《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Sidestories 2


-The time when you seriously misunderstand what a friend is-

-This is what if situation if Mika/Miho is the one talking with those three girls in some school instead of Arisa-

-In the faculty room, after school time-

“Making friends?”

With a confused expression like hearing something foreign similar with watching ufo, i asked the teacher.

“I realized you’re always alone, Ebisugawa-kun. Don't you think having a friend will make a school life more fulfilling instead of a lonely life?”

Looking at the teacher like i was watching the most idiotic creature in the world, i desperately hide my expression so he didn't realize.

A creature with every excuse to dragging you to go out with them to every place that they thought everyone like it without considering the other party taste or dislikes, the one that keeps doing the act of borrowing with ‘what is my friend have is mine, and what is mine is mine alone’ excuse and end up doing the ‘Huh? The thing that i borrowed? Sorry, where is it again, tee hee sorry…’ with a face like they’re not sorry at all, and storming inside your house like it’s theirs, and leaving away a parting gift of sinking ship in your room like a storm was coming…

He asked ME to act buddy towards those kind of creature? Is this guy brain full of maggots eating his brains? Perhaps every cell of his brain is already changed by worms and maggots brain? Ahh, dangerous. The whole school is already got infected. Start calling martial law and exterminate this whole damn fucking school before its spreading, prime minister!

Ignoring me that makes a obviously annoyed i-don’t-want-to-seems-troublesome expression, the teacher continues.

“I realize you’re absent again yesterday, did you have some of trouble at home? Well at this rate, your credit might not be enough to graduate”

Making a stiffen expression, i tried to turn away.

“If this keep up, even your good grade won’t be enough you know. I know you’re probably have some circumstance, but i can’t keep giving special treatment to one student. In fact, most of the people in school thinks you’re already changing school”

I pretend to whistle and not hearing him while closing my ears.


After the lecturing for two hours, i was back in classroom.

Hmm.. what now?

Having to sold myself to be buddy with those kind of creature is pissed me off honestly.

But if i keep making trouble, the teacher might not gonna help me this time. Worst case, expulsion.

I prefer to be student at least. If i didn’t, there's no more excuse to not categorized myself as neet.

Sigh.. this is troublesome, why do humans need socializing? Not like the world gonna end if i closed myself and shut in from the rest of the world.

Besides, to begin with…

How to communicate with other creature around my age anyway?

While thinking like that, i saw a three gal girls speaking with each other in my corner of sight.

Those girls seems like the type that leeching their parents money and influence without second thought.

The world seems to be better off without them... ah, that’s right.

I got a idea.

Theres no need to have a friend.

All i need is to shown that i had acting buddy buddy with someone else.

That way, the teacher won’t complain.


Let’s just approach those harmful insect for now.

Standing behind them, i start to speak as nice as possible

You... Trash… There...



“WHA.. WHAT!??”

They started to scream and get surprised.


After calming themself up, they start to look at me like looking at ghost and waiting for my next words.


What now?

I never think it’s necessary to speak with those creature, so i still think for my next words.

“W.. who are you?”

“R.. risa, do you know her?

“I.. i don’t know! I thought she was a ghost! My heart seriously feels like it’s gonna pop out from my chest!”

They got panicked and asking about my identity.


Better done it soon and i finish this troublesome things.

You.. trash… gather...

Hearing that, those guys is getting surprised more.

Ah, crap. They look confused instead… the point, the point is...

You.. x... slave…

Yep, this feels more fitting.

Least.. you.. useful… to society

Those guys started to looked confused,

All i offer to them is a chance to becoming useful to society at least once in their life. Isn't that what we, humans, called a kindness?

But they seems to cannot understand and start to yell.

“Huh?? What are you talking about!? First you surprised us and you start talking about some weird things!”

Following her, the others start to speak too.

“Y..yeah! We don’t understand any creepy things that you’re talking about! To begin with, who are you anyway?”

“Are you in drug or something? Calling us trash! Although we’re a bad girls, even we know you’re clearly a trouble! Don't come near us, weirdo! Shoo shoo, go back to wherever you came from”

Even those trash is starting to dissing me.

Well, i am a adult. So i just ignore it and speak to them my intention with clearer voice.

