《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 112 (s3 ends)


-To each and their own 3 part 2-

One day,

When she was talking with a teacher in school.

Suddenly a circle is shining beneath her

A bright light envelops her.

When she opened her eyes.

She realized she was in the different world.

Together with other two people.

To be honest, she was getting uneasy.

Suddenly summoned without any warning, and without being able to say anything to her family.

She actually wants to complaint to the king and ask him to return her immeditialy.

But at that time.

When the other fourth person appears she was feeling relieved instead.

That girl actually speak to the king what she wants to said but cannot say

Looking at her,

She was giggling all this time.

And forgetting her anger.

When they introduce each other, she was glad the other heroes doesn't seem to be a bad person.

After speaking and getting know them better, she was enjoying their conversation.

She was especially wants to know more about the black haired girl.

She was able to said things that she was normally unable to say like it’s normal things to do.

Wanting to knows more about her, she genuinely want to become her friend.


She was scared.

She tried to hide it so others didn't realize.


The moment she tried to say “let's become friends”

Her mind is getting blank.

Her breathing is getting heavy.

If she didn't hold it well, she might start to crying too.

The girl said she was gonna sleep and start to leave.


If i miss this chance...

I would never be able to say it!

Come on...

move please, my mouth!

Stop being so weak and keep running away!

Weren’t you determined to start over and not letting that incident troubling you anymore?

How long are you gonna be a hindrance!

Papa, mama, her therapy doctor, her private teacher...

She was troubling everyone with her selfishness and private matter


Neither of them is giving up on her


I can't give up too!


Give me the courage...


Muttering that short sentences...

She, finally manages to made her actual first friend.

That’s what she think.


-Back in the holy city Alexandria-


While resting, she was staring at the ceiling.

While remembering various things before she come into this world, she was reminded of her past.


Slapping both of her cheeks.

She renewed her determination.

“Thats right!”

She mutters.

“Others are not giving up either, not with me, not against the evil”

“So i cannot give up too! I.. i can’t. Not when i have already come this far”

Making some prayers, she was praying to everyone that helps her till now

“Please, give me strength.. papa.. mama.. mii-chan.. teacher.. doctor..Shuu-ya.. Yuya.., and..”


Making her determination, she was renewed her spirit.



She was flying as usual.

Again, without any mercy,

She was getting hit in the face and making a strange sound.


She was collapsed.


Thinking it was gonna be her limit soon, Lily start to sigh and thinking to end this training session soon




She was getting up suddenly.

Her nose is bleeding back then, so she had already stopped the bleeding with healing magic.

But, her face still looks hurt.


Honestly, lately Arisa seems to be not motivated and she was doubtful wherever this girl can be her successor.

But she was strangely determined now.

Seemingly interested with her change, she start to get excited.



Getting punched deep in solar plexus, Arisa made a strange face and voice.


*haa.. haa*

When she was finally collapsed and cannot stand up anymore.

Lily bring her something cold beside her

“Drink it”

It was a wine in a wood cup.

She was surprised that a Holy Maiden is drinking, and furthermore...

“Umm, i am still minor..”

Ah wait, i am not anymore.


She ignores her and putting it beside her.

“If you don't want to drink, then throw it away. Nobody is forcing you anyway”

Seemingly disappointed, she seems to get sulked and drinking alone beside her.

Is she.. trying to cheer me up?

Looking at the cup.

Arisa made a determined face


Holding the cup, she was drinking it in a one gulp.


Lily seems impressed...

And then



Lily is laughing at her.


She was making a crying face while her nose is snorted because it was so spicy.


That was cruel!

Seemingly to relax, Lily ask her

“Did you find your determination?”


She start to explain.

“You seems to get confused lately, like a lost child that didn't know what to do.”

Arisa cannot deny it as she start to hung her head down.

Lily continues.

“But suddenly you get so determined today. Though i realized you seems to be still worried about something. What happened?”

Seemingly cannot hide it, Arisa speaked

“Did.. i.. no, we, do the right thing?”

Arisa said what is weighing her mind.

Seemingly listening, Lily is getting quiet while mutters “go ahead”


Continuing, Arisa begins to explain.

“I realized”

“Even if we manage to win the war, and by chance the Demon is gone and they won't bother us anymore..”

“People.. won’t change, do they?”

Arisa start to made a sad look

“They can still doing evil things without any regards of their victim whatever it was painful or not, and they can still hurt others without even them realize it..”

“If.. the humans and demi human wins somehow, and demons are exterminated, weren't they just gonna fight with each other next?”

In fact, some trace of disorder is already started to happen.

The Elf country cannot understand why humans like to live inside such a building without any plant or trees at all.


The fish demi human is starting to riot when humans expanding their land and blocked the river.

Humans and demihuman even made a prejudice against some race, like the beastman.

