《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Sidestory 7


-You can run but you cannot hide, sooner or later… huhuhu-

-Sometimes before the “prophecy”-

-Inside the devil god army main headquarters-

“So, who send this letter?”

I asked Tuvalu about the letter that i picked up in my hand

“That’s… i am sorry, i don't, really know much about it”

He made a suspicious face like feeling guilty and hiding about something, but it was in a instant so i didn't care much about it.

“Hmm, i see”

Actually, this “letter” that Tuvalu said that he found directed to me is quite obvious about who is the sender.

The message is like this :

“CoMeY ThO ThE HeAdQuARTeRs MeEtInG RoOm AlOnE, Or YhOr SeCrHeT WiLl LeAkH OuT, N.. HaHaHaHA”

(Come to the headquarters meeting room alone or your secret will leak out)

The writing is written in kiddy tone, and there's a trace of scratch around. Proof that the writer is not experienced in writing.

Furthermore, now that i sniff it. It smells of something familiar. Like i have smelled it before.



He shouted, probably surprised because i called him suddenly.

Whoa, can’t you be more, you know, less obvious?

Moreover, if you made such a guilty face, it would be obvious whose threat.. prank it is.

I mean, you probably realized too. But come on, it’s not going to be fun if you spoilt it.

This guy pampers her too much, really...

“Are you sure you didnt know who send this prank.. threat letter?”

“Yes, i mean, no ma’am! This humble servant didnt really know anything, really i am!”


With that amount of sweat, you didn't hide anything ya know.

“Well, nothing else to do than going i guess”

“Huh? Are you going ma’am.. i mean, Yes! We must investigate this right now! Let me go with you!”

Well, i think this is interesting so i’ll play along for now~

Of course, in case this failed to amuse.. entertain me, i already think of fitting punishment for them.

Either way is a win for me khukhu..

“Lead the way”



In the deepest underground of the tunnel, there is a huge space area with pillars around.

One of Tuvalu subordinate found it by accident.

Since this place seems spacious enough, i called it a meeting room. In cass something important is discussed here.

I put some table and chair too. So if there's a secret discussion that need consent of every top member of the army, i planned to doing it here.

Of course, it waa only a plan for future. So for now, this place is empty basically.

Huh? Whats The table looks like? Well its a round stone table like a certain arthurian legend of course.

Violation of Copyright? Fuhahaha, like there's something like that here.

“So, where is the prankster, i mean the culprit?”

I asked Tuvalu that brings some of his subordinate too.

Is this his way of saying that he didn't want to get into trouble alone?

“Probably soon, ah , i mean, they probably already waiting for us here, isn't it?”

Just as he said that...


A laugh

A cute voice

And a sudden smoke coming from below

Judging from the voice,

The culprit must be..!

“Nyahahaha! Now this place is belong to us, nya!”

The smoke is starting to subside.

Once it subsidized.

Three small figure is starting to shown up.


“Who, who’s there!?” shouts Tuvalu.

He seems to be surprised, since this place is supposed to be off limits other than for core member of devil god army.


That’s why, a intruder suddenly coming inside would be surprising, and that means his subordinate is probably slacking off on their watch.

Or at least he convinced himself that. To make himself feel less guilty.

Well this seems fun, so i will keep quiet for now.

“Khukhukhu, were you curious un.. mister, nya? Well, it can’t be helped that you were curious with the great personage who managed to slipped inside the core palace of the devil god army in no time at all..! “

The central silhouette seems to make a gesture like a villain that i saw often in the movies.

“Very well, nya! Allow us to introduce ourself!”


She jumped to the nearest table among with other two silhouettes, while making a victory pose.

“I.. u... uh, the, the, shield that defend against the devil that corrupts and rotting our society, the, the most, most.. pretty… i.. most... uh.. pretty.. green… ”


Reks kun, or pretty green, is starting to get embarrassed and crawling in the corner while Closing his face while crying.

Yess, he is out.

