《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 108


-Interlude gluttonous king Mara-

-Before Miho meets the sword saint-

-Holy capital Abona-

“Thank you for coming here, heroes”

Within the royal hall,

the king of Abona himself is personally called the heroes to gather here.

Shu was fine because he was stationed in the royal capital.

But the other heroes is stationed in the other countries.

Moving back and forth must be tiresome, especially since space magic that can handle transport is scarce and only long live race like demon or vampire is usually can learn that magic.

There's a emergency teleport device, but that’s reserved for the royal family when a emergency happened.

As such,

having to come back here after just returned must be tiresome for them.

“It’s been some time you highness. It’s fine, there's no way we would refuse a direct request from the king himself” speak Arisa

“Not like we had any other choice, though”

“Yuya! Ssh!”

The kings heartfully apologized to the heroes.

“I’m really sorry, heroes. The matters already cannot be solved by our researcher or decipher division. Perhaps the heroes from another world can help us regarding this matter..”

Saying that, the king apologise once again.

Barbaros lu faluna.

A man that became the thirteen king of the royal capital.

Being loved by his subordinate and people, he was known as peaceful king.

Always choose to resolving matters peacefully, he even hesitate to execute a most heinous criminal.

Some people dissed him as coward, while some people is liking him.

His great grandmother is said to be a demi human from a pig lineage, but he himself didn't have that trait.

Though his daughter seems to have that trait, she was already changing so much that her previous pig like face is changing drastically.

Moving on,

the reason he choose a peaceful solution is simple.

Despite he is a king, he was a normal person.

He didn't have a gift of knowledge like previous king, wits like first king and heroic talent like the seventh king.

All he have is observe from sidelines and following usual course of history like a normal person do.

He once got an ambition,

an ambition to become greater than the previous king before him.

An ambition to leave his name in history.

An ambition to solve every problem that other kings before him cannot do.


reality is harsh.

After becoming a adult,


he realize his talent is mediocre at least.

Neither gifted at poetry, intelligence,strength or charisma.

All he can do is working harder than normal people.

That makes him pursue the path of peace.

So he himself is not gonna get hurt.

So his country wouldn’t suffer from being lead by a mediocre king.

“I have to apologize that there's only me from the royal family is currently here. Right now, my wife is in the frontline near the demon king territory to investigate the matters... and my two sons is.. uhh, well… We never had any contact with them for a long time. And my daughter didn't want to leave her room and shut herself”

Seems like making a troubled face while speaking about his kids, the king keeps making excuse to the heroes.

It seems like there's a various trouble about his children. Then, while his advisor suggest it's better to not let the heroes waiting longer, he continue the topic instead to put the heroes at ease.

“Well then. The matter that i want to discuss with the heroes is this”

He explains,

apparently the treasure in the treasure room in the royal capital is disappear without a trace.

Fortunately, this country had three treasure room so the economy is still able to function normally for now

But losing 1/3 of them is a massive blow. In one or two years it would definitely cannot be hidden anymore.

Since this case is without any clues at all of who the culprit is, and how they do it. They stand at roadblock.

“The only clues that we found is the paper written in foreign words. Our team of researcher is trying to translate it but they didn't know anything other than it was a language from another world”

Hearing the king explanation, one of the heroes replied.

“I see. So that's where our power is needed right?”

Shuu ask the king.

The king nodded in confirmation, and his advisor brings a box.

“Here is the said paper. I would appreciate if the heroes looked at it”

Hearing that, the heroes getting closer to read the writing in the paper.

“This is!?”

Speak Shuu.

the others are making a surprised face too.

Looking at that, the king is getting worried and asking them.

“H..how is it!? Did you find anything heroes?”


The heroes is getting silent for awhile, while looked at each other with awkward face.


Because they make such a troubled face, the king is getting worried too.

Eh? What's wrong? Could it be, that even they cannot read it?

The king started to get worried with this silent treatment.

Seemingly cannot bear the silence anymore, Shuu start to speak.

“No.. this, is.. indeed the writing from our world, but..”

“How to say it.. it was unique, uh?”

“It was.. full of personality, i guess?” speak Arisa

“Ye..yeah, it was one of a kind too.. how to explain it, erm...”

“The handwriting is ugly” mutters Yuya

“Yuya! And i tried not to said it!”

shouts Shuu

Seemingly still confused, the king start to speak.

“I... i see, then, did you find any clues from the writing on this paper?”

They seems to discussing what to say, and...

“It’s definitely a unique and unusual individual even compared to the people from our world..” mutters Shuu

“Ye..yeah, i didn't even find this kind of messy handwriting at elementary school” speak Arisa

“The writer is definitely able to write better, but for some reason he got lazy before even starting to write and writing whatever comes into his mind back then” speak Yuya

“Yuya! You’re too honest! They won’t be able to understand like this!” speaks Shuu

Oh... right…? I.. See… Mutters the king.

Actually he was wondering if there's more that they didn't say. But looking at their reaction it seems like they didn't know who writes the paper too.


“Mind if i asked what is written there?”

Hearing that, they start to discuss with each others

“Wait, it seems hard... is this u or o? It seems like hiragana but this one is kinda similar with kanji... hmm...” speak Shuu

“I can only read it like a worm wriggling to each others...” mutters Arisa

“Shouldn't it actually be just a prank letter without any meaning inside other than to looks cool while leaving written letter behind?” speak Yuya

“I feel like i can’t refute for that possibility...” speak Arisa

After discussing with each other, they seems to not being able to reach a conclusion, until...

“It was written as the gluttonous king, Mara is here”

said Yuya


The other two make a surprised face, but nobody else is seeing it.

“Ooh as expected from the heroes, being able to decipher the writing that even our best researcher cannot translate in such a short time” mutters the surrounding.

“I see! Thank you for the cooperation heroes”

Hearing that,

the king start to stand from his chair.

“Write a copy of this letter and mention the neighbour country about this culprit named gluttonous king Mara! Find more info about him as much as possible!”

The advisor start to move immediately.

“Thank you heroes. Since it’s been late, mind to stay here for a night?”

Yuya accepts, but the other two seems still made such a disbelief face.


At the night

“Is that fine, Yuya? Isn't it read Kaito instead of Mara I, i mean, it was clearly a different name at least” said Shuu

Hearing him, Yuya reply

“Either clearly feels like a fake name. Since it seems like either is gonna be a troublesome name, it's better to pissed off the culprit at least right?”

He replied while making a small grin.

Not again.. shuu remembers he even like to pissed off a gang leader back in their world when they’re still small.

Then, seemingly wants to ask something, Arisa speaked.

“So, this Ma... the person calling itself Kaito...”

“He’s.. probably japanese right? Perhaps it was someone summoned from our world too, is it… perhaps?”

Saying what's in her mind for a while, Arisa start to question.

Yuya answered.

“We don't know for sure yet, perhaps it was written by someone else summoned before us. From what i heard, not every people summoned from another world is keeping their race.. some even become a elf or a vampire with a long life”

Saying that, Arisa start to looked depressed.

Looking at that, Shuu start to cheer Arisa.

“Well, but the possibility is not a zero at least. If it was really Mika-san, she would probably be too shy to meets us right?”

Actually she probably forgot about them at this points, but none of the heroes is probably realize.

“Ye..yeah, thanks Shu-ya...”

Seemingly grinning, Yuya excuse himself.

“Well, seems like i’m gonna disturb the atmosphere here. I’ll excuse myself to bed then”

“I..it's not like that!” x2 (Shuu and Arisa)

Speaking at the same time, those two retorts.

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