《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 120


-Interlude the gathering of the three major power-

Inside the Abona royal castle, it's getting noisier than usual.

All people with various race is gathering here while discussing.

With an advisor from Abona is explaining the situation at their center.

“The treasury inside our country Alexandria is stolen too. including the Granada and Abona, about all of the surrounding countries is getting hit by this mysterious phantom thief”

In the most important looking seat, the three Leader from the three major countries is gathering, including various Representative from another country in their surrounding, and their guards in the behind, including the heroes. With the exception of those countries that closed off from the outside world, or being too far from royal capital, everyone is here.

They gather here to discuss the various important matter regarding the movement of the Demons, and the mysterious disappearance of treasury in the various countries.

Basically a meeting to decide the world future. You can call it as the world summit.

The only time it happened though means there’s never been a good things happened.

For example...

“Including the three major countries, we have received similar report from 12 smaller countries. The stolen good is various including gold, food and treasure, but the most stolen goods is weapon and armor”

“Our main suspect if the biggest thief organization phantom, since there's a part of word phantom in the letter that had been spread. but they denied their involvement and said that they didn't know anything. They even have their leader son to commit suicide as a proof of their words”

Hearing that, the various people here is starting to debating.

“Is it possibly it was Demons that stole it? it seems highly possible considering their abilities”

But the Representative that make the speech is denying that

“The Demons have no use of our treasury and weapon. If it was them, they would rather have a easier time destroying it in spot rather than stealing them. But there's no trace of destruction at all, and they all vanish into thin air”

They start to make a noise while most are complaining.

‘Vanish?’ ‘ What the hell is the soldier in charge of the security doing?’ ‘Can’t those shitty tax thief doing their damn job properly!?’

If you looked closely, there's some important fat looking noble that looks like their soul had been sucked dry and lifeless. It seems like they’re the one that gets hit the most hardest.

Then, someone start to asked.

“Is the culprit that named himself as gluttonous king Mara has been found?”

“No, we tried to ask all of the involved countries, but they never heard of known that name before”

Hearing that, Shuu makes a guilty face while looking at Yuya.

Yuya himself is ignoring them and pets a cat.

The Heroes is listening with this discussion too because it was involving them.

Though Arisa cannot come here, while Lily said that she will get busy for awhile so she can’t come.

Shuu wonders what is so important that she missed such a important meeting, but if that's the word of the current Holy Maiden, that's probably the truth.

If he was getting too worried he would get teased again by Yuya, so he trust Arisa will be fine.

The Representative continues.

“Strangely, the stolen weapon and armor is all low quality weapon that is considered to be disposed or almost broken because its too old. And rather than gold or bronze coins, silver coins is stolen the most compared to another coin. We do not understand the reason why. But for the national budget to get stolen that it’s probably impossible to recover in hundred years is a severe blow to us”


They start to debating further what is the leader from each country is doing, like even the country with Heroes and Holy Maiden is getting robbed too, and start to putting blame to each others.

Looking at this, the Abona Kingdom is getting indecisive about what to do, and the Granada King is staying silent all this time.

Inside this bickering of throwing away their responsibilities to each others, Lily cannot holding it anymore and smack the table into two with her fist.



Everyone is looking at her.

“Shut up”

Lily makes such declaration

“The reason we gather here is to find a solution for various problem that is happening around our countries, not looking for who is responsible for what and who is the one gonna wiping your ass from your problems every time. If you guys have such a free times blaming each others...”

“Anyone rather become my sparring partner instead?”

Lily makes a cracking sound with her fist.

Looking at this, they all gulped.

Since they know the strength of the holy maiden, nobody dares to agitate her.

‘isn’t that the infamous loli dragon slayer..’ ‘no, no, isn't that the one called loli human weapon?’ ‘You guys are all wrong, she was called as loli ball crusher..”

Lily seems to be hearing them, so she stare those guys that whispering at each other.

Once they got meek like a frightened lamb, she started to return to her seat.

Since it seems like discussing the Thief further is meaningless, they move into the next topic.

