《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 110


-Interludes to each and their own 2-

-In the royal castle of Grandom-


In the middle of the hallway,

a green haired fine looking young knight is looking for someone.

While it seems like he did not found the one he looks for, he start to get desperate.


someone calls him from the back.

“Ooh, if it isn't Kail. What are you doing here?”


The young man looked surprised seeing him.

It was understandable,

thats because...

Nobody in this country didn’t know the identity of the man that greets him.


“Ssh! you’re too loud!”

Saying that,

he closed the young man mouth in hurry.


King Ranpossa the third.

Inside the military country of Grandom, he was known as the most open minded king in history.

He was never give any mercy to his enemies, sparing those who surrenders and always respect highly a strong adversary.

A man famous with his big heart and ambition.

He always like to lead his army directly and never stop fighting until the enemy surrenders.

Of course,

this event too,

is his usual way of being naughty.

“W..why is your majesty is here? Also, that appearance”

Looking at him,

the king is wearing a shabby outfit.

A ragtag clothes that even a servant didn't want to wear.

Like this,

if anyone points out it was the king, they won't be able to recognize him at first glance.

“What? I was just taking a walk”

He speak like it was someone else problem.

“Th..that's not good! The prime minister is already having trouble because you keep disappear. He would definitely be angry if i let you get out again”

“HAHAHA! don’t worry! That old crook is tougher than he looked! One or two problem wont made his bald head getting balder even further”

I don’t think that's the problem here... mutters him.


Ignoring him, he continued.

“Is Yuya disappears again?”

Hearing him, he only replied a bit.

“Yes.. I m ashamed, but captain is often dissapear somewhere by himself”

Hearing that, he got amused.


Talk about birds in same feather.. Mutters Kail.

When the three leader of the biggest countries in the world is discussing which heroes to take care of by each country, king ranpossa suddenly ask hero Yuya to come into his country .

All of the people present is is confused, but they didn't see any problem and accepts it.

In fact, he was greatly taking care of Yuya.

The king is the type that hates formalities since the beginning.

That's why, when he saw Yuya that act without formalities compared to other two, he likes him in the spot.

The king is strangely never have a child on his own, but he got a lot of adopted children.

Thanks to that, his other name is called papa Ranpossa.


Even Kail is actually one of his adopted son.

But he refuse to speak non formal to him that saved his life in the street.

The person in question doesn't seem to be mind, but he can’t be informal when there's already too much rough people that doesn’t even understand a etiquette here.

“HAHAHA! then no worries! I can guess where he is”

“Eh? Really?”


Getting dumbfounded, he follows the king while still half doubtful.


In the park near the royal capital,

there's a forest here.


In one of the trees,

a young man with blonde hair is sleeping at one of the branch.

Kail is surprised that he was in the place exactly like the king said.


He was breath taken with the scenery.

A lot of birds is gathering near him.

Looking closely, even some rabbit and dog is sleeping under his trees.

Looking at this scenery,

it was no doubt that this man is one of the legendary heroes.


He calls in soft voice so to not surprise the animal.


Yuya only slowly opening his eyes.

And then...

“...There, huh?”

He slowly mutters.


Kail only get confused.


grabbing his spear, Yuya suddenly jumped and sprint to somewhere.


Because it was so sudden, Kail is surprised.



Pursuing Yuya, he start to jump between trees while following him.

Kail, which gets dumbfounded and left alone...


Start to run pursuing them.


While running in the middle of the forest,

Kail finally saw the two of them.


Yuya is in the middle of fighting a bear with four arms.


He know what it is...

Killer bears,

known as b rank monster, it was a monster normal soldier could never hope to defeat.

The forest here is known as home of a various monster .

Normally it was unthinkable to left such a forest with a bunch of monster still there this near the capital.

The king Ranpossa thought it was good for practicing the soldier instead and left it alone.


a b rank monster is rare even in this forest.

Most commonly ones are e rank monster.

Even c rank is only sighted once a year or so.

That’s why,

to encounter a killer bear in this forest...

He thought it was so unlucky.


Not good!

I can’t leave the captain fighting alone!

Thinking to help, he was drawing his sword.



The king stopped him.


“It's fine, just watch”

He was stopping him.

Didn't understand what the king talking about, he watch the fight closely.


The bear is fighting fiercely.

With strength that can tear apart a steel armor easily, he was keep attacking.



None of them hits Yuya.

With speed that Kail cannot seen clearly, Yuya corner the bear and keep stabbing him at the same spot.