He wears a cute magical girl outfit with green ribbon that hides his parts so at a glimpse he looked like a actual girl. While grabbing something that looks like a script book.

Seriously, his amount of femininess is so overwhelming that even i might get fooled that he was actually a boy.

Anyone else now knowing him would definitely get fooled.

Hmm, i wonder if this can sell?

While i was thinking like the, the second pretty is introducing herself.

“A smile that heals my comrade, the gentle wind that support her allies and destroy... defeat their enemies without a trace, and erasing their existence.. evilness from this world. Her winks is enough to crush the enemy heart and render their will to fight disappear, PRETTY YELLOW!!”

Hmm? Isn't that the fox girl that i often played with before? I didn't see her recently, to think that she was here.

I thought she was a plain jane doe type girl, never thought she actually got quite a personality.

She was wearing a magical girl clothes with yellow color and ribbon like Reks kun.

Their costume are quite well made, i wonder who actually made them?

And finally…

“Fuahahahaha! And i am the leader of the pretty moon girls. the one with grudge deeper than ocean against a pervert, annoyed and painful, yet we keep moving forward to exact our revenge against the devil that makes our lives suffer, the leader of this rebellion against the injustice and unfair treatment, nya! My name is PREETY REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE….D!!”


She choked.

*Cough cough* *funyu…* *wheeze*

She takes a moment to take her breath.

*khik khik*

“Uu…. N.. A.. anyway..! We’re the pretty moon girls revenger, nya!”

She tried to make a unhurt face and continuing her speech while making a teary face.


She makes a confident face while pointing towards me.


Everyone else is speechless.

Even Tuvalu is surprised. Huh? Why?

Perhaps he actually know the culprit, but didn't heard about the plan directly. huh, i see. So the mastermind is...

When i looked at his subordinate, number #2 kun, he was looking pale while swinging his head left and right like saying without a voice “it wasnt me”

It wasn't him either, then as i thought.


To suddenly makes a appearance at this time, just what is this kitty doing actually?


“Fuhahaha! Are you surprised! Are you surprised why i am here, pervert?”


Black cat girl is making a smug “i win” face

“Yes, that right, nya! All this time, all this time, i keep being forced for things that i don't want to do a..and... you keep making my life messy ever since we meet! If you thought i was going to become your toy to play with forever, then, you were mistaken, nya!”

She act like she was already winning.

Huh? Winning? For what, though?

“Now, my comrades! Let us attack her together! Alone we fall, but united we stand, nya! Let us put the end of the evil scheme this woman ever think of! Gooo… Pretty moon! Avenge our long deep grudge!”

She said in a loud voice. How energetic.



The other two is ignoring her.


The fox girl is busy playing her hair while looking at a handheld mirror, while Reks kun looks depressed and sulking in the corner of the desk.

“Huh? Huh? Why?”

Sonya looks confused now, like she didn't expect this.

Finally regained her composure, she start to complaining.

“H..hey! What are you guys doing, nya? This isn't part of the plan! We’re supposed to attack while she is confused, tied her up, and beaten her so everyone will know who is the strongest here and start to laughing at that pervert and we can have our revenge!”

Sonya start to complain to the fox girl and Reks.

But they're only looked at her in a second, and back to what they are doing previously.

“Whats the big idea, nya!?”

She got irritated and start to shouting.


The fox girl, seems tired of Sonya constant nagging, start to speak first.

“And why, should we do that nanojya?”

She speaked without much interest on her voice.


She got surprised at this sudden betrayal.


“In the first place, didnt you said we were only going to cheer Miho-sama since she looked like she had a lot in her mind. So we were going to surprise her and make the devil god army mood getting more relaxed? Why did it become a revenge instead? This is the first time i heard about it, nanojya”

“Uuu that’s.. because, the plan progress well, so i start to think it will be fine if i can capture her and showing her how bad it is to capture someone against their will, nya..”