“Uuh.. moving along, all of the Blacksmith in the Borneo inside the Granada countries is mysteriously disappeared overnight. Currently it doesn't seems to be abduction, because there’s no sign of struggle. And the inside of the house us clean without any sign of robbery. But the once called one of the busiest city in the world suddenly getting empty is strange.”

They start to panicked.

The Borneo city is known as one of the biggest supplier of various weapon and armor distribution in the world.

Knowing the vital part of maintaining the various weaponry in the world stopped functioning would be a big trouble.

“Thankfully, their quota this year is already fulfilled. So there's no problem for now about our weapon and armor distribution. But if this continues, then i am afraid eventually we...”

They still seems to be worried.

Without a weapon, how can they maintain the public security?

If the demons are making their move too, then they’re screwed.

Feeling their panic,The King of Granada finally start to speak.


He dismissed it so easily.


With a stern face, he speak to all of them.

“My wife and Barba wife is already investigating this matter. Furthermore, the boss in the Borneo city is a stubborn old cow. He won't spare any effort to do what he doesn't want to. Knowing him, i bet they all found some strange new metal source somewhere and leaving without realizing it”

Saying with such vigor, he tried to calmed them down.

“Let them go if they want to go somewhere. If they’re really interested with a new source of metal this much, they would return after bringing a new invention that perhaps can even shock the world”

Speaking like he seems to knows their personality the best, the King of Granada speaks about his opinion.

“Just leave the investigation matter to our wifes. They didn't get to known as the dual storm that represent both of our country might for nothing.”


They seems to not fully convinced, but if the King that owns the Borneo itself saying that, they cannot complaint further.

“Now, for the most important matter and the reason why we are here now”

The topic is continuing for the main part.

Everyone holds their breath.

“The Demons, which has been lately getting quiet and didn't have any major movement ever since the new Demon King crowned, is gathering their main forces centered in the Demon King castle.”

They start to mutters and getting panicked

“Furthermore, it seems like all of them is getting prepared for war. According to the report of the witness that accidently getting lost inside their territory, Almost all of the force of Demons is concentrated, most likely it's gonna be...”

An all out attack from the demons

Hearing that, some of them is standing

“Impossible! Have they really tried to destroy us this time?”

“My country didn't have enough manpower to defend ourself! Furthermore we’re so close with the demon territory! We would be annihilated”

“How did they able to spare a huge army!? I thought they’re getting meek lately?”

“At the very least, can we really depends with the protection from the three major countries? How about the heroes?”

They started to panicked and debating with each others

Tsk.. mutters Lily

Those guys have been in the safe side until now while dumping the problem into us, the major countries. Why are they panicked now?

At the very least, work and make yourself useful for us right now. You can spare supplies or troops for us at least as support.

Is what she thinks. But she didn’t said it out loud.

While they’re still getting panicked, the Abona King is getting depressed inside his mind.

(Ahh.. why, why did the Demons decide to seriously attacking us now? Why it’s not in the generation before me or after me?)

The King is afraid.


what he scared the most is not the Demons.

(I can’t handle the burden of staining my hand in blood. As the King, i have to send my people into death no matter what i choose. I always running away from military matters and leaving it all to my wife. I am afraid being responsible with their death. I was afraid of sending them to death. I was afraid i would make a wrong choice. And furthermore, i was just a normal person. Being responsible for all of their lives is too heavy for me!)

As the King of the Royal Capital, it was given that he would probably become the supreme Commander for this campaign against the Demon King.

That means, as the Leader he would be responsible for countless people death.

As someone who live a cowardly live as the peaceful King, having to taking responsible for various lives is too hard for him.

(If i suicide, would their morale gonna be plummet? No.. if it seems like i was killed by the Demons, perhaps they won't blame me then?)

Begin to thinking to suicide to running away from his responsibility, the Abona King is getting desperate.

It seems like this discussion is gonna be useless..



One of them is shouting


A young Elf from a small country Rashik is standing up.

Everyone else is surprised and it was getting their attention.

Lily and King Ranpossa is impressed that someone had a guts in this situation.

Looking at him, he start to speak.

“Everyone, please think carefully!”

“It’s true the Demon is having an all out attack is surprising, and we might lose this time”

“But, are you fine with it? are you fine with our homeland is disappearing?”


