《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 115


-Interlude Lily la Arkenia 2-

We start to live while moving in a different place.

We can't live in Demon territory. We fear someone might recognize us.

Aron.. i mean, Aron-nii is the one handling our livelihood, by negotiating and speaking with another people.

But, because his appearance is like a beastman he often got discriminated and we often not have enough to eat

Then, according him i had a pretty voice. So i tried to become a songstress to earn extra money.

Turns out i become more famous than we thought.

Apparently, we heard the current Demon King has been defeated.

While thinking it was thanks to Aron nii instead by defeating his trump card, i get sulked

He tried to cheer me up while promising to give me a candy

I got annoyed with his treatment and ordering all you can eat sweets instead

He seems crying looking at his wallet, but i only smiled to him as a reward

Then he began to cheer up saying my smile is worth all of the money.

Like this, isnt it actually me that cheer him up? Baka-nii...


We live together for long time after that

One day, he confess to me .

He was once promised with Misha that he wouldn’t let any of us become a guinea pig any longer

But as you can see, he failed.

Then, he didn't know what to do and trying to protect me, the only remaining one left

Seeing him depressed makes me mad

So i jokingly told him “How about just save the world? that way, none of the creature like us will ever be born”

How he ask? mmm..

I told him what if everyone is united and holding hand with each other?

At first.

I was just joking


I never thought .

I would regret my words this deeply


One week later...

He was gone.

Leaving a letter, he told me that he was trying to save the world.


I panicked.

I never thought he was seriously considering it!

Not wasting more time, i started to looked for him


Years passed

To gain more info about him, i looked all over in the world. Including dangerous place.

In the middle of my journey, i meet various people and experiencing various things too.

Whenever i heard rumor about a beastman wolf, i come looking at it thinking it was Aron nii.

I defeat a demon that is controlling a town said that he hold a beastman slave.

I subjugated a group of thief saying they just hunted a pack of beastman.

Even further, i heard some slave dealers holding a wolfman hostage. But they surround me so i end up destroyed the whole town.

I still panicked inside, despite Aron nii is strong


I have saw it

“Aron nii! Look! I got this much from today performance”

Trying to showing off my income today, i was excitedly going home today.


*cough cough*

“!? ARON-NII?”

I was surprised.

Aron nii is coughing blood in the floor.

Panicked, i bring him into bed soon


When i calmed down a bit, Aron nii is patting me while i’m crying

It seems like, he know this would happen sooner or later.


The scientist told us he won't live as long as other chimera because it's the drawback of his strength that surpass us.

But since it would be enough for him to live just long enough to subjugate humans and demi human, they didn't mind it much

We can’t go to doctor because his condition is different than other creatures. Priest is not helping either because it was a problem of his body not wound or illness

I was shocked.

Aron nii is together with me for so long, so i never imagine he would leave me someday

I keep crying told him to not go somewhere where i cannot reach him.

He only patted me kindly


Tomorrow, he was gone

I realize.

He probably knows that he won't live much longer


He rather leave somewhere and dies in a place that i can’t see for my sake

I tear his last letter when i read it


If it's for my sake, then don’t leave me alone!


After looking for many years.

I finally found a clues

Apparently some strong wolfman once sighted in a unique village

The village holds human, demi human, and demons live together in there

Its Aron nii! definitely him.

Going into that village, i was hurried to meet Aron nii again


When i reach my destination.

All i saw is empty landscape

Looking closely.

There's a trace of building.

What happened?

Trying to find some clues, i desperately looking around


I found it


A grave .

The only thing still intact here.

Apparently it was more recently made, probably made after the village destruction


I find his name is written there

I cried all day

I finally found him


He was no longer here.

Keep grabbing his gravestone, i didn't leave that place for some times

Once i calm down, i ask the nearest village about what happened

Apparently that village is destroyed

by the landlord here.

Thinking it was a heretic group that host a demon, they send a subjugation party

Apparently, the leader of the village, a wolfman is protecting the villagers until his last breath

After he died, the landlord consider that land as cursed by the demons, and banned everyone from entering.

The grave apparently made by survivor

that returns once the landlord leave.

The said survivor is already gone somewhere

I realized what happened then.

Aron nii in his normal condition probably able to defeat them easily.

But with his condition like that, he still prioritize others than himself

You're such a fool, Aron-nii.


So is myself..

Going toward to a certain place, i head there with a anger inside my eyes

“S..spare me.. pleasse..”


I looked toward a certain landlord

Everyone around me is dead, everyone that tried to stop is already killed

Even his mansion is already becoming rubble now

I didn't give any mercy to anyone, even his child and his wife

After killing everyone that i saw here, i looked at the landlord

“Ba..back then, i was still young.. so i often made a mistakes.. please, let me go!”

