《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 105


-A friendstay takes longer than a homestay-


While i was sleeping soundly, some noise is annoying me.


Shut up.

Who is it? Being so noisy inside the people’s head.


Ahh, what is it again?

I was busy, dammit!

I was playing catch with Aimi, don't disturb me fucker!


With that loud voice,

i regained my consciousness



Is this.. the dining hall? Why did i sleep here?


looking at this situation.

“Thank god.. you’re being strange, and mutters some things that i don't understand. Is your condition alright now?”


I didn't reply, and still dumbfounded.

I still pull together my mind, so it took some time...


looking at this situation…

There's one thing i’m sure...

He embrace me inside his arms.


This situation,

is clearly...


I take some pepper and mustard beside me inside a point blank distance.


Being surprised, he got caught up too.

Despite he’s far more powerful than me, he’s surprisingly human so something like this still affects him.

Ah crap.

Because i was too close, i got caught up with it too.

*cough cough uhuk huhk*

*hukh hukh.. beh beh*

Like this,

we end up inside a pepper hell.

“Seriously, why do you keep activating protagonist flag no matter where, when, and who is it!? Is your whole being itself is fucking cursed, or did some god of love from the ancient times liking you so much that they curse you to seduce instinctively everything that close to you like a honey to bees? If thats because of your fucking pheromones keep activating like a walking disaster, then get rid of that body and walk around as a lump of steel like the terminator”


“I’m fine as a human, thanks..”

While bitchering about the usual routine between us, i complaint to him.


“I don't understand why i’m collapsed, but i feel healthy now. Did you do something?”

Huh? Iskandar seems confused.

Hmm.. he seems didn't understand what i am talking about?


at least i’m fine now.

“Alright, let’s start training now. Go and become my punching bag and don’t move, don't avoid, and don’t breath. Hand yourself up to me and it will be over fucking quickly”

Seemingly surprised at me being healthy, he ask question.

“Uh, i don't really mind actually. But..”

Were you, okay now?


What is he talking about?

I’m healthy. More than before in fact.

It’s better than before, like the previous weak feelings is a lie.

In fact, you're fine without breathing?


I see...

Goodbye, common sense world.

Welcome alien world.

Because human now can alive without breathing.

Common sense-chan has been teared mercilessly by the foreign substance that despise her and getting raped over and over and being cummed inside over and over again without any mercy and without being able to resist like a raped common mob from the start of game.

...like that can happened, idiot!

While ignoring me that seemingly still confused, Iskandar ask.

“No, but, when i asked about your boyfriend, you suddenly...”


hearing that…

I froze for a moment.

And i,

asked him.

“What boyfriend? Are you crazy? Did a worm make a nest