“Then it was your own grudge, Sonya-san, you're like a horrible actor going off from script just because things are going so well that you forgot your purpose in the end. Really, just because Miho-sama favors you the most does that makes your head become empty like a monkey? Oh i apologize, comparing you to a monkey is rude to monkeys isn't it nanojya? Perhaps some of your parents have blood not just with cat-kin but monkey-kin too?”

“W..wha.. what is your problem, nya!? Why are you blaming me when it looks like you’re having fun too! You’re younger than me, so speak with some respect, nya!”

“Hee.. really? I was only doing my part like a professional does. But since i am taller than you, cuter than you, smarter than you, from the position of someone as perfect as me, i am going to let it slide, brat. Oh excuse me, it was slipped out nanojya”

“Funyaah! You done it noow! I keep quiet about it, but i know your weakness! You actually scared to pee in the night and asking to go to bathroom with me before because you're scared of ghos..!”

Fox girl is closing Sonya mouth and stopping her to talk further.

“Thats.. please avoid making a unjustifiable claim, nanojya! Besides, it's not like gho.. ghost and beings like that is actually exist. After all, science that Miho-sama said once had already explained about its existence, so they can’t actually be ex..exist”

Hmm, i think i forgot to mention that it’s only in my previous world… i heard Iskandar mentions he fight a ghost type enemies often in his adventuring days, so i can’t guarantee they’re not exist in this world...

“Liar, nya! You wetted your panties and clinging to me so tightly because you thought a tree voice is a ghost! Reks, tell it to her ! You helped me hide her wet panties from uncle, so you must know about it, nya!”

She called Reks as witness, but Reks ignore her. Instead...

“I am a man, i am a man, i am a man, i am not a girl, i am not a girl..”

He sulked in the corner of the desk while picking flower petals one by one.

“Nyaaaawr! bunch of idiots, nya! Is there only a idiot and a pervert here, nya?”

“How rude, at least call me intellectual” reply the fox girl

“You're the biggest idiot ! Baka baka bakaaa...!”

“Hmph, is that all you got? A monkey cat really have such a limited vocabulary after all..”

“Flat chest, nya”

“WHAT WAS THAT!?” shouts the fox girl.

“Flat flat flat flat, nya!”

“Fugiiii..! like you’re any different, nanojya!”

“i was bigger than you last month by 2 cm, nya!”

*SNAP* (sound of something broke)

“Noow... you dooonee.. it, NANOJYA!”

The fox girl start to attack the cat girl, but the cat girl counter attack first! She scratch fox girl on the face instead, oof it looks painful. While seems like in a pain the fox girl counterattacks by using a magic instead. Referee! Isn't magic cheating!? She manages to avoid, but the cat girl tail is getting burned, she was getting panicked and start to swing her tails wildly! The fox girl is getting caught up and her clothes is getting burned too! The two idiots panicked while screaming gyaah gyaah. Reks, that saw that start to use his ice magic to cool them down. The fire subsidized, But it seems like it was too much. Now they're like a freezing animal. They end up hugged each others to warm themself up while getting a cold. Oh my, isn't friendship beautiful?


After calming down, the kids is drinking some warm chocolate made by Tuvalu while wearing some thick sheets.

Reks said he feels cold with the outfit, so he wears one too.

The cat girl and fox girl did not speak anything to each other after that. They only looked at each others while saying hmph! And facing the other side.

Since they seems to be calming down, it’s time for question~

“So, what actu-ally happened?”

I smiled, but using enough intimidation to make them stiff for a moment.

Then, the fox girl is start to beg and make a dogeza pose.

“M..miho sama! I am sorry, nanojya! I tried to stop this wild monkey-cat, but i was taken hostage and cannot do anything except to follow through her evil plan. Kuh! Such a evil! To think that i, of all people, is getting caught up by such a cowardly and dirty method..”

“HEY! Don’t lie, nya! You were getting excited too! Saying that it was interesting!”

