《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》sidestory 8


A wild statue? Strongest enemy had appeared

The weather is nice today.

The bird are chirping, the sun is bright.

At a first glance, there's nothing wrong with this scenery.

In fact, the only things that is unnatural here…

*Haa.. Haaah*

Is a girl with a long black hair panting while looking begrudgingly at the line of “statue” in front of her.


Correction, it’s not like they’re a “statue”

After all, each and those thing are alive after all.

There's a killer bear, a bandit, a roc, a prostitute, a succubus, incubus, and some ferocious beast from the legend said to have devastated countless country on their wake is among those statue as well.

Expect each and every one of them have none of their ferociousness and slutty face that they suppose to have.

“Godfuckingdammit! That cunt! Did that cow slutty bitch messed up with the fucking dna module of this creature when she made this abomination? What the fuck is with this creature!? To begin with, is this thing even alive or dead since the beginning!? At least make it clear! Even lovecraft didn't made a creature without any purpose! A devastating evil god that can made humans gone into madness at a glance!? A alien with tremendous power that can bend reality and destroy every goddamn living creature with a flick of finger? a cheat harem hero with a disgusting, unnatural lust that he didn't even bother to hide?”

Yet, despite her cursing and swearing, none of those creature paid any mind and do nothing.

“Yeah sure, at least those creature have a clear purpose. a clear ambition. a clear libido. if you’re evil, at least they don't bother to hide their intention, if they're fucking good to honest people then yeah, you got your own fault and honestly i feel it was gross, but at least it was a clear intention. Lustful heroes is.. Well, like whatthey looked like. But, this thing.. T-H-I-S T-H-I-N-G…!!”

Cannot endure the humiliation and suffering she had gone through, the girl is letting out all of her frustration while directing and pointing it out to the biggest statue among them.

“What kind of creature are yoooouuuuuu!!!????? What color is your bloood!?”

Said Miho while kicking the ground in frustration.


Before this all began, in the evil god army headquarters/cave.

Before the war.

“A silver mine?”

Miho reads the report from Tuvalu.

“Yes Miho sama. According to master Tuvalu, the mines with the biggest silver deposit is located not far from here.”

The one speaking is not Tuvalu, but one of his subordinate.

“Heeh.. And it was abandoned and nobody claimed it as their own?”

Seems suspicious.

Because she needs a lot of silver as a material for her plan, having a mine located not far from here is a godsend.

However, a mine that big should have owner or claimed by a country.

It should be a different thing if nobody else had found out about the mine location.

But according of the report, the locals had already known about the mines for quite some time ago. Yet, despite it was widely known nobody claimed it for their own.

“Do you know the reason nobody had ownership of that mine?”

“Yes, ma am. It seems like everyone that tried to claim it or mining there had “given up” and going home. Because of that, nobody even wants it now.”

(Huh? Not getting chased out or because its dangerous, but given up? What the hell?)

(Perhaps, is everybody a idiot? No way, no way, it shouldn't be.. Right?)


Despite being suspicious, Miho thinks it was worth to try anyway.

“It seems like this need a direct investigation”

Having made up her mind, Miho is going to the mines.


“Its really being abandoned…”

Having come here, she was confirmed it.

The mine is big, bigger than her expectations.

Having using analyze, and from scanning the vein, it was undoubtedly a huge silver mines.

In fact, forget about the war. She can live in ten generations without working judging by the silver ores inside this mine.

(Huh? Huh? Really? No way... Could it be, i was reaching jackpot this time?)

“Forget the war, can’t i just hire a bunch of people specialized in soul and having them fix mine and i can just living lazily without having to work forever and forgot about this shit? Perhaps if the demons won, i can just slapped them with a ward of money and buying my

own country to laze around forever”

Thought of money had filled her eyes with greed that she even forgets if demons probably won't accept human currencies.

“Uhh, no, no, no. That idea is tempting but its too risky. There's no guarantee i can be healed even with a lot of money… but still”

Finally giving up on the idea, she just sighs and trying to explore the mine.

“Eh, damn. I’ll just think of it after the war is over. Money, riches, here i come”

Investigating the mines she just explore further.



Something big is on her field of vision.

It blocks the mine entrance, and it doesn't looks like she can come inside without getting rid of it.


A giant buddha statue?

No, a human?