“You, join me. Show up together in faculty room”

That way, the teacher might convinced i had some slave...friend, yep.

However, they can’t read my intention and start to look at me suspiciously and whispering to each others.

‘It can’t be.. did she know about our relation with those middle aged man?’

‘I told you, they’re going to be a trouble someday! Remember when that one guy looking at me with a eye full of lust? To begin with, if only you didn’t approach them for some pocket money...’

‘S..shut up! You girls are doing the same things like me! You can’t just blame me alone!’

‘A..anyway, what should we do? If she report to teacher, won’t we get expulsion for sure?’

‘That’s the least of our worries! If words came out, our lives will be ruined’

‘Then.. let’s silence her?’

The other two start to look at the girl who suggest silencing with a suspicious stare.

‘To go that far, you..’

She looks dumbfounded, but after realizing it she start to panic and correcting herself.

‘Ah, that's not it! What i mean by silencing, let’s just threaten her to not spread any words outside!’

They start to think and discuss with each other, until eventually.

‘Good idea.. let’s bring her to backyard first’

The other two nodded, and the leader like girl named Risa start to speak with her.

“So, uhh....”

She seems to have a troubled face.

“Classmate, did you have any business with us?”

Because she clearly didn't remember my name, she start to call me in general term.

However, i don’t have any more patience.

“Look, Just get it over with. To the point, to the point.”


Hearing that they got panicked at whisper to each others.

‘It.. it can’t be. Did she start to get suspicious?’

‘What should we do? She clearly knows our crime!’


‘I.. i know! Like she said, let’s just get it over with!’

Making their decision, one of the three approach the girl.


One of them is start to panicked and grabbing my right hand.

Oi, what are you doing? Don’t touch me so suddenly you walking obscene slut.

I refuse her pull and start to resist by not moving from the spot.

She clearly got irritated and start asking for help.

“Shit! She just won’t budge! YOU GIRLS! DON’T JUST STAND THERE! HELP ME TOO!”

Hearing that, the other two start to standing up from the chair.

I don’t know what they’re planning…


They start to annoy me.

And once i got annoyed, i explode.

I tried to settle it peacefully, but can’t be helped, they started first.

So i pull the remaining bottle of cooking oil from the cooking lesson inside my bag with my free left hand, and...

Throwing out the oil, i spread it to those guys.




Those guys start to get wet and their blouse is seen through.

If there's a boy walking inside it would be a lucky pervert time, luckily this is after school time.


I pull out lighter from my pocket.


“What are you doing?”

“Eh? Ah, you..no way?!!”

One of them seems to realize my intention after smelling the oil, while the others are still getting puzzled.

“A.. are you insane? This is in school, you know? Do, do you think such an act will be allowed? If, if someone else seeing this it won't just end in expulsion!”

I ignore her and turn on the lighter.


I threw it off to them.


Those three looked at the lighter, and one of them trying to stop it.


She tried to grab it desperately, but she missed.

Seeing the situation, it looks like the other two realized too that things had gone bad.



The other two is getting pale looking at the lighter.

When it touched the ground, those guys closing their eyes and start to crouching their bodies.

While trembling, they got scared and huddled together while crying.




-One minute later-

“Uuh… Hu...h?”

“Eh? Eh? Wha?”

“Forgive me.. forgive me..”

Looking at the surrounding, two of them slowly opening their eyes.

And they realized,

Nothing happened.


They got dumbfounded and looking around with a teary face.

Well that's understandable.

After all, it's not actual lighter.

It’s a toy shaped like a lighter.

It made a light that looks like a fire, but its not actual fire.

I tried to give it to my brother as a gift. No, it's not like i thought it was interesting myself.

“We.. alive?”

“Ha.. ahahaha…”

“Oh god.. mother.. father.. i’m sorry, i’m sorry.. please forgive my mischief until now… i’m gonna become a good girl from now on… sorry, sorry”

One of them is still out of it. So once the leader like one regain herself, she snapped her out of it by slapping her cheeks.

After realizing nothing had happened, i take the fake lighter and facing them.

One of them still feels hurt from getting slapped and touching her cheeks that swollen like a certain candy mascot character.