Looking closely,

the bear is losing one eye.


He was in awe.

He knows his captain is strong, but he never thought he was this strong.

If this keeps up, the bear will definitely gonna killed eventually.


“Tsk !”

Yuya parries the attack.

But it was too strong,

so he get pushed back.

And behind his back,

is a tree.



He thought he was in trouble, so he tried to help.


the king is still blocking him.

Why stopped me your majesty? Is what he want to shouts.


“Look closely. Don’t just suddenly dive in”


Didn't understand what the king is talking about, he looked at the bear.

After watching carefully...


A pair of beastman is behind the bear.

One is young cat girl, the others is adult female cat girl both with brown fur.

Judging from appearance, those two are probably mother and daughter

“If we suddenly dive in, the bear might got surprised and end up hurting those two”


Looking closely, he understood the situation.

It was strange since the beginning.

Yuya never moves into a different spot.

Although it was easier to avoid by confusing the bear with his speed and moves into back, sides, or below he didn't changed his position and even start to defending instead.

It was to protect those two.


He almost made a mistake and troubling his captain further.

Looking at him worried, the king only made a relaxed expression.

“He’s fine. I know it.”

“He won’t get cornered without any plan”

Eh? Mutters Kail.


the bear suddenly attacks him with a tackle.

Yuya still calmly watching him.

While he stuck his spear into ground while facing horizontal side.


like disappearing in the midst of shadow, he was gone.


The bear is surprised.

But he cannot stop his tackle



The spear is stuck to his chest.

Because of his own power, the spear is stuck tightly.

He was struggling, trying to remove the spear.

At that time...


Yuya appears from the air.

Using a kick, he targets the spear that lodges into his chest.


Using gravity and the power of his kick, the spear is piercing the bear chest.


the bear stopped struggling and collapsed.


With a loud voice,

the battle is over.



He was dumbfounded.

Despite the disadvantages, he manages to win against class b monsters.

After wins the fight, Yuya pulled out the spear that pierce the bear.


approaching the mother and daughter pair, he was coming to them.


The small girl seems scared.

Yuya crouching down and looking to her.


Getting stared made the girl is getting afraid further and hides below her mother arms.

At that time,

Yuya was pulling out something from his pocket.



It was a flower hairpin.

“Don’t lose it again, ok?”

The girl seems confused at first.

After hesitating for some time, she take the hairpin.


making a small smile, the girl is thanking him.


Yuya grins and patting her in head.

Kail looks at them dumbfounded.

(Huh? Then.. the reason captain stays here.. is to find the owner of that hairpin?)

The truth is Yuya only found the hairpin last week.

Thinking that the owner probably gonna returns here he was safekeeping it and waiting for the owner.

He was sharpening his sense and keeping watch around.


he finally founds the owner after a week waiting.

But coincidentally, she got attacked by a killer bear.

The rest is as Kail known.


Feeling respect, he decided to become strong like him.

So someday, perhaps…

He can stand back to back with his captain.

And become a part of legend alongside him


The pair of mother daughter is thanking them then said farewell.

Apparently they was in the middle of journey into the mines nearing the demon territory.

They didn't know the reason, but there's a rumor said that the beastman can find a place to live if they gather there.

Thankfully, king Ranpossa never hates beastman and didn't care about the difference between races.

While in the middle of of talking, he even saying “Gahaha, if you didn't find a place to live you can always come to live here, in this country. I will make a house for you guys”

Of course, the mother and daughter thinks it was a joke to make them feel at ease.

But they didn't know the man in front of them is the king of this country, neither did they expect he was actually serious.

The mother bows for his kindness and begin to leave for their journey.

While saying a “bye bye oniichan” the girl follows her mother.

When they planned to return, the king nonchalantly asked Yuya a question.

“I never saw that skill before. How did you disappear into shadows?”

Yuya only replied.


Hearing that,

the king grinned.

“Oh? So you mean...”

“If i want to know, steal it by yourself? Is that what you means?

Yuya only replied.

“Who knows? Want to find it out?”

They both start to grinning with each other


drawing their spear and sword, they start to fight with each other.

Kail only surprised “EEH!?”

He tried to stop them, but they only said.



Just like that,

he was only able to watch until the end.

While they started fighting, he ponders.

(Would this country be alright, being lead by those two..)

Thinking that he was jealous with the heroes in another country, he was thinking if he can swap Yuya with one of them or something...

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