《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 122


-My prey has been decided since the start-

-Before the meeting of the human and demi human country-

I was standing above a cliff.

The forest near the Demon King territory, besides the mines.

Observing around me…

There's three people left beside me.


I was looking down below me and staring at the land beyond the forest.


My aim is beyond this forest…

Licking my lips in anticipation, i can’t wait to getting started.

“Miho sama, it would be the time to start soon. Are you prepared?”

Speaking beside me is Tuvalu.

I ignore him for some time.

He seems troubled from my lack of response and getting uneasy.

“Miho sama?”

Seeing i did not responded, i finally replied him.

“Hmm? Ah, forgive me Tuvalu. I got distracted”

“No, i am sorry for disturbing you when you’re deep in the mind, Miho sama, but...”

“You're.. Dressed up quite differently than usual i see..”

Saying that, i was indeed dressing up for today “festival”

Instead of my usual general clothes, i wear a gothic black gold dress with more exposure than usual.

My upper breast is exposed while i wear some pads to make it looked bigger, and my arms and legs is showing compared to the previous clothes that fully closed my arms and legs.

I let down my hair too. It was fluttering in the midst of wind.

I even wear some accessories, and below i was wearing a garter belt and heels instead of the usual shoes and normal white panties.

Of course, there's a various reason for this.. But more importantly..

“Well, because i will meet a important person soon i got a bit excited for what i am gonna wear for our “date” ”

Tuvalu seems a bit embarrassed looking at me and just made a *kohon*

Actually, despite the appearance, this dress is my strongest armor that i can wear currently.

It was named “Heavenly dress of overlord”

It has ridiculous effect like status effect immunity and decrease half of damage received. Not to mention various status boost.

Though because of it’s exposure, i didn't use it until now.


This time, is a special occasion.

After all...

“We, will finally meet. In person. I wonder...”

What face would you made once i killed you?

While grinning, i got reminded of my encounter around five months ago.



Making a scream, i cut someone with a ninja clothes unhesitantly.

When i was busy mad hunting some monsters, i was coincidentally found some people with a ninja clothes near my position.

Those guy doesn't seem to come for me, but looking at such a suspicious group working on something behind my back irritate me.

So i decided to do a light ‘greeting’, see?

But they start to attack me instead.

Ah, i guess i put on too much bloodlust.

Can’t be helped, my tension is still high from the monster massacre.

They start to attack me once i come to meet them, so i killed them.

They tried to run once realizing our level difference, but it’s too late. I have no intention of letting go of someone who picked up a fight with me.

Hitting their vital spot and not killing them instantly, breaking their bones, making them died of blood loss, i treat them similarly with the monster i just fought.

After cutting down the legs of what looked like their leader, he is the last survivor.


“Finished with your game of tags yet? Hurry up and die then...”

Not giving any mercy, i tried to finish him off.

I wonder what sort of face i made right now.

I tried to said it nicely but they got more scared instead.

“Haaa haaah..”

He stare at me with bloodshot eye full of grudges and hate.

Actually, after feeling their emotions when i cut them down i got addicted and end up killing them.

I plan to leave one of them for questioning, but with the Goddess curse it’s actually more easier to know their intention.

That's why i torture them bit by bit to coughing up information from their last moment... I can feed their intense emotion too as bonus. Especially...

The feelings of their leader in front of me is the best.

Aahh.. Such a intense hate, such intense raw emotion.. Loyalty, duty,determination.. And more importantly...

Such intense ‘Love’

That's right.

The person in front of me is actually a woman.

Once her mask is removed, it was a beauty white haired dark skin with a horn. A demon.

Looking at me with a resolute face, she made a face that looks like she wants to survive even if she must sacrifice all of her comrade.

But, she realize she cannot getting away from me any longer. And planned to stop me instead no matter what.


Making her resolve, she jumped and tried to grab me.


From my mind reading, She tried to grab me and doing a suicide explosion using a sacrifice spell that throw away your life in exchange of huge explosion of mana.


Realizing her intention from when i cut her. I use my strongest attack, photon cannon.

And erase her from this world.


With a bright light, She was disintegrated without a trace.

If i had more magical power, it might be able to destroy the surface world.

Unfortunately, with my current mana this is the most i can do.

After she was gone, i didn't move for a while while looking at the spot where i erase her.

At that moment...


I laughed


Making a face with such a ecstasy and pleasure, i cannot stop laughing.


Awesome! Amazing! How beautiful! How intense! How admirable...”

“All of it! All of it! It was a masterpiece! A beautiful and untainted wish! A pure wish born from such a love! Such tragedy! Such intense feelings! Such misfortune! Unfortunately, Your luck has been run out the moment you meet me! Me! This “evil” that took away all of your dream and wish! Your hope and everything! Also…”

The one who will took away your wish and shattering it into a piece without any trace left in this world

Normally, just hurting or killing them cannot make me read this much of what they know and what about their past memories.

However, the woman that i just killed is having such a intense feeling before she got disintegrated. Different from the monster until now.