“Huh? When did i said it like that? Oh, memory loss? You start to have a loss of memory like my grandpa at your age? Puh. Useless”

“What did you say!? Wanna have another go, nya?”

“Sure, bring it on nanojya! Today, i shall buried you and that small mini flea brain of yours forever in the darkness!”

“Stop trying to act so cool, nya! I just made you cry just now!”

“Aren't you crying yourself!? Talk about a pot calling the kettle black!”



The had a staring contest while trying to stab each others with their eyes.

Well, it was fun to watch. But i better stopped this soon.

*clap clap*

I start to clap to get their attention. And they changed view to me.


I speak to them.


“Frankly, i was going to get angry if you kids are showing me some stupid , plain boring show”

I continued to speak.

“But, well, it was good. Well, not that good. I say it was a fair entertainment. It was a passing grade, barely, i suppose.”

“So congratulations. I will spare you kids and give you an applause instead. Be glad”

Since i didn't seem to be so angry, the surrounding people is breathing a sigh of relief.

“Ehehe, it was nothing, anything for you, Miho sama...”

The fox girl is getting a bit embarrassed.

“W,why are you happy instead of getting mad? Gross, nya!”

Though the cat girl is getting creeped out instead. how rude.

Well, i guess i’ll get to the point.


I smirked.

“This and that are a different matters. You kids send a threat and wasting my precious time while trying to have a rebellion. This is clearly a attempt of betrayal, and a punishment is definitely necessary to show to people that i can be strict when it’s needed, right? ”

They start to freeze.

“Fortunately, because i am in such a good mood i will give you kids chance. I am not a monster you know, i won't just suddenly punish a helpless prey”

“So i will give you chance”

*gulp* (sound of everyone around except Miho swallow their saliva)


I made a deranged smile like it was the most funniest thing i said

“Try to escape as i hunt you down, try to run as far as you can, let me enjoy this hunt as much as possible”

With that words as a trigger…

Hell begins.


The first to react was the cat girl.

I don't know if it was because of her survival instinct is kicking, or because she knows my intent.

She pushed the fox girl before she could even react and push her to me.

Huh? The fox girl is too slow to react and only get a blank look with a stupid, confused expression.

Oops, i catch her.

Thats bad, what would you do if she gets injured?

Ignoring her, the cat girl is grabbing Reks hand and start to run away like her life is depends on it.

The fox girl seems to finally realize what will happened to her.

And then she screamed, “traitor!” she said.

But well, i was not the person who would ignore the dish in front of me, isn't it?

Especially if it was offered to me.

I smiled while looking at the fox girl. But she got scared instead. So i told her to smile while patting her head, since everything will be alright.

It seems like she can feels that i am different than usual, so she force a smile while crying and looking at me horrendously.



A scream is heard.


Reks, that runs away with Sonya keeps screaming the fox girl name.


He tried to turn back but Sonya grabbed his hand tightly and not letting him go.



She screamed.

“Don’t turn back”

She made a serious expression unlike her usual self.

“That’ s hell you're going into”

Reks froze in disbelief, like he can’t believe what Sonya is saying.

“Forget it. It was better that way”

She said without a hesitation.

“It was... already too late for her, nya...”

“But.. but...”


She shouted again to Reks.

“Is to not make her sacrifice in vain, nya!”

“Ugh..! Hicc..”

Reks seems to endure his urge to help Anya. And gripped Sonya hand tightly.


They managed to hide in one of the rooms in pathway to return.

But since this was the deepest floor of the headquarters, it was not easy to escape.

Trying to calming down the tired Reks, Sonya hides in one of the rooms.

“Hic.. hic..”

Reks cannot stopped crying, so Sonya close his mouth with her hand while saying “quiet”


They heard a sound of something dragged.

While someone is singing.


“Something” is making a sound.

Peeking from behind the door, they saw “that”

That creature, that makes a sound not from this world.

Start to make a voice that echo to the deepest fear of the listeners.

The one who hears it will wish they didn't hear it, but, at the same time they cannot ignore it either.