“Is.. an actual compromise is impossible at all? Would there never be any times when humans and demi humans unite with each others and truly standing together as equals?”

Arisa didn't have any hope that true peace would ever occurs.


She was wishing that at least humans able to accept the demi humans as their comrade.

She was wishing it would hold true as well for demi humans.

That they can putting aside their difference and standing together some day.


Lily only quietly listen her.


While approaching Arisa

She slap her right cheek so hard that she was flying.


Why? thinks Arisa


speaking without any doubt, she was facing Arisa.

“Are you an idiot?”

Is what she was saying.

“Look, how many years did you live again?”

Seemingly surprised, Arisa replied

“Eh? Umm i just become 18 last month, but..”

She hit her in the head.


Why, shishou?

“Then you're still a brat!” she mutters

Eh? Eh? Getting called a brat by a girl even smaller than her made her confused.

Ignoring her confusion, she speaked.

“I have lived for 214 years and i have never even seen the unity that you speaked of.”

Eh? So you're even older than the rumors? She made such a dumbfounded look

Seemingly irritated, she pulled Arisa cheek.

“What's with the face that looks like you’re seeing an old ghost?”


She was crying while getting her cheeks stretched.

Seemingly losing interested to her, she continue.

“Let me tell you, you're not the only one who ever wish for the unity between the races”

“In fact, an certain idiot is even trying to go further and united the demons together with humans and demi humans”

Eh? She was surprised.

Seemingly in bad mood, she said forget about it shortly.

“Anyway, my point is that you're still too young to be worried about that. Countless people trying to find of a solution and failed in the middle of their journey. They all spend a millenia trying to find a solution. Far more longer than you. What makes you think you can if they failed?”

“So just do whatever you can first. Prioritize those that is gonna died in front of you, and save those that is close to you. Otherwise you’re gonna lose everything instead!”

Arisa didn't really understand what she said.


she knows one things.

That shishou, the small girl in front of her is worried about her

“Why are you laughing?”

Making a small grin, she said

“Nothing , shishou”

While making such a smile, Lily is getting doubtful but ignores it eventually

“It’s gonna be morning soon. Better return to your room”

If the priests seen the brutal training they do, they would get noisy so lily rather train Arisa in the middle of night.

Other reason is because she wants her to get used of dangerous situation in anywhere, anytime.

“Yes! Shishou!”

Getting cheerful, Arisa follows her

I can't stand such a straightforward person like her - mutters Lily


“Come to think about it, why did you call me shishou?”

While returning, she ask her question that bugging her for a while.

Arisa made a troubled face, and then..

“Eh? Umm because i already had a teacher, and calling you master seems kinda embarrassing, so..”

Looking dissatisfied, she speak.



“Just call me Lily, we both a Holy Maiden after all. there's no need for a respect”

Seemingly happy, she said.

“Th.. then, let me call you Lily-chan! Actually i want to call you that, but i was too scared to said it!”

She got kicked again in her legs.

“Fool! Don’t get carried away!”

“Owwie… sorry..”

Crouching and grabbing her legs, she was in pain.


“If you want to call me that do it when we’re alone..”

Mutters her in small voice.

Arisa heard it and smiled.

“Yes! Lily-chan!”

Ignoring her this time, they start to continue walking toward her rooms.


Arisa tripped on something in the middle of walk.

“Sigh.. you're still lack training”

Mutters Lily.

“S..sorry Lily-chan… huh?”

Looking closely...

She was tripped on a person.

“Ah, i’m sorry! Are you alright?”

She was getting worried and looked at her condition.



Looking closely, that person was pretty.

A beautiful white skin and long silver hair.

Even wearing a hood, she can see some of her facial features.

There's a scale in her skin, if it's not for that she would become a perfect beauty like a doll instead.


Oh good, she was still alive.

Mutters Arisa.

“Are you okay? Did you get hurt somewhere?”



With a loud sound coming from her stomach,

The girl is saying.


She was surprised.


“Ah? Are you hungry? I had some biscuit in my pocket, here...”


The girl feels so hungry and begin to seen some things.

Starting to saw a illusion because she was hungry, she mutters.

“Floating marshmallow?”

While looking at Arisa breast.


She was wondering what she meant.



Her mouth is getting big instantly.


Arisa is making a dumbfounded reaction.



Arisa is getting swallowed whole.


Lily is surprised and didn't have any time to react.

*chomp, gulp*

She swallows her.


She made a exhaled voice.



Begin to screaming, Lily realize what is happening.

At that time.

Without any scream or warning.

Hero Arisa, is suddenly “disappeared” from this world.


All of the actor is in the stage.

The play that involves the life and death of every live in the world is going to spun.

The tales that will shook the world in generations to come is gonna happen soon.

Whatever it would ends in good ending,bad ending, tragedy or hope is depends on the actor in the stage.

With a loud sound

Let the festival begin

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