.

Thank you kitty, i will make sure to satisfied you thoroughly!

Ah, i am not going to do anything perverted, really, i got too far in fluffing and indulging the pleasure oc mofumofu feeling recently. So i will try to restrain myself! Honest!

And it was a good experience too. Now i know i have to be more prepared so in case that incident happened again i can be more prepared.

Thanks to that, i start to learn a more advanced healing magic.

There's only about three elixir left, and i entrusted them to Tuvalu.

The coming war is probably going to be gruesome, so i cannot let those guys die before seeing the grand ending of this plan.

I leave it to his discretion on who to use it for, he’s better at making decision about that compared to me anyway.

That, and this would make me takes the next battle seriously without some safety guarantee like elixir or that black hole bomb.

A battle of strength, skill, and magic.. using everything that we had.. and the fate of the loser is “extinction” of their side.


it's gonna be my first serious fight after a while. I got beaten one sidedly by Iskandar so it cannot really be called a serious fight.

Never know putting myself in life or death battle could be so fun!

Ahh.. there’s no saving for me, do i?

I don't wanna get killed, but the tension of kill or getting killed is excite me.

My head understand how to avoid danger, but my mind instinctively tried to getting close with death.

Hey! Don’t compare me with those musclebrain! My hand is still slim, my stomach is not bulging with a.b.s either!

Though right now i was probably strong enough to withstand the impact of the infamous truck-san that murders a lot of isekai heroes. Hmm? Isn't that actually worse than a muscle? It’s your imagination, imagination!


But still, isn't this restraint too much?

I can understand if they’re just putting chain, but should they gag my mouth, tie me up all over with restraining clothes, and tied my eyes too?

I can’t really see well, but my situation is probably like the dangerous mass murder criminal prisoner that i ever see in manga.


Seriously, it’s not like i was some dangerous beast running loose..

Ah, now that i think about it, someone so dangerous that coming suddenly with that much bloodlust, taking hostage, and start to indiscriminately declares that she would destroy their country…

Yep yep, such a dangerous person must be contained huh? I get it now.



I am bored!

Around thirty minutes had passed, but i am bored goddamit!

The fuck should i do? It's not like i can do anything in this state anyway!

If only theres a guard at least, i can just make sexual harassment about them or something, but this place is damn quiet.

The old woman said she was gonna wait until their main force is returned and deciding what to do about me next.

Because it’s my fault anyway, i was being obedient and tried to less their wariness by actually wait for it. Did i actually make them more tense instead? Hmm…

But i am bored! There's no voice or light inside this dungeon! There's not even a guard! Is their country really lack warriors that much? At this rate, i would seems like a mad woman talking to herself!

Oh well, since i had nothing to do for now, i guess i should practice.

Using the magic that i just learned when awaken, i can see the surrounding like looking at the x ray while i myself feels floating like out of body experience.

Thanks to that, i know where to heal that girl and what i should do to recover her condition.

Putting it on opposite, i can control the enemy action like a puppet by directing my magical power. But it takes too much concentration so controlling one is my limit. Not to mention i was defenseless when using it so it’s not fit in war when everything is unpredictable.

So i’ll take the time to look at my surrounding.. hmm.. no sign of life in 100 meters around me, ah, is that a rat? Now i know how the rat insides looks like. Gross…

Looking back, this silhouette.. its me huh?

It looks like Iskandar is doing a good job attaching my arms. It was properly connected, huh? The bones looks kinda different than humans. Perhaps it was even made by orichalcum? Damn, how did he even do that?

Now i gotta check my condition. If i got a disease or wound it would be troublesome...

Hmm nothing is wrong in the bottom, how about above...

Huh? What is that?

Inside a part of my brain...





The underground dungeon collapsed.

The explosion is bright enough that anyone in the vicinity would definitely realize something happened.

And i walked out.

In the midst of rubble.

Because of this noise and destruction, some people is gathering here while bringing spear and sword.

‘Wh..what?’ ‘What happened!?’

‘Huh!? What is that sound!?’

‘L..look! There!?’

Once they had gathered, the old woman is coming here too while the rest are making their way.

“What happened!?”

She seems to be the most surprised one, and looking at me she start to sharpened her eyes.

“You.. what is the meaning of this? Is that surrendering an act to drop our guard? Were you lying when you said you have no intention to kill us all? Were you actually trying to gather us all in one spot to make it easier to kill us all!?”

Her voice have a hint of panic and unease.

Well i can’t blame her. But i can’t pay attention to her now.

I was exhausted from releasing myself from the chain forcefully, and using photon cannon again in such a short time. So i have no time.

Ignoring her, i touch my finger on my head.

And penetrate my skull to reach the brain inside.


She looked surprised with my action, but it was understandable.

Trying to pull out ‘something’, i forcefully tear something my brain while turning off my pain sense.

*hng.. gggkk…*

Using more strength, i forcefully pulled it out.




The surrounding girls is screaming when i throw away something on the floor.

A tiny part of my brain is pulled out, so i don't have time.

Using the healing method that i just learned, i was concentrating to recover my teared tissues and part of my brain.

Hurry hurry...

Before i lost consciousness…


With a light from magic, my head and brain is restored.

*haah .. haah..*

I was considerably tired though. Not my body, but my mind.

Because it was a race of time, i need to concentrate more further than usual.


Once i start to recover, i stare at the “thing” that i pulled out.

*wiggle wiggle*

That “thing” doesn't seems to be able to live from the outside air, so it gonna died soon even if i didn't do anything.



I stomped it because of my irritation had reach the limit.

Crush that thing.

That thing cannot be allowed to live longer!


The surrounding girls are screaming because of the bizarre scene.

Once i smashed that thing, i looked at it again closely.

It was, some kind of worm.

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