《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 125


-Interludes the opening song for the war-

-In a certain snow country in the far north-

“It's been a long time since i return here..”

A traveler that just return to his home city is looking at his town.

Thinking the town was like usual in appearance, he returns to greet his acquaintances

“Hey guys, I am back!”

He was trying to greet his family in home.

But none of them is here

“Huh? Did they go out somewhere?”

Thinking they're hanging out in pub or restaurant, he searched for them

-After one hour-


He exhales

(Strange.. I looked at everywhere, but i didn't find anyone..)

He was looking for every house he can find and every pub and restaurant he know

But all of them is empty

Their belongings are still there, so there's no way they move somewhere else.

Even the cup of coffee is still hot

When he wants to give up looking and just return to his home.

“Ah, isn't that Bob? HEY BOB YOU’RE HOME!”


He found his father is greeting him.

Thankful that there's still someone, he make a hug



They make a greeting and looked happy together.

Then Bob is remembered

“Oh right, hey Old man wheres the town people?”

“Oh? Right.. You left for some time ago so i guess you won't know”

? While making a confused face, Bob asked

The Old man grinned

“Here, i guess it's faster to show you. It was just getting cold so i return here just to take a warm coffee”

Saying that, he bring Bob to the hill beside the town

In there..


Bob is surprised

About all of the townspeople is gathering here, including elderly and children

In the midst of cold, they’re gathering ignoring the weather

Most of them is chatting with each other happily, like waiting for a show to start

“Ssh.. Its gonna started soon. Just watch”


While he was still confused

Our beloved homeland, in the midst of the white snow


He heard a voice somewhere..

No, a song?

Everyone is starting to silently hears them


A group of silhouettes with a hood is showing up from nowhere


He was surprised

“HAHA! I bet you’re surprised aren't you? Relax, i was surprised when i saw them for first time too”

Saying that, the Old man laughs and started explaining

“It was started more than a month ago. A group of three hooded kids is showing up from nowhere”

“At first, we thought they’re demons or monsters. But since they didn't do anything other than singing the townspeople is getting less wary with them”

“Over time we got used with their presence, and started to hear their song”

“Inside this isolated town without any entertainment, their song is the only things to spending time for”

“They sing various things about our town, how the taste of the fish that we captured, and even things that we didn't realize was here all along”


“Hearing them praising about a lot of beautiful things in our town make us think they’re angels or messenger of gods”

“So it's already become a routine to come here everyday at this time”


Bob is surprised.

Their voice is beautiful and sounded otherworldly.

The girl that staring in front of the fireplace

Crackle crackle

Waiting for her father to return home

And bringing her the biggest catch today

A delicious fatty tuna with a shiny luster

Inside the warm fireplace

Step step

Her father step is nearing

She excitedly opening the door with smile

With a smile that not losing against the sun itself, the girl smiles

Welcome home father

It was a warming story today

Yesterday, it was about the animal in the forest beside them

Before that, it was about their pub

Before that, it was about their daily lives

All of them is warming their hearts

The girl that had been mentioned in the story is crying while her father is patted her back

He looked amazed

“Thanks to their song, we realize how beautiful our town is and never wants to going anywhere now. After realizing our love with the town, we start to realize how precious our home is”

Bob was dumbfounded

The song is changing again

This is...!

The story of his grandma!

He was surprised they know about it.

After all it was only known to his close friend and his parent.

They start to sing about the house that his grandma build, the effort that she make, and all of the beautiful things that she had been built for her family.


Bob only staring at them while not realizing he was crying.


While mutterings the name of his precious person that he started to forgot, his father pat his shoulder and saying to drink together with him tonight.

And that He wants to hear his story of travel.

Bob only nodded while wiping his tears


After a week..

Getting excited about what is in today song, Bob is coming to the hill


While waiting impatiently and sitting down while drinking hot coffee that he bring.


A bright light occurs in some distance from him.

Everyone is surprised and looked at the light.

Because it was so bright, nobody did not realize. Especially everyone is already in the outside today.


They saw a figure that brings them a dreadful news.


They got silent after hearing her “revelation”

About her being the Goddess, the Demon King and evil god contract...

And most importantly

The destruction of the world...


Truthfully they didn't know much about the Goddess or Demon King.

And in this distant land, the war is unfamiliar for them

All they know is that the humans or demi humans never manage to exterminate the demons in 200 years

To exterminate them all in ten days.. Would need something like a miracle.

