《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 132


-A hidden evil is more troublesome that a open hostility-

Once i move in some distance from the headquarters of adventurer guild.


I speak a short chant, and my previous butler appearance is gone and i return to wearing my black dress.

What i used is a mid grade illusion magic.

While it can change my appearance to a certain extent, it doesnt change my voice or smell, so beastman with keen sense of smell or a expert with mind magic can probably saw through it easily.

I can probably train it to make a better illusion, but i don’t care about such details.

It’s easier than keep changing my clothes anyway.


I am tired.

I was wondering what would happened if he wasn't convinced by my li.. plan, but the amount of pressure is no joke. As expected from the strongest in the adventurer guild.

His strength might not be as out of norm like Iskandar, but his experience and aura is not losing.

In fact, i kinda got the feeling he can cut me down without hesitation if i showed some weakness.


All according to the plan (keikaku)

In order to lessen that old man wariness, i tried to change my appearance to the one that he was liking.

He saw through me immediately, but oh well, at least it was worth a try.

Ruri was completely fooled though.

Huhu she make such a embarrassed face, but i know your head is full thinking of a ideal pair for my “male” appearance.

I know those fujoshi head is full of the instant imagination that even i cannot keep up. But it’s convenient for me.

*crack crack*

I relaxed my muscle a bit before making the next move.

Seriously, i worked so hard lately that i want to just sleep in the bed once this was over.

Well i just had to endure a bit more…

The next one will be the final step.

After that, only actualizing my plan is left.

I only need to enjoy the bloodbath that will come next.



For some while just now.

I feel a ominous feeling like someone is watching


Using a finger i pointed at the bush beside me.

“Lightning fall”


I shot at the buses, and that area is burned immediately.

A shadow is slowly coming out in the midst of the black spot.

It’s.. A slime?

“Who are you?”

I can feel this is not a normal slime.


Not just it was darker than other slime, it endure my attack just now.

Despite it was only a mid tier magic, it was strong enough that even a b class monster would probably died instantly.

But he was completely uninjured despite that.


“Let’s say i am just a curious onlooker. I mean no harm. Mind to let me go? I will not disturbing you”

He speak mechanical voice like oo-kun inside my head. But his tone is more human-like.

He doesn't seems to have a gender, but if i had to guess from the tone it's closer to adult male i guess?

A telepathy huh? Make sense since you cannot speak without vocal organs.

However, i don't trust him and start to draw my temporary katana.

The reason being...

“Hmm? You don’t seem to believe me?”

I didn't reply him and start to attack him with “armor break” skill.

The effect of this skill is the damage is getting larger the harder the enemy defense is.


My attack is bounced off like attacking a rubber.


“My My, kid nowadays is quick to to use violence huh? Reminds me of old times ”

It seems like he have no intention to counterattack or fighting me back.


I got more suspicious instead.

“Try to take advantage of me again, and i will melt you as a new ingot for my blacksmith, piss-lump”

“My my, how scary. I would take care to not offend you to the best of my abilities”

Ignoring him, i start to talk to him while step on him with a strength that can crush a boulder.

“So? Speak your business in three minutes, or would you rather be splashed like a fruit juice and rather be blended ?”

He make a small wriggle like a lump of water getting splashed by a stone.

Try to struggle, but you won’t be able to move.

“My business… if i had to say, a personal curiously i guess?”

“Hmph, there's a saying that Curiosity can kill the cat in my country. Are you prepared to become a milk shake?”

“Receiving our death in the middle of the experiment is a joy for us scientist.”

“But, i’m afraid i have to refuse. I already had enough fill of death after all”


He start to swallow my legs that stepped on him.


“Thank you for saving me the trouble, now i didn't have to approached you”

His body is getting bigger, and i got swallowed instantly inside his body.



I tried to struggle, but my strength seems to be gone once i got inside of his body.

This feeling is gross, it’s like i was a lab animal that had been researched by a countless eye watching me and experimenting my reaction.

It’s.. Feel more embarassing than getting naked in the public !

After five minutes.


I got spit out.

“Haaa haaaah…!”

I can finally breath…!

“I see.. Wonderful”

He speak nonchalantly.

“To think there’s a genius better than me in terms of making a artificial body. No, at this degree of completion perhaps it's already no different than a real body. I am curious about the one who create your body. If they’re still alive, i would like to have a chat”


I start to seriously acknowledge him as a threat, and pulling out my sword.

Staring at him with my deadliest expression that can even scare dragons away, i start to attack him.


I use a spread out mode of my signature move.

If the usual cannon is straight like a beam, this one is like a explosion of light.

Because his body is getting bigger, i doubt a usual cannon could pulverize him completely.

The overall strength is weaker than beam like cannon, but it's enough to explode him.



-ten minutes later-

The dust had been subsidied.

A crater had been created.

Because i was angry, the mana i poured is bigger than usual. Thanks to my dress too increasing my status.


Once i calm down, i looked at the surrounding.

My temporary katana blade had shattered like a dust with only the handle left.

A part of the slime body is scattered a bit around me.

But, even with that much explosion, they’re still struggling like still alive.


I throw out the biggest stone nearing me, and splat out the remains.

Once i make sure all of them is squished, i realize something.

He’s still alive…!

I didn't see him anywhere, but there's no doubt…

He sacrificed a part of his body to running away.


I felt instinctively,

That slime is probably the most dangerous enemy i had meet.

It’s not like he was as strong as Iskandar, but his intention is worser.

The resolve to sacrificed everything to reach the goal, His seemingly lack of empathy, and the ability to observe calmly his victim.

Furthermore, his appraisal result is normal.

Too normal in fact.

He got a average level of 30, and no special skill.

But, from what he is doing just now it's clear it’s just a fake status.

I don’t know how he done that, but that just make it more troublesome.

He got a feeling like a salesman that can easily praise the most defective product as the best in the world and end up scamming even the most wariest housewifes. The one that can turn black into white, and white into black just with a words alone.

This kind of creature, can harm others just by being there.


I was naive…!

So sweet!

Too sweet, like a sugar and honey!

More sweeter than chocolate, too fluffy like a marshmallow!

I should have realize that people with malicious intent like him exist no matter where even in another world.

The kind of asshole that even worse than murder or rapist. Like swallowing a endless mud that never dried!

Truthfully, i got a bit too arrogant once i reach the transcended.

With the exception of out-of-norm Iskandar and Mythical beings, i was confident i can take down even most of the beings here…!

Even Demon king or his general, with enough effort or trickery i can surpass them.

At least, that’s what i think.

But, i was wrong. The problem is not just my strength, it’s my mindset.

I should run and plan my counterattack when i saw that slime is immune with my magic!

I should just bombard him with long range attack instead of approaching him and getting swallowed…!

I was naive, i am… weak..!!!

If that is so...

What has been changed since before then!?


I am.. still weak!

Such a weakling like me,

Would only be a toy for a higher existence.

Gripping the sword handle with all of my might, it smashed into dust.

No more.

I can’t be like this.

I won’t accept it, i won’t accept being weak anymore. I can’t stand losing anymore.

Power is absolute.

If that holds true, even in this world. then…

“I just have to devour them”

Devour my weakness, devour my naiveness.

Everything in this world exist for me, for my goal, for my selfishness.

Such irregularity...

“Who the fuck do you think you are?”

Making a stern face and a wide stare, i resolve myself.

Right now, my resolution can probably even kill a god.

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