It seems like it was a flesh and blood instead of stone statue. But because it was unmoving she was doubtful.

It doesn't seems like it was moving, but the color of the skin is silver like a ore. Perhaps it was a monster?

Then she used x ray device from the goddess place, it does have bone structure. It should be a living being right?

She was using appraisal, but no matter how many times it keep saying the same thing.

Impossible to appraise

(What the heck?)

This is the first time it happened, so she was a bit confused.

(Hmm, what to do?)

She personally feel like it was a waste to destroy it if it was a statue since she can just sell it for money (she already consider this mine as hers)

But that thing is blocking the way, so unless she get rids of it she cant go inside the mines.

“Feels like a waste. Oh well..”

In no time at all, she draws her sword.


“Photon sword cannon”


Using her maximum output, she didn't want to waste time at all.

Using that much energy was excessive. Normally if she was doing it outside, a town would probably got obliterated in a instant.



It was unharmed.


Once the dust had been subdued, the statue is still standing.

Not only that, there's no sign of even a speck of dust in the statue.

“What the?!”

Miho cannot hide her surprise.

Frankly, the mana that she poured to the attack is not small at all.

She felt a bit of fatigue, thanks to the excessive mana that she poured.

Yet, despite that, the statue is unscratched.

“Did i hold back too much?”


Firing a second volley, she fires again to the statue.

Yet, the result is the same.

“The hell!?”



She keep firing until her mana run out, yet it won't budge.


Trying a psychical attack this time, she tried to slash the statue in two.


A loud voice had resounded.


A silence follows.

After a few second.

Her sword had fallen into ground.


Grabbing her right arm with other arm, she screamed.


It was harder than she thought.

(The fuck? How hard is this thing!? I was the one attacking, but i got hurt instead)

Having calmed down, she starts to clump her fist.


Correction, she was not calm at all.. In fact.

“Haha.. Ahahaha…. HAHAHAHAHAHA”

She was snapped.


She got pissed and start to hitting the statue uncontrollably.


“Haa haaa haah..”

Wiping out her sweat, she had finally stopped.

(What the fuck is this thing!???)

She had poured every method that she knows.

Punch,hitting,explosion, sword, kicking,vitals…

She tried to move it yet it was heavy as hell.

She tried to hit it only to end up getting hurt as well

Sulfur,acid,smashing,kicking.. Nothing works.

“Heh.. Hehe.. Hehehe… HAHAHAHAHA!!”

“Forget it. I would just obliterate this FUCKING MINES ALONG WITH THIS UGLY FATTIES!!”

If she was in more sound mind, she might be able to think better. Unfortunately…


Throwing her trump card anti matter bomb, she throw it and jump into the nearest trench.

Putting aside that she might even destroy the world instead of the mines, all she care about was to destroy the statue.



The statue suddenly opening its mouth.


That thing made a small voice.

Using vacuum like breath, it absorb the bomb and…


It swallowed the antimatter bomb and with a bit of *munch munch* and *gulp* then finished with *buurp*

After a few moment, it returns to being quiet.


Miho is getting blanked for a second.


After recovering her blanked mind.


She can only curse that whoever made this will regret once she captured them and despairing the fact that they were ever being born in the world.


“Okay, now what?”

Meeting a roadblock, miho sits outside the mine while pondering.

“Breaking it is impossible, moving it is impossible, spitting it is useless, and it doesn't even moving from its position while calmly eating the antimatter bomb…”

This is the first time she meets this kind of creature.

“did it have some kinda weakness or something? This isn't some kind of accursed scripted event where i need to do some kinda fucking long scripted event quest to unlock isn't it?”

“If it was, i would paid a visit to a certain useless goddess and sold her as a slave in some rich country after she outlived her usefulness by exposing her private moment everywhere… hmm, no, that wont calm my anger… perhaps i should remodel her into a completely different appearance.. How about making her live as a old creepy man and accused her as a rapist and every heinous crime that she didn't even done and live her lives forever inside a jail? That kinda opposite living might be interesting, but as much as i don't like her, she is still necessary for my own safety.”

Starting to target goddess as her target of anger, the poor goddess would probably trembling in fear nonstop if she heard about this.

“Damn, if only that thing is a human or some kind of living creature, perhaps there's a weakness to exploit. But i dont even know what kind of species is that thing. to begin with, what the hell is that thing?”