While they never even holds a weapon before, such foreign concept is usually just a gossip for them. Something that they have no relation at all.


If it was before, they might ignore it and saying someone else will save the world anyway.



A child is speaking

“Are we.. Gonna Die? I can't taste this town delicious fish anymore? I can't ride the boat together with you anymore..”

Hearing that, the mother hugs the kid


She mutters it would be fine, it would be fine..


Bob only silent while looking at them.

He was just a traveler.

While he did have some self defense technique and weapon for his traveling, getting involved in a war is another thing.


If nothing is done, then everything will disappear.

All of it, will be gone.

The places that he visited, his grandma heritage, the people that he love...

All of them, is going to disappear

After realizing how precious they are, after knowing how beautiful what they have right now.

To lose them all right now, would be unbearable


He grits his teeth.

Is there nothing that he can do?

Is wasting away while counting their remaining times is all he can do?

He never curse his powerlessness this much


Is there something that you learnt in your travel that can help fighting Demons?

Is there anything? Anything at all!

While he was pondering that..


Another bright light occurs in front of them.

Scared about what is going to happened next, they huddled together.


Looking at this scenery,

It was truly what is called a light of hope.

Forward to our dream

Our land, our hope

Should it all be disappear in nothingness?

Should we give up now?

If you don't want it


We will give you a hope

The usual Angels is here.

With someone that looked older beside them.

Without any hood covering them this time, they shown their face.

A beastman with a fur and tails.

Considering their timing, and their appearance.

Some people even started to praying and crying.

Aah, they’re truly the messenger of the Goddess

The Goddess had not abandon us

Thanks Goddess, thanks angels

While they had prayed,

The older one among them is start to speak.

With a voice that is dignified like a Goddess yet a clear male voice

Dear fellow children of the Goddess!

As you all aware

Our planet is in a crisis

Our homeland, our people, our world

They all under the threat of the monstrous being called the Demon King.

They all started to panicked

But, don’t give up hope yet

The Goddess has not yet abandon us!


The proof that she entrusted us with, the miracle that will take down the evil

Saying that,

He bring out a silver fishing pole.

With a bright silver light shines upon them.


People is in awe.

They all know what this light is.

After all,

They just witness it not long ago..!


This is the proof of the Goddess miracle

Can you all saw it? Can you feel it?

The hope that she gaves to us inside

The love that she poured for it

All of her feelings, until the last moment

It was proof that there is still a hope for this world!

Saying that, he started to show other things.

Some cooking tools, compass, farming tools, sewing kit

All of them is in the color of silver.

Even those that is not a fighter have a role that they can do

Right now, our fellow brother and sister is fighting while bearing the burden of saving the world


None of us will run away

None of us will back down

Would you be fine if they all disappear? Would we be fine handing over our precious treasure to the demons?

The answer is no

As long there is still hope, as long there's still love in this world

We would, never let them disappear

Saying that,

They gripped their hand.

For our brother and sister that fights in the frontline against Demons

There's still something that even we, commoners can do!

Just like a warrior had their role, even farmer and fisher had their role to do

Those Demons that trying to take away even that…

Will never be forgiven

We don't have to be in fear

We don't have to be guilty

For our cause is just

For our purpose is justice


Let us strike down the evil together

With just one silver for each item, we can help our brother and sister in the frontline

Let the silver shiny coin become our guide!

Strike down the evil! Protect the world!

He start to repeat the words


“Strike down the evil! Protect the world!”

They all eventually start to repeating it

There's no need to feel guilty, There's no need to fear!

“There's no need to feel guilty! There's no need to fear!”

For our cause is just!

“For our cause is just!”



Let the hammer of judgement fall upon the evil!

“Let the hammer of judgement fall upon the evil!”

Everybody is cheered.

In order to protect their homeland, their loved one, their current world.

No demons, no evil is gonna stopped us

Each one of them is taking each equipment that fits them.

“Ooh! This seems exactly like my fishing pole that has been gone since a week ago! Only the color is silver”

“Me too! This looks exactly like my sewing kit that disappear a month ago”

“The Goddess must have known that i lost my flute two weeks ago and giving me this exactly similar flute for me. Thank you, Goddess! Thank you, angels”

Because they was in such a high spirit, nobody realized something is wrong.


There's a sweet smell around them.

That smell…

Is already here ever since those “angel” is coming.

Alongside a pair red ball of light watching them from the back.

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