I speaked while facing towards them.

“Have we become ‘friends’ now?

They looked at me with surprised face while looking speechless.

Fuh, why so surprised?

Isn't there a old saying “friends goes to thick and thin together?”

After such a life threatening experience, the survivor is becoming best friend now. Spelled B.F. called bestie.

Yup, yup, its perfect.

Now, all you guys need is just grab my hand together.

Let’s just go to faculty room and smile together while holding each other hand.

And we just need to go to our separate ways after that as strangers like before.

Come on, cheese. Smile, like a good buddy. At least just for a few moments.

Hmm.. isn't those guys awfully got quiet? They didn't answer or reply.


Looking at each other, they decided on something.

Like a chorus, they work in harmonize together.




They got angry and start to leave the classroom hurriedly.

After they left, i was left dumbfounded alone in empty classroom.


Did i made mistake somewhere?


-One week later-

Ahh.. a sunny day, a strong sun.

What a perfect day.

And it’s killing me.

Okay, this is impossible. I should just go home, yep.

While in the middle of walking to the school, i tried to go home the second i’m out from the house.

I don’t want to walkk.. i wanna go to sleep, i want to go back inside Aimi embrace…

Ahh, Aimi, if i become useless bump would you be taking care of me then?

If you get angry it feels good too… uhehehe.

While i was lost in thinking, the three strange creature is standing in front of me.


“She was here!”

Two of them making a reaction like they can running away anytime.


The leader like woman is looking at me with serious expression.


The reason they're here.

Definitely, revenge huh?

Although it's a correct way to dispose of garbage, this one can fight back unlike the inanimated trash.

Most likely, they already start to ambush me and bringing some scary looking guys to surround me.

Ahh damn, i hate running away.

Guess i’ll just make her a hostage to escape.

Eh? Cowardly? They're the one that's going to attacking me first!

A justifiable revenge? Like i care as long as i win.

Their leader like woman is approaching me.

A one on one duel? How old fashioned. But it's fine for me.

Getting her as hostage to escape would be easier then.


Contrary to my expectation she didn't do anything.

Instead she asked me a question.

“Back then..”


“If you, bring a actual lighter instead of a fake one”

“What will you do?”

She asked me such a obvious things.

Without hesitation, i answered her.

“Throwing it away like the fake one, of course”

She looked at me in amazement.

Then, she start to ask again.

“You.. aren’t afraid of getting captured in jail?”

I answered her calmly.



“If i burn the whole school, won’t the culprit be hard to identify?”

“... I see, there's that way”

She looked amazed instead of denying it.

Well, there's no way i can gather enough burnable tools gasoline to burn the whole school. But if i can mess the electric device or kitchen then the whole school would probably got burned eventually.

Hmm? That doesn't sounded bad. If the school is burning, i don't need to go to school anymore.

I probably won’t do it anyway since i want to enjoy school life peacefully and after graduation i can spend time forever in my room together with Aimi.

I probably won’t meet with this society trash.. delinquent group anymore, so let’s just bullshit all the way.

“Weren’t you afraid of divine punishment or something? Or even the chance of somebody dying because of your action? Is law and order doesn't matter anything to you? What if your parent crying because of your act?”

“Well, if it comes to that, i’ll just apologize for taking their lives in hell?”

With such a lazy tone, i replied.

“I see..”

Seemingly making her mind, she looked at me with determined face.


Crawling in dogeza, she speak with loud voice.


Against the sudden act, even i got surprised a bit and answered automatically.



“No thanks, goodbye”

I answered it in split second,

And start to leave.

“Since there isn't anything else i am going home now”

Huh? For what did i come out again today? Seems like i did have somewhere to go today… … ...oh well, must be not important if i can’t remember. I’ll just go back to Aimi side.

“Eh.. EH? WAIT, ANEKI!.”

She start to get up and following me.


“Hum hum hum, what should i dress Aimi today?”


Huh.. weird, instead of a friend i got a disciple instead. Does that count? Hmm..

Let’s just say it counted yeah.

Mission accomplished, i suppose?

The other two looked confused, but they followed her that following me too.

It’s another boring day today. I’ll just go home.

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