《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 128


-Onward to march, ir at least it seems to be tee hee-

With the king of Abona declaration, the Grand Crusade is officially began.

With the intention of “purging”, the army is getting excited.

The leader of the meeting is having a doubt trusting Tuvalu at first and someone with ominous name like Devil god, but they regain composure and start to move.

It’s true that this is probably the only chance that they had.

There would probably be no other miracle like this where all of the people in the world is coming together like this.

Making a movement, they start to return to their home country to prepare their army.

Tuvalu said they can return to their country easily just by going into the pillar of light that they come from.

When asked, he said it was the grace that the Goddess bless to them at the time of her escape.

Thanks to that it took no time at all to gather their forces.

In three days,

They started the march deep inside the demon king territory...


-In the room of the Demon king-


The Demon king is looking haggard while sitting down.

His tired face seems like a white zombie now.

While drinking, he was making a intense stare.

*knock knock*

The room is knocked.

Only one person is possibly knocked at this time.


With that word, Carl enters

“Excuse me..”

He politely asked.

Normally, he knocked without waiting for response, but the current state of the Demon king is making him wary.

His glare is fierce enough to freeze the entire room, and his mood is clearly in very bad mood.

Even Carl which already swears loyalty to him is getting afraid.

“Report the situation”


Hesitating a little, Carl made his report


“Currently, more than 80℅ of Demon is refusing to move after that revelation. About 20℅ is trying to betray us and we already purged them before that can happened. While the rest is starting to get uneasy and start to rioting everywhere..”

Not stopping at that, Carl continued

“Furthermore, General Larvitar suddenly make a move and attacking us. Most of our guard is send to hold him back, but at this current rate they might reached into our capital soon..”

“I knew it.. Anything else?”

“We have captured the General Byakko which suspect for a treason by allowing a beastman to spread a lie about us and inquiry him. He insist that he doesn't know anything about it, and demand that we released his subordinate”

“Keep asking him a question, if he resist or making any suspicious movement cut him down”

“I see.. How about his demands?”

Demon king seems to think for a while, but…

“Cut them down”

Carl make a twitching face, then

“..I’m sorry to act beyond my position, but is there any possibility you can spare them my Lord? ”


“The current situation is like a unexploded bomb. If we being hostile to another general more than this, there's a possibility another riot will occurs”

“We cannot allow any seed of possible traitors. Cut them down and prepare to execute the General Byakko once he learns about it”


“I already made my order, Carl. Do it”

Not allowing any refusal, Demon king stare at Carl.

“...certainly, sir” reply Carl

Moving into next topic, Demon king ask Carl to continue.

“How about General Luke? Did he made any suspicious movement?”

“No sir. He was staying standby in his room and not coming out until further instruction as ordered. Just in case, i already put our most elite guard in standby. They can hold him down at least if he made a move”


“Please do. I cannot trusted him the most among general, but his ability is top notch.”

“I understand, sir”

“Then, about the human demi human alliance?”

“They had reach our border and already gathering there”

Fast. For a humans and demi human that usually slow at making decision to move this fast..

Theres no mistake.

A “mastermind” clearly exist.

A mastermind that moving the beastman and trying to annihilate us compeletely..

“From the situation, they seems to prepare to start attacking tomorrow. Their numbers…”


Being hesistant, Carl seems doubtful to said it

“What's wrong? Say it. At this point, nothing can suprise me anymore. Is it the total of the three countries army and 13 country that allies with them? Then more than one million strong army?”

“No, that is..”

“Spill it!”

Getting impatient, he asked forcefully

“Their number.. Total almost five billion..”

The demon king make a unbelievable face and standing from his chair.


He can only said that words

“Impossible! That's clearly impossible!”

“Even if you gather all of the armies in the world, their number would probably far less than a million. If its five billion, then that's about every populace in this world excluding the demons!”

“Let’s say that every civilians and those dark dwellers which refuse to coming out from their hole is decided to move now, it’s only been three days since that declaration and how can they move so quickly!?”

The Demon king still make a unbelievable face.

Carl mutters...

“Another giant pillar of light is coming out from near our borders and they coming out from that. Most likely it's a giant teleportation device...”

“Impossible! No such teleportation device exist! If there's a possibility..!”


Reminded of certain expert of a teleportation he remembers.

Starting to gather the puzzle, he got weaker and sitting back to his chair.

“I shouldn't have fire him rashly..”

Starting to regret his decision, he cannot do anything about the past and thinking about his next move.

At that moment…



Both Carl and Demon king is surprised.



The laugh continues


The laughing echoes.

Both the Demon king and Carl is looked confused while looking at their surrounding.


The laughing continued.

And then,

Like a haze, the surrounding image is getting blurred and starting to disappear.


Along with the laugh that echoes everywhere.

The world is getting distorted and dissapears.

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