That's because..

If they try to avoid seeing the view right now.

They would, instantly get butchered.

“You can run but you can’t hide. You can try but you can’t survive. Try to struggle, try to fight... Sooner or later i will found you and...”

“That” thing is made a voice that seems impossible that it comes from this world.

It “dragged” something that seems like a corpse.

Because it was unmoving, it was unknown whenever it was actually alive or dead.

But, the “corpse” seems similiar.

While trying to hide their breath and sound as much as possible, they start to distance themself from the door.


Reks is panicked and bump into a table.

With that sound as trigger.

The being from beyond the door is making a disgusting smile while laughing.


They were doomed.


“I, i, am sorry !” apologize Reks.

Sonya keeps calm, and she seems to be thinking about something .

Unlike her usually carefree attitude, she puts her life in line right now.

So any slight mistake is not allowed.

A moment of hesitation can become fatal!

A slight doubt will end up as death!

Winning would be impossible, but surviving is barely possible!


The one and only road that she can take is...

”Reks, calm down, nya!”

She tried to calm Reks down.

The crying reks still feels scared, but looking at Sonya serious face he calms down.

“Alright? Listen.. that thing seems to walk slowly on purpose.”

*nod nod* (Reks nodding)

“I don't know if it was on purpose, or that thing is toying with us. But whatever it is, we have the advantage, nya!”

“Ad..vantage..? In this situation?”

*nod nod* (Sonya nodding)

“Yes! No matter how strong that thing is, it was still a living creature. Here's the plan. We will come out suddenly. Then, when you distract it with your ice magic, i will hide in the cover of darkness and kicked it with all of my might”


“Yes, nya. If i kicked with all of my might, then it will stagger for a bit. We can use that chance to escape”

“But..but.. will it work?”

“We have no choice, nya! It's either kill or be killed!”

“No, No way, no way! We will die! We will die here without being able to do anything. At least let us ask for forgiveness, that way we might get spared...”


She shouted.

“Believe in me,nya! Believe in your comrade! As one of the pretty moon girls, such behavior is unacceptable!”

Reks seems still crying, but he calms down a bit.

“Remember, we had enough of running away. Do you understand if that thing escapes to the surface? What will happened with our friend above? You knows what will happened right?”

Reks is getting silently hears Sonya.

“We will stop that thing, right here and now, nya!”


Seems like being convinced, Reks nodded weakly.


Hiding behind the door, “that” is getting closer now

On few more steps, and “it” will reach this room

Behind the door, Sonya and Reks is getting ready

“Okay, on my mark..”

Sonya whisper to Reks.


She shouts


Reks is running in front of “that”.

He was scared, he was scared.


If he didnt stop “that” here, then who will?


Using his most strongest move, he use a hail of ice shards to stopped “that” from moving.

It was only for seconds because he lacks magical output, but it was enough.


He shouts at his comrade behind him.



No one replied.


There's nobody behind him.

“S..Sonya? Hey? You’re just kidding right? You’re still there, right?”

There's no one replying him.

“Come on now, this isn't funny.. Sonya? Sonya? Hey?Hello?”

No matter how much he tried, his voice is not heard.

“Ha.. haha.. you’re joking right? Sonya, you won’t leave me alone right?”

Unfortunately, that’s the truth…

Sonya, with the highest survival instinct among the three, merely choose a choice that let her live longer after all.

“Sonya!? Sonya!? Uwah uwaah.. waahh...”

Starting to cry for being abandoned, he was starting to lose hope and panicked.



He looked closely at “that” while making a face full of despair and crying.

Sadly, the only thing that greets his despair.

Is a deranged, corrupted smile of “that” thing


(Fuu fuu)

Sonya hides inside a pot while trying to hold her breath and making smallest movement as much as possible.

(This is, good, isn't it? I hope that thing will get bored and leaving quietly..)

