《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 133


-Devil comes for the yuri empire-

“Halt! Don’t take any step further!”

When i reach the entrance of a giant forest, a amazon like group is surrounding me.

They all females seems to be in varying age between 15 to 30 wearing skimpy outfit like a hunter, while some using sword with shield and bow. And they all pretty muscular.

Seriously a common sense of the female amazon warrior...

Then, getting impatient with my lack of response, their leader-like woman approaching me.

“What is an outsider coming here for? And furthermore with such a suspicious outfit! Are you from a succubus race? State your name and intention!”


I didn't reply and only stare at her, and she gets more wary instead.

Like you had any ground to call me suspicious with that kind of skimoy outfit.

“What's with that stare? As i thought, you're an assassin sent by the BL faction don't you!?”

I ignore her and start to walk on my own accord.

“Hey, stop right there!”

She tried to stop me, and then.


I grab hold on her, move in her back and use a mind magic.

“Grasp control”

“Huh? Ah… arrgh…!”

She start to move against her own will, and put her own sword to her neck.

Truthfully i was suck at mind magic, but at point blank range i can do this much.

The effect of this magic is able to let me take over a certain control to someone brain like hacking a computer.

Of course, i need to concentrate to give a precise command so i don’t like to use it that much.

“!! YOU!!”

The rest are getting wary and start to point their weapon to me.

“Don’t move”

I reply while staring at them.

I didn't make a expression other than staring at them like a villain.

“GgAH… AAHh..!”

The leader seems struggling trying to break free of my control, but her blade is still closing to her neck and making a small cut.


The others cannot make a move seeing their leader is becoming a hostage.

Looking at me with hostility and fear in her eyes, the leader like woman is speaking to me.

“Kuh..! Kill me if you want! But, i will never lose to the BL faction! The pure love between inviolable flowers, the secret garden between us! For me that had given up on this world once, that is something that you will never understand..!”

She speak a line like a typical harem female knight... is what i think, but this one is corrupted too.

If it was the usual me, i might singing a praise for her dedication. But, right now…



After a sound of something being cut with a incredible speed.

The leader make a dumbfounded face.



Blood gush out from her left shoulder.



The arms that she cut herself is falling from the sky.

Among with the incredible amount of blood sprayed like a fountain.

“ahhh… ahh…?”

She got confused.

That’s understandable.

Even for her well trained looking body, her arms is cut off easily.


By her own sword and right hand.


Feeling the pain, she screamed in pain.

Once controlling her, i can make her release strength that normally she can’t use. Humans only able to use 80% of their strength anyways.

The drawback is she would probably got a teared up muscle so i decrease her pain sense so she won't collapse immediately, but as expected losing the whole arms is painful. Especially since i increase her fear.

Well i experienced it myself.

“Hii.. hiii... ! Uuu, uugh…”

Her right arms is torn from using a speed that normally impossible. Her bones are leaking out and it bent in a strange direction. Even her body is twisted like a can. While her left shoulder is gushing blood non stop.

“Ahh haaa aaa ahh.… waa.. uwaah… fuwe..eeeh…. Ugu... *sob* *sniff*”

I release her.

She start to crying and trying to running away while trying to crawl and looking at me with a eye full of fear.


Her previous attitude had changed, from domineering warrior into a wailing kid that cannot stopped crying.

“Hic.. uguu.. fueehhh… hicc...”

The others are getting pale and started to distance themself from me.

Cannot bear it anymore, the oldest among them is stopping me.


A old woman seems in seventy years old is stopping me.

Among this group, she seems to be the only old looking person.

Looking at her ears, a elf huh. First time i saw one.

The old woman speak to me.

“...What do you want?”


I didn't reply to her and still making a intimidating face.

Then i start to speak.



I unconsciously speak my mind

“I was irritated seeing you guys still calmly living lifes in this fucking corner of the world even while the world is in a ‘danger’”

The old woman make a depressed face while looking down a bit.


“Even after, ...the revelation that heralds the end of the world. A clear “evil” that needs to be exterminated, a military strength that is more than enough to participate, and no reason to holding you back, you sluts are still hiding inside your goddamn hole of forest and refuse to coming out like a turtle inside their own fucking shell”

I almost said my plan, thankfully i still had enough sanity to not saying that.

Then, the old woman speak.

“Please wait..! There’s a reason for that…!”

She tried to explain.

But i ignore her

“What reason is more important compared to the fate of the world?”


Seriously, after i had prepare such a bouquet of flowers to you guys.

All you need to do is to savor it and taste it, but none of your people is making a move.

I got a bit irritated and speaking my actual opinion.

Continuing without hearing her reply, i speak.

“That’s why…”

“For you useless turtle hiding behind their own shell, without even any will to fight…”

I made a declaration.

“I will grant death upon this country, starting right now”

Hearing that,

The old woman is getting panicked.


They slowed at preparing their stance, and the old woman yelled again.


“B… but, Meia-sama. Your granddaughter is still..”

The old woman clicked her tongue.


The old woman panicked.


And i,

Calmly speak.

“Stop? Who?”


I concentrated my hand and its glowing a light.

Even without a weapon, i can still use photon burst cannon.

The damage is decreased, but since i already concentrated since before it would be enough to kill them all.

The light from my hand is getting blinding, and the old woman is getting dumbfounded.

“Such a incredible concentration of mana…!”

The old lady speaked.

Even though she looked experienced and already living for a long time, sensing such a highly concentrated magic is probably the first for her.


Trying to release it with more power than previous one, i aim to them.

...It's too late

The old woman mutters that word after sensing it’s already impossible to avoid it.

The others are making a despair face and throwing away their weapons trying to surrenders or running away. Some even laughing while crying without running away.

But, i am not gonna stop.

“Photon burst cann…”

Just when i was going to shoot it.


Everyone pause and freeze while looking at me.

A moan is heard from inside my pocket.

It was my phone... the pseudo walkie talkie ringtone.

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