“Oh? are you interested with Fukuroju-sama?”


Suddenly, some buddhist monk look alike person is approaching Miho.


“Who, nah it's troublesome. Explain further, do you mean that statue inside the mine?”

Miho draws her sword and point it at the stranger. Yet, despite being threaten the man in front of her is calm.

“Of course. Fukuroju-sama is used to be a human. No, he had surpassed that and received a enlightenment and become something other than humans.. Yes, it was no exaggeration that he had surpassed even our goddess and become the true god of this world!”

The man is getting excited, unlike his previous calm attitude.

“Ookay, so what is his weakness?”

Miho doesn't really want to question this lunatic, but she had no other clue.

However, that man ignores Miho and continued anyway.

“Born in a rich household, yet so benevolent that he throw away his previous name and pursuing the path of enlightenment. He had made a promise to never once being in touch of worldly desires and pursue the path of enlightenment even further even though he has reached the apex of perfectness! Ahh, what a superb being. So amazingly great that words cannot convey..!”

“i didn't ask for his background or any shit like that, any hint of his weakness or favorites?”

“also blahblah.. He had always being surrounded by woman back before he get enlightened. Yet, not even one had manage to stay in his heart. Ahh, i cannot forget his gallant expression when he rejected those sluts..! If you want me, hand over a bag of cold, hard cash. It must be his way to make them not feeling bad being rejected and he act as a bad guy so that they won't feel depressed. How sublime, is there any being more perfect than him?”


“blahblah.. His tall demeanor figure, he had thrown them away which is a shame, but i think his current appearance is far more better… despite his seemingly uncaring attitude, he was definitely amazing, ahh if i can describe this feeling, no, words is not enough, but that's probably the closest.. Yes, I KNOW. I KNOW IT! THIS FEELING, IT’S DEFINITELY LOV….!”


Before he finished his sentence, his head had been split apart from his body by Miho sword.

Blood splurt, and his lifeless body is collapsed.


Yet without mercy, she was still stabbing the monk body.

*stab stab stab* a countless stab

*stab stab stab stab* it’s getting faster

*stab stab stab stab stab* it’s starting to disfigures from the original appearance.


While mumbling she was stabbing the body into pieces like a toothpick.


Starting to swing harder, she wipes out the trace of that monk from this world.


*Haaa haa haa... Fuck, that was a waste of time”

Starting to get tired mentally and psychically, she wasted too much time and effort because of the useless monk preaching about useless info.

All he talks about is about him before he reached enlightenment or whatever. Because it was a different being than before now, all the info about him while he was still human was useless.


“At least i know it was formerly human. and if its about humans...”

I can kill and exploit

Starting to have a wicked thought, she regain her vigor.


And yeah,

She once had that naive thought.


Having exhausted all possible means she could think of, only word of curse is coming out.

And so,

“What kind of creature are yoooouuuuuu!!!????? What color is your bloood!?”

We’re back in the beginning.


At first, she tried to scare him by bringing the most scariest looking monster with teleportation magic and locking them inside the mines.

The next morning, all of those monster had prayed together alongside him instead. With serene face

She bring a bunch of rowdy and uncivilized bunch famous of their swearing words that not even the worst motherfucker can bear to hear without losing their dignity and will of live.

Then, those bunch had turned out into devout believer of that thing that keep spewing foreign words like love and peace. So she end up disgusted and chopped them into pieces.

She tried to make the mine stinky and inhabitable, so she teleported all of the trash and stinking shit she can find.

Next day, all of those trash had been purified into flowers bed and pure water that there's a new lake outside the mine.

She tried to revive his libido, so she brings various kind of fetishes of big boob woman, innocent looking girl, beautiful leg girl, small girl, demon, beastman, old man, shota, robot, and even goes as far as bringing living cucumber and potato to seduce it.

Next day, they all had wear pure white clothes and act like the purest lifeform in the world while gone forward into a journey to find themself. Or so they says before leaving.

she tried to provoke him by bringing a bunch of riajuu dating and having lovely dovey i front of it, even making the mine as a tourist spot just to irritate him.

The next day, all of them is going home while crying and bawling “i’m so dirty, i’m sorry, forgive us” and most of them returns to their parents home.