He start to point at the sky

“The blue sky in your home, the sea in your shore, the forest and the mountain that gives lives to you, the desert that become our livelihood since our ancestor”

“Different countries have different place, but i’m sure you guys have at least one place that you love, one person that you don't want to lose, one thing that you cannot yield to anyone”

“If we give up now, then what would happened to the people that we love? what would happened with the land that our ancestor desperately protect all this time? do you want it all to gone? in the hands of the Demons?”

Making a fist, he declares.

“Now is not the time to be debating. is it not the time for us to unite for a common cause?”

“Think about all of them. are you fine if they all disappeared? Can you accept that! If you do, what’s the point of our struggling? The blood and sweat that our ancestor worked hard in order to maintain this peace? If there's time to act, when else it is but now? Isn't this exactly the time we need to show our solidarity to the demons?”

All of them is starting to getting silent.

“If they’re come, then let them come! Isn't that exactly why we were gathering here? Let us show them, that we aren't to be underestimated. That we can bite back when we need to!”

They all did not speak anything and only listening it quietly.

After that,

One of them clapped.

*clap clap*

It was Lily.

All of them is looking at her now.

“What? He said the right things”



Not missing the moment, the Granada King is starting to clap too. harder than Lily.


Starting to clap hard, he stand up and giving speech



Hearing his voice, some of them is starting to salute.

Most of the Representative is still confused, but they agree this isn't the time to debate with each others.

Starting to get spirited, they started to discuss the demons movement, counterattack plan, and the next move.


The young man seems tired and sitting back on his chair.

Someone pours him a drink, and he said thanks without thinking.

“Good work..”

It was the Abona King.

He was surprised and almost spit his drink.

“Ah, y..your Majesty, there's no need to mind me..!”

For a Leader of small countries like him is pouring a drink from the leader of biggest countries in the world, it was surprising for him.

The Abona King only make a wry smile and said.

“Don't mind it. Actually i want to ask you a question”

“A question?”

“Weren't you afraid?”

“Pardon?” he didn't understand his question

“You.. were you not afraid being responsible for this war? Weren't you afraid sending countless people to their death?”

He start to listen to King seriously

“I heard the Elf is a introvert demi humans and almost never involve themself with matters in the world. That no matter what happened to the rest of the world they would always decided to not get involved and standing as a third party. Your action just now is very un-Elf like. why?”

Seemingly embarrassed, he speak honestly to the King

“To be honest, about a few months ago i was like that. But...”

“I heard the voice of the Angels”


the King is getting curious and started to asked.

The young man continue his explanation.

“Yes. the Angel in hoods speaks the world truth about us. About the beauty of our country, the mountain, the forest, the people.. they never stopped singing about how beautiful and how precious the world is”

“At first, not all of us minded it. But after hearing their song and determination inside their voices, most of us is realize how precious the things that we have now. How we love all of the things that seems naturally there for us”

“So, when i was thinking the demons will took that away. I got very scared of losing them, and my determination surpass my fear.”

He speak while embarrassed

“I guess, the right way to explain would be i had a Faith?”


“Yes. faith that this world is beautiful. Faith about myself, faith that someone out there is truly loves this world from the bottom of their hearts”

“That's why, realizing that, i have a Faith. For this world, for them, and especially for myself”

The Abona King seems dumbfounded, and starting to think hard to himself.

“Pardon? What's wrong your Majesty?”

He only speak i’m fine without any vigor, while muttering “Faith, i see.. so Faith huh..? To think i heard it from someone younger than me, thank you”

“Uhm, your majesty? I am sorry but i was already 273 years old now..”

The king start to make a embarassed face and complaining inside his head ‘Damn the long ears and their long lives! How am i supposed to know you’re actually older?’

Getting relieved, he was relaxing his mind a bit.

While the others is still in the middle of discussion.

A soldier is coming and interrupts them.


The soldier is panicked.

Everyone mutters what’s wrong? Did the Demons army already attacking?

He was panicked and started to explain while looked confused



Confused, they started to go into the balcony where they can see everything outside the building.


At that moment.

Everyone is speechless..

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