He was useless.

Even after i killed his family, he only tried to run away.


He didn't even hate or cursing me, but only trying to save his own live until the end.

Aron nii was killed by someone like this? Ugh..


I hit him

I held back so he didn't die instantly

Over and over

I keep punching him

*haa haa*

Once he become a unrecognizable meat lump.

I started to calm down.


While collapsed, i start to crying all day.


One day

Fate is making a strange twist

Some people from the church said i was gonna be the next Holy Maiden


I am a Holy Maiden, they said?

Me, the one that murder a lot of innocent people for my mission

Me, the one that doesn't spare those that begs for my mercy

Me, a weapon created by the demons to destroy the humans and demi humans..

...Well, fine.

If i think about it, as long as the demons exist.

There's always the chance that a creature like us is gonna be created again

Eventually the humans and demi humans might fight with each other, and they will try to do an idea like the demons. But if i can stand in the high position i might be able to prevent that to happened

For the first step.

I will destroy the demons.

...I’m sorry Nii-san

It might not be the result that you hoped for.

But i cannot forgive this world that refuse your ideal

I will live as long as possible.

And exact my revenge

That’s why.

Please forgive the first and last selfishness of your little sister.


Once i become a Holy Maiden, i start to learn a lot of things to manage a country

Etiquette, negotiations, knowledge

Inheriting the name Arukenia that is passed down for the Holy Maiden in generations, I received a full name

I planned to become the top of this country for as long as possible so i can keep watch over humans and demi if they made a stupid project like my creator

So i scare all of the next Holy Maiden

I started at 5th, but the next position after that is succeed by me again because the next Holy Maiden “abdicated” their position

Now i already become the 11th

Thanks to it various rumor started about me being a monster, but i already gather enough trust from this country that it won't be strange if this country won’t function anymore without me

My age? i can just say my mother is an elf so i have a long lifespan and youth

Two hundred years since i running away from the demons country together with Aron nii

Apparently, the next and probably 12th is chosen.

Thinking it was gonna be like usual, i start to harass her.

Oh? its a Hero and Holy Maiden. what a interesting combination

But she won't be able to surpass me

Starting to bullying her, i will send her packing home while crying like all of the previous Holy Maiden before her

I will test whenever you have an ability to succeed me or not


What a idiot.

Normally just three days is enough to send them packing and giving up

But this one is keep standing back like an idiot

Is she a scarecrow? it's already a month there's no change of her attitude

No, perhaps she was too stupid to give up?

Thinking that the girl in front of me is probably having a non-existent brain, i punch her harder


She was strangely resilient today

I thought she was finally going to give up, but she was standing up in spirited mood instead

Curious, i ask her what makes her so determined



I acted unfit to my age and getting emotional

I was supposed to make her given up, but instead i motivated her instead

But you're still better than me

You had friends, someone you cared about, determination, and most importantly..

You were still not giving up a hope for this world

Otherwise, you won’t feel so tortured at the unchanging reality


Aren't you lucky girl.

You still had a future waiting for you

I.. i am not jealous at all! Really!

And stop acting so intimate! it feels gross

Feeling annoyed with her, i finished her today training


She was tripped again.

She was strangely resilient in battle, but why do this always happened once she got relaxed?

I don't know wherever to call this girl is actually strong or weak

Oh? that person..


What is this? i feel a strange power inside her

Get back! i want to shout but..

It's too late.


Got swallowed


Did she die!?


Its faint but i still feel her magical power

But if i dont get her out soon, she would be digested


I gotta hurry.

If i got suspected for killing the next Holy Maiden, even my current position might not be enough to convince them.

Worst case, i could get fired.

Looking closely this person looked strange too.. a hybrid of humans and dragons? no.. the scale is a bit different than dragon. Perhaps a chimera?

If she was a chimera like me, i would like to ask her who created her. But i have no time!


Irritated, i use one of my favorite technique to insta kill weak enemies

She was still alive, that's unexpected.

Normally a monster that received this attack would have their stomach blown up.

Arisa is spitted out from her mouth.

Checking her condition... she seems to be alive, but her eyes is blank while her clothes tattered, and her smell is funny that even i doesnt want to touch her.

When i asked she only said “I’ve saw something that i shouldn’t see neither i want to see..” in monotone voice

Well, at least she was alive.

I can’t do anything about your emotional scar. But take a bath later, you stink!


I blocked an attack


Anyone other than me would probably died without realize what hits them

Looking at her, she seems ready to fight

This might be kinda bad if i’m not getting serious for a bit.

Releasing the power that i suppress ever since running away with nii-san i started to attack her seriously

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