《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 116


-Best friends is started by fighting-


I attacked the small blonde girl in front of me.

She was clad in a crimson aura that i have never seen before.

Trying to fight seriously, i use all of my strength.

But, when i tried to grab or claw her she moved into my blind spot and counterattack one-sidely


A consecutive attack


It hurtttts!

Its the first time i received such a intense direct damage.

My bone feels like broken all over, and my organs feels the vibration that it feels like its gonna be destroyed into pieces.

Not stopping, she keep punching in my vital spot with a speed that i cannot seen


It's not like her speed is drastically far above me

But using step and feint, she looks like disappearing and keep hitting me.

I tried to pertify her, but i can’t focus seeing her figure

Keep moving outside my view, she avoids direct contact to my eyes.


She was using a strong uppercut to my torso


I cough blood.


My regeneration cannot keep up.

My vision is getting blurry, my knee feels weak.

The more she attacks, the more i lost strength like it’s drained.

At this rate

I’m gonna be killed?



Using earth magic, i tried to trapped her below the earth


She was surprised the earth below her splitted

Trying to crunch her to death, i closed the earth.



The earth shooked


Someone broke it forcefully from below ground.



She jumped from below.

-Lily pov-

Seriously, what is her body is made of?

I was the one attacking, but my fist feels hurt instead.

Her scale is probably stronger than a Dragon, i should target the soft looking part instead.

Her eyes have a strange magical power, so i tried to avoid its range, which makes me cannot dealt a decisive blow.

I never saw someone as strong as her in the last 200 years..

Though she was still weaker than Nii-san, and her movement is still amateurish.

But, if she gain more experience in fighting, she might have potential to surpass me.

As i thought, you're probably a Chimera aren't you?

If you're this strong, then i don't have to be worried for accidentally killing you.

I will be more serious then!

Once this battle is over, i will be thoroughly investigate who sends you.


Once Lily start to made her determination.

A flow of magic is flowing from Aimi.


My foothold is gone?

Crap, i didn't expect she was good at magic too.

It's probably too soon, but i will move into next gear.


“Burning blood second, activate!”

With my body started to glow hotter.

I smashed the surrounding wall trying to crush me into smiterns

-Aimi pov-


She was unharmed!?

Furthermore, her aura feels stronger.

Her eyes glitter in a golden light, and the surrounding air trembles.


Just for a moment...

I feel my body trembling.

Is this.. fear?



If i don't use everything i got, i would be killed?

If i don’t get serious i would died?


I am gonna get killed.






I can’t allow that!

I won’t let that happened!


Not until i return this body to “her!”

While panicking, i screamed with all of my might.


Focusing all of my magical power.

I made a sandstorm and countless rock flying away to her.


She looked surprised.

The storm and rock is on a different scale from when i was fighting the skinny vampire.

Because i had better control than before, the speed and scale of the flying rock is different.

Like this,

It is over!

When i thought that


A red blaze like inferno is shining from her.



She made a loud scream.

Gripping her fist tightly and attacking in front of her.

With a explosion.


Everything in the surrounding is burned.

Just like a meteor just fallen there.

-Lily pov-

Seriously? she still have enough mana to use magic at this scale?


Can’t be helped.

I have to use that.

Even Nii-san that i never once win against when i’m sparring got scared with this attack.

Jumping into maximum gear third, I activate my final mode of burning blood.

It was a technique that called by my nii-san burning blood.

By pouring my mana as offensive means, i can temporary reach superhuman state.

However, it wasnt without drawback too

The activation keep constantly use magic power, so i can't hold it for long.

It give pressure to my body too, so it's only good at short fight

But, depend on the use no enemy can probably stand anymore after receiving my attack.



Pouring my magical power into my fist.

I blew everything in front of me into cinders.



Was it too much?

The area surrounding us is completely burned.

Especially in front of me, it's like a huge colossal giant enveloped with flame just decide to take a walk here.

Thanks to that, there's a huge “road” created in front of me.

Any living being other than me in the surrounding area would probably burned without a trace with direct hit.



Ah, right! Arisa! i forgot.

Is she fine?


Looking back, she looked fine.

It looks like she managed to make a barrier in time.

Though her face seems like looking here at disbelief.

Her clothes burned a little, and she was sitting in a pose unbecoming of a future holy maiden.

It was understandable.

Even i can’t believe i was able to do this much destruction.

I,it’s not like i didn't have a chance to go all out recently so i got a bit excited and using too much power!

I,i didn't, really, okay?

Ugh, if the nagging baldy priest is asking me what excuse should i made?s

Seriously, i rather hunt s rank monster than dealing with his sermon.

Thinking about it, my stomach hurts...

My magical power is exhausted too.

Seriously, i didn't plan to kill her but it can’t be helped.

Thinking to just return back and take a rest soon, i turn away and preparing to return while bringing Arisa along.

At that moment.



Something is coming out under the burning trails of this destruction and heat.

It was a silver haired girl with scale and tails .

Her body charred all over like a roasted lizard, but she was still alive.



She was coming here

“Crap, do i have any mana left?”

I never thought she was still able to move after that attack.

Should i use my trump card?


I want to avoid using that “form” if possible.


What am i hesistating for?

I am a holy maiden, the one with the highest power in this country.

If rumors spread that i had defeated by some random demi human from nowhere, this country would fall into despair and fall into demons.

Resolving myself, i start to take stance for the second round.

Lily prepare herself for a fight to death this time.

At that moment.


The silver haired girl falls in front of her.


-Aimi pov-

Hyaah!? so big!?

Looking at the giant flame in front of her, Aimi panicked.

Uu uum, what should i do? What should i do? ah!

Thinking that she can hides below earth, she tried to dig as far as she can.



The heat is still reaching the ground


Starting to feel a kind of pain she first experienced, she cried.


While crying, she was keep digging deeper.

Once it was starting to cool down, she get up.


She was half burned, especially her above part.

Her mind is blank, and her eyes was unfocused.

Even her waking up is purely by instinct.

She was standing while unconcious.

Moving automatically like a broken doll, she was walking towards her front.




Nearing her

Step by step



She was collapsed


-Lily pov-

Lily was surprised

That was probably her most destructive technique.

Never used against anybody other than her nii-san, he warned her to not use it against anybody other than him.

To survive that, is she a monster?

She was looking at her condition.


It doesn't seems like she can fight anymore.

At first, she was half doubtful that she was really collapsed this time

“She won't suddenly waking up again, right?”

Trying to poke her with random branch from nearest tree, she check for her reaction.

But looking at her condition once more.

She was sure she won’t wake up anytime soon.


Looking closely, she was young

Probably the same, no definitely younger than her.

Looking at her magical flow and breathing technique, she was still immature.

So she can't be as old as Lily.


She was still breathing

But with that badly burned wound, she might gonna die soon if there's no treatment.


Having a sigh, she wondered

Looks like i’m the naive one here. The world is vast after all

Like this, if there's more of creature like her, it would be troublesome if the war against demons started.

Thinking that she can’t let her died before knowing about her, she speak.


Arisa start to dispel her barrier and answering her with a loud voice.


She calls me Shishou again.. although Lily chan is fine too.

“Can you treat her? My magical power is running out so i can't use the healing magic. Oh, also, just enough so she didn’t return conscious soon okay?”


I didn't ask you to go that far.. what are you talking about..

With a movement like a professional soldier, Arisa start to do what Lily asked.

Leaving it to Arisa, she wants to rest as soon as possible once she explained things to the bald priest.

“He’s probably gonna get balder once he learn what happened here...”

Preparing for the another battlefield, the Holy Maiden is making a sigh.

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