《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 124


-The holy crusade of our cause-

-Inside the meeting room balcony of royal capital Abona-


Everyone is speechless.

None of them managed to react.

Well, that's understandable.

Especially those that received the protection of the three countries and heroes previously.

They're not ready.

They cannot calmed down their minds.

Their thinking is so messed up that they cannot even guess where to start.

A war that is supposed to become a usual pattern is suddenly becoming a battle that determines the fate of the world instead.

Some of them is still trying to comprehend the meaning of world destruction, while some of them is trying to running away from reality.

However, deep inside they realize…

The light that only the Goddess have.

The miracle of suddenly showing up her figure everywhere in the world.

The sudden movement of the demons.

If the demon king are panicked because the Goddess is managed to escaped somehow, it would explain why they're starting to move.

Now that the Goddess had been captured again, he would continue the plan to destroying the world.

Not conquest, but destroy...


The demon is strangely quiet lately, until just now.

Did the demon king already finalized the plan to destroy this world? Is it already reach final phase that the facade is no longer necessary?

If so.

They must be stopped.

They must save the Goddess, and destroy the demons and the evil god.



With their condition that barely even manages to fend off the attacking demons, now they must annihilate them? Deep Inside of their territories?

Doesn’t know about at what to do, only silence remains.

This state, has been done in who knows how many hours passed.

Some begin to asked what to do, while most of them only gone quiet.


King Abona is especially in a deep thought.

Now that the situation has come to this there’s no other choice...


Either him lead them, or someone else lead them, someone have to start the campaign.

The campaign with the fate of the world at stake.


He just can’t move.

Even if he knows the fate of the world is in stake, he just cannot do it!

He cannot even take responsible for the lives of people in his country, how can he can bears the burden of every lives in the world!?

Under this heavy pressure, he almost forgot his dignity as a king and wets his pants

(Spare me already...)

He almost break down and crying.


Someone start to speaked.

“How long you guys are going to stay silent like someone had died?”

It was Lily.

They got dumbfounded, and focusing attention to her.

“What are you guys making that face for? We are the leader of the humans and demi.., no, the leader of the world against the demons. If we got panicked, then what about the people under our hood? If they got panicked too and we failed to calm them down then everything will be over. The world will be destroyed and all of the lives here would perish, well probably except the Demon King...”

They was surprised and making a dumbfounded face like trying to ask.

How can you be so calm?

And Did you really believe the world is probably gonna end in ten days.

Lily only lightfully replied.

“As the maiden that devotes to Goddess, i have seen the light that the Goddess bring. It's definitely the same light, so there's no room to doubt..

(Though was she really imprisoned the whole time? Last time i saw the light is when we offered a food as offering. How can she nonchalantly eating sweet when the world is in danger? To begin with.. no, whatever. It’s too big of a gamble to refuse. Should it be correct, then we have to start the move)


Lily seems to have some doubt, but she didn't speak it loudly because it would only add unnecessary worries to them.

(Either it is the truth or false, we cannot shake off the possibility. If the Demon King really kill the Goddess, the world will end without us being able to stop it)

The others still looked worried, and Lily started to get irritated.



Saying what's in her mind, she yelled at them

Looking at them, It looks like they still won't make a decision

Getting annoyed, Lily just want to forget her position and telling them to just start moving already.


Another bright light has occurred in the yard.


Everyone is surprised with the another light.

From that light,

Countless silhouettes is coming out from them.

Along with the countless banner that they bring.

“!? THAT IS!?”

They all surprised.

The banner that they bring is from the various country spread in the world.

Most of them is not even known by them.

And not just them,

Some various tribe and race that didn't even joining human and demi human alliance is coming out too

“Thats.. The biggest Elf countries Elfheim? I heard they’re a extreme shut in that declare their non intervention law ever since their country is created”

“Look, it was that five alliance of the great merchant country Sirius! Those guys is usually only moving as long as money is involved!”

“Even the banner of the mythical land Verdas that hails from the north land we have been lost contact with in 300 years !”

“There's a various race and tribe that had been long known to never made a contact with us! Hobbits, Dragonewt, even evil race such as Vampire, Undead, Gargoyle..”

“Look! There's still more coming!” How many are them?”

Inside the bright light, various people keep pouring out.

It was flooding until the yard in front of the castle is flooding.

They keep coming out and start to gather even outside the park and stretching as far as eye can see.

With this much,

It might not be a exaggeration that the whole force of the world can offer is gathering here..

“What in the world...”

One of the representative is asking.

They all from different race, countries,land.


They all had one similar things on them.

“What is... That silver equipment?”

All of them is wearing a silver colored equipment.


All of them seems to have been imbued with strange energy inside them.


Some hooded figure that seems to leading them is showing up.


One of them is moving to the front.

Wearing a hood that they cant make out the face.

However, judging from the figure it seems like a woman.

After that, she bring the silver spear in front of her.

With a activation words, the weapon is shining in a silver light.

“Our cause is just!”

Speaking in dignified voice that seems neither from a man or woman, they surprised.

However that's not what surprised them the most.

What they was surprised is the light from the weapon.

Is exactly like..

“Oooh… the light of the Goddess!”

With that word as a trigger, the remaining people behind is pulling out their weapon too.

“Our cause is just!”

With that words, all of their weapon is shining.

In that moment,

The royal capital have been engulfed in a light.

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