She was closing her eyes while trying to avoid “that” like a disaster that nobody can do anything about

(Uuu.. i am sorry you two, if i survived, i will give you two the best part of my fish. I will give you my best toys.. so please...)

(Don’t die, nya)

She was praying.

She was praying harder than when her village is in plague.

She was praying harder than any of her life before.



Reality is cruel.


The pot where she was in is slowly being opened.

And what she saw,

Is not a god that answer her pray,

Not her uncle that always smile kindly to her,

Neither a wild monster that going to kill her on spot.

In fact,

She would be happier to find a wild, random monster.

Yet the one that greets her.

Is the one with a smile of devil that hell even freeze over.


The one who ask first is Sonya.

“How.. did you find me, nya?”

It was probably a stupid thing to do, especially when your life is in danger.

But, because she feels her life will ended no matter what, she asked anyway.


Replying her the “devil” answer



“I cannot mistake your smell even from afar”

“What.. was that? Are you a dog-kin or something nya..”

Feels weak, she can only retort such a small reply.

“What.. will be happened to me?”

She feels given up, and weakly asking.

“Don't worry. It was nothing bad. See?”

Saying that, she showed Sonya the two “corpses” that she brought.

“Huh? UWAAAHN!?”

She got surprised that her voice is leaked out.

The devil only smiles back to her.

“See? It was good right? Seeing your costumes, i was inspired by something. Don’t worry, it won't be hurt. After all, i just found a convenient tools. See?”

Saying that, she was shown a statue head with snakes in the hair as model.

“This little baby is convenient, no matter how much time passed you won't feel tired at all, you won't feel hungry, you won't feel the urge to pee. In fact, you won’t feel anything at all. From top of your body and to the bottom of your toes..”

“Ah, but, i heard the victim that saw its “eyes” will still be conscious although they cannot move at all. I guess it was its only defects. But hey, i guess that's not important. After all, you will realize how adorable your costume are. Don't worry, the effect is only last for a week. During that time, Everyone will know you guys from all over the world, and it's free advertisement! Without needing any tax, paying for artist fee, and not to worry about their qualities will suffer. Since....”

“it was made from the real things after all”

After saying that,

Sonya looked at her in despair and start to crying.


She grits her teeth in frustration.

When she finally screamed...


She was defeated.


-tomorrow morning, on the street of the capital city-

“Hey, look”

One of the random passerby is starting to point at something.

“Kyaah, what is that? So cute”

One of the girl passerby is praising it.

“Mama, what is that? is it sold somewhere?”

One of the kids is pointing at it.


What they all saw was…

A statue of three girls, looked happy while wearing frilly and colorful dress while making a cute pose.

The amount of color and details looks amazing that it was indistinguishable from real things.

In fact, it was so realistic that it seems like they can pop out and walked out right now.

“i wonder who made it... it looks so detailed. And the clothes looks realistic too… hmm? There's panties in here too! Wow! This one is a boy? What an amazing details”

One of a rather pervert onlookers is looking from below their skirt

“Hey, you pervert. Isn't that a crime?”

“Haha, don't worry. Isn't it only a statue? My wife won't be angry just by peeking at a statue”

“Still, i wonder if those cute statue is actually being made by someone”

“Hey, there's a message here. Look”

Below the statue, they saw a writing carved into a stone.

The pretty moon girls revenger and their happy friends

And below that, a small writing is written there.

ps : for anyone interested with the costume and figures, please contact….

“Woooho! I would buy 100 of the figures!”

“That dress looked nice, i wonder if my daughter will like it?”

“Look! They say that they might accept pre orders of various pose too! I would ordered 300 various pose right away!”

“Haha you were hesitant, aren't you? I would buy 1000 for each different pose right away!”

“A..as expected from baron Loliconn! He never hesitate in spending money for things that he was interested with!”

Amidst this commotion and this scenery,

If anybody actually looked closer, you can saw that tears is flowing out from the three statue that looks so happy.

Whenever that's actually a tears or a rain, that’s something that nobody will realize.

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