Perhaps, that allows me to read her mind further than usual. Even goes as far as her most important memory.

Her loyalty when she had been entrusted with such a secret, Her determination when looking at him, her feelings that she hide all this time, grown eventually into what called “love”


It was awesome!

A warm feelings is enveloping me.

A gentle breeze is embracing me.


A ecstasy had entrapped me as her prisoner.

My body is trembling at such a pleasant thought.

It lies reverberated at the core of my being.

Such intense and such a beautiful wish...

Makes me want to destroy it


What will the face of that man will become once i kill him?

What expression will he made once i destroy and stripped everything that he had?

His plan entrusted since his birth, his wish since he was small, all of his burden bearing such a intense weight. Such determination! Such resolve!


I can't hold any longer!

At this moment, at this time..

All i really want is...

What expression would he had shown me? How much hatred would he made while looking at me? Would he gone crazy in order to stop me?

Would he sacrificed everything in order to stop me? Can he endure this ‘despair’? More importantly…

Everything, all of it, will become mine and mine alone.

I am sure, at that moment.

Surely without doubt..

Would be the very best moment that i would ever feel ever since i was born


While i was getting excited, one of the two other people beside me is poking my cheeks.

“Oh my? How scary. A young girl such as yourself shouldn’t make such a scary expression”

A cheerful middle aged woman with blonde light hair is poking me and a woman with green hair and blind eye is looking at me.

Apparently they’re known as the dual storm renown around here, with a beauty that doesn't match their age. Also..

“But you looked so happy, so i guess it’s fine?”

“Like you can say that, you rotten queen from the biggest countries in the world that just sold her own country” is my reply

She grinned while replied at me

“Arara? That’s not very nice. I always act for the good of my people. Even right now”

Replied her nonchalantly, i don't know how much of her word is actually serious or a joke.

After returning from the Iskandar place.

When i return to mine, there's two unfamiliar face that i never seen.

When i looked at them, Gordes make a trouble expression “Well, they're.. Uh, you will find out yourself?”

Then, without any reserve they make a simple greeting while saying “Pardon us, we would like join. But allow us to test your might first. Is it fine, devil god?”

Without waiting for my reply, they attacked me suddenly.

To be honest, they're so fucking strong. That even i would probably get beaten if i fighting them before i got transcended.

The green haired woman magic is amazing, while the blonde hair woman movement is so tricky and confusing.

There's no problem fighting them one by one, individually even gordes is probably a bit stronger.

But once they're working together, it was a different matter.

Closing each other weakness, they worked with each other perfectly. I was surprised they even do a combination attack like a sharp typhoon suddenly coming to piercing me.

In the end, i had to relied on brute force and forcefully punch that typhoon in the center because my current weapon won’t make it.

After i beat them, they introduce themself as the queen of Granada and Abona and joining our cause.

The reason they’re strong is because before becoming the queen of the respective country, they’re known as a pair of A rank adventurer known as the dual storm.

Their prowess is such that if they’re fighting together, even a single S rank monster will run for their lives.

After getting married, they had been somewhat calmer. It would be scary if i fight them at their peak.

I was surprised they would join our plan.

But they answer that no matter the wrongness of the method, this plan success would make sure for them to defeats their enemies for good. So for them, the number of sacrifices will be “Necessary”

Besides that, the actual reason is that they want to let out a stress sometimes. And looking at the scale of the war that will soon come, they can release everything without holding back.

Is it fine? For the queen themself to act for a personal reason...

Well, but i don’t hate those that honest with their desires. So i allow them.

I already order countless number of oo-kuns to attack them at once if they planned to betray me though, it's probably unnecessary since i don’t feel killing intent from those two.

“Then, proceeding as planned. I will provide the explanation in the back as the announcer so all she need to do is lip sync. But in the end if the black cat girl acts unnatural, all of the plan will be failed and you guys will be treated as criminal of the whole world. Got it?”

Tuvalu make a agree sign.

“Leave it to us Miho-sama. Our current situation is not that different from the criminals anyway. And Sonya is already practicing countless time for this moment”

Making a grin, i speak with the other two.

“You guys need to convince your husband to make a move and leading those guest that will gather soon at the performance stage. I trust you can do it, right?”

“It's fine, Ran-chan is easy to manipu...convinced, so there's no problem.”

Speak the green haired woman

“You're having it easy, while mine is... Sigh, i hope he can become a man this time...”

The blonde haired woman looked a bit depressed, contrast from her usual personality

Making a grin, i announce it while holding a small device in front of me.

This device is connected to my subordinate all over the world. No matter the distance, they can contact me.

Think of it as a mini teleportation device, but it can only sending voice instead of whole body...

Okay, it was actually just a walkie talkie. A upgrade from what i used previously.

My friend upgrading it without sleep, said this was harder to make than the teleportation device.

I am thankful, my general.

Contacting them, i speak with a loud voice.


I received their response.


Grinning, i announce it.


I announce the beginning of the festival.


If anyone want to stop me, feel free to try.

Because hidden behind this plan,

Is something more devious that none of you will expect...

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