《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 119


-Interludes a omen from the inside-

-Inside the deepest part of the Demon King castle-

Inside the room where not even a speck of light is reflected.

A lone figure is sitting there alone.

Together with metal box and cable connecting together, which is things that cannot be found in this world.

It was a tool called a “machine” in the other world.


Demon King Arthur is focusing his attention at the numbers on screen.

His concentration is incredible, that the atmosphere in the room feels like it’s frozen.

It seems like he will doing this forever if nobody interrupt him.


Sensing someone coming inside the room, the Demon King is stopping his current work.

“What is it, Carl?”

The butler Carl is erasing his presence so he won't disturb the Demon King.

But even with that, he still got busted.

As expected from the man that he swear loyalty from.

“I’m sorry to interrupt here, Demon King-sama. Am i bothering you?”

Hearing that, the Demon King is replied.

“No.. i was just too immersed in controlling the mana flow of this device. If you didn’t come, i might forget to take a rest again. Your coming is godsend, Carl.”

Saying that, he stare at the black box in the center of the room.

“Is this.. the technology from other world? Did we succeed with our attempt to reproduce it?” ask Carl

The Demon King answered.

“No.. unfortunately, even that jerk.. Bernard is not actually specialized in creating the machinery that he was talked about. He told me that he was more knowledgeable about using them instead of creating one”

Hearing that Carl sighed

He’s still angry. Our king would be perfect if only he wasn't so protective with the young lady...

“That's why, I had to borrow the knowledge of a certain unpleasant fellow”


Remembering about that unpleasant fellow makes his mood gone down.

Carl didn't know who is the unpleasant fellow that he was speaking about. But since his king doesn't seem to want to speak about it further, he didnt ask a question.

Continuing what he comes to do, Carl speak about his intention in coming here.

“i have a report about the plan”

Making a nod, Arthur replied

“Then, report me the progress of the plan”

“Yes your Majesty. For now, everything is going smoothly. Our Spies has reported the tower is already buried in the most vital places, including the three main point. From the four Deva General, only the General Iron Dragon Larvitar is staying silent and not joining our cause. The newly appointed General Dark Luke and the General Beast Tiger Byakko is already standing ready on their position.”

Hearing that, Demon King nods.

“I see.. Then, with you joining as the Clear Owl General we have the three General standing ready. It’s time to Release the strength that you have sealed until now and fight for our cause. In Addition of our seventy thousand elite Demon, Gather all of our army and start preparing for a battle to subjugate the three capital first. Tell them to not waste any time for plundering and raping if possible. Capture the high officials within the capital and don’t kill them. Tell them that we will reward those who managed to bring them back alive. Once we take down the three capital, spread and surround the remaining resistance. Remember to not kill the one who gives up”

“After that, we only need to concentrate our attention within the three main point of tower. It’s our main mission. Make sure there's no interruption at that time. Once it’s done we can start to explain our circumstance with everyone. It might takes them time to accept, especially since we’re the invaders.”


Arthur sighed

“But there's no choice. They won’t believe it until we showed it to them directly. Even i just recently accepted it. The weight of reality that will come to all of us. No, perhaps..”

It’s already happened, and as a weaker lifeform there's no way for us to prevent it


Carl only get silent.

Arthur shake his head while trying to convince himself.

Its fine.

Believe in your calculation.

Isn't that why he was proceeding with this plan since he was born?

Isn't that why he was working this hard?

Abandoning his duties as the king, his spare time with his families, sacrificing his most loyal subordinates, betraying the elders in demon faction. Even vomiting blood on doing things that nobody wants to.

All to save the world.

To save the world that “she” will see from now on.

In order to do that...

“We will not fail, Carl, i am betting everything on this. With pride as the fifth and the last of the demon king, hand over your life to me.”

“Yes sir” replied Carl.

Carl is already determined to doing this with his king. But...

“Your majesty… actually there's some disturbing news”


While he hates to give a sour mood with the Demon king, Carl make a grim face and start explaining.

“Our best spy, Lime hasn't coming back in more than five months. Her disappearance is not interrupting our plan, but its weird that she didn't make a report despite she was the most capable among the spy”


Even Demon King knows about the name.

Despite her battle ability is not that high, she was the one following the Demon King the longest.

The King even trusted her the most among her subordinate, and she even consider him as his brother-in-arms if she wasn't a woman.


“Ignore her. We can’t spare any man to look for her this point”

Making a cold decision, Arthur made his decision.

Carl saw him gripped his arms while bleeding, so he didn't say anything and only agreeing with Demon King.

(In fact, your Majesty is probably is the one that want to look for her the most..)

Regaining his composure, Demon King speak.

“If everybody is already gathering, then i will start to make the speech. We will start our campaign once i activated the tower and begin our conquest”

“Now? Shouldn't you rest first your Majesty?” Is what Carl said

“The sooner our plan realized, the better it would be. Besides we didn’t have any time. The balance that we have right now might not be able to hold forever.” reply Arthur

“I, cannot allow any more sacrifice more than necessary”

“Your majesty…” replied Carl.

Seeing his resolve, Carl is not stopping him anymore.

Making his decision, the Demon King is started to move towards where his army is gathering.

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