Finally, and finally, having too irritated and annoyed. Perhaps, maybe, she was betting on the chance or as last desperate attempts that perhaps only pure intention can get through him and any kind of trick is not going to budge this creature.

Having goes as far as brainwashing herself for a moment, Miho weaken her own sense of self. Hypnotize her as having purely become a girl that purely adores that thing. Making her appearance younger, and doing unthinkable seduce attempts that she would normally not done. Even more embarrassing than getting naked in public. She, bears all humility and last sense of reason. Trying to seduce that thing like a animal in heat. And becoming a creature that she hates the most in the world.

Yet, that thing only end up sneezing which knock her outside and she regain her sanity and consciousness later.

When she regain her sanity, all she can spew out is.

i’ll obliterate this universe to extinction. No-matter-what every trace of this thing cannot be allowed to exist.

Of course, everytime she remembers what she had done, only a tears of blood and clawing her heads until it was bleeding can keep her retain her sanity.



Few days later

Miho starting to made a pose like the statue.

Sitting above the rock while praying.

“It kinda feels relaxing..”

After so many days of suffering and humiliation, she had forget her original purpose.

She had gone beyond anger and madness and insanity, and had given up any attempt.

No matter what she do, it was useless anyway.

“No no, its not like i got enlightened or something. Its just, sitting like this is relaxing, you know?”

Speaking like a victim of brainwashing, she didn't even realize her mind had been started to corrupted by that thing.

“Ahh... Why even bother trying? I was such a fool”

If this keeps up, this series might end as the main character had become a monk and spend the rest of her life's in temple.

Fortunately, it wont happened.

“Now that i think about it, i dont need any worldly possession anymore... Better throw it”

*rustle rustle*

While searching her item box, she found something.

“Hmm? What is this?”

What she found is a notice of a discount that held on a certain vegetable sale.

Thanks to spreading doujinshi culture, paper and printing is widely used now in this world.

“Huh, vegetables, 50% off. Expires today..”

She was disinterested and going to throw it anyway

“Whatever dont need this anywa..”


Suddenly the statue is looking at her.

While opening his always closed eyes all this time.


Miho didn't seem surprised that he was coming out from the mine, more like her emotion had become weak lately.

The statue didn't stare at her, but the notice in her hand.

“Want this?”

After he was nodding, the paper falls into his hand.

Then he looks happy and made a expression of happiness that he never made before.

After receiving the notice his body is shining, and becoming small. As small as a kid.

While he looks grateful, he flew and leaving this place.


Because he was leaving, the brainwashing effect is start to disappear.

Miho regains her sanity.

Then, opening her eyes wide in realization.


Regretting all of her previous action, she start to question what is her previous sacrifice is for.


After a few hours of self lamenting, hatred, and cursing. miho explores the inside of mines.

“Oh whatever, what’s pass is passed. Time to EMPTY THIS MINE OUT MWAHAHAHA”

She was back to her previous self.

“considering all of my hardship to get this mine, i should exploit it all i can. I will empty this mine and sell it to the highest bidders. I don't have to said i already emptied it anyway, let them thought by themself that it was still full, or i can use illusion magic to make rock looks like silver. Ufufu”


When she was going inside the mines. Something feels missing.


Theres no silver ore.

In fact, this seems like a ordinary cave now.

“Wait a sec.. The hell!?”

She scanned and appraised this place, but no trace of silver ore in this place.

The appraisal result of this cave shown silver mine before, but it's ordinary cave now.

“What the fucking shit happened? Did someone else coming before me? No way, impossible. If it was i should have noticed... “

“Uh.. Shit, dont tell me..”

Then she realized something.

“All of the silver here is actually back into a normal stone the moment that thing is leaving?”


“heh.. Heeehe.. Hahaha…”

Cannot stopped herself, she was laughing.


In the end, it was a fool errand.


*growl* *roar* *grr*

While she was laughing, some voice had been heard.

It was the monster that she brings here.

“Ahh… right.. I forgot about you guys”

Having been kidnapped by force, those monster is getting angry and pissed off to Miho, the culprit.

“Perfect, well, i can’t do anything about the mine. But at least”

She start to return their anger stare, and emit bloodlust that makes them standing back a little.

You guys can become my experience point. Come

After deathmatch with the monsters, she regain quite a lot of level and drop item to compensate for the loss that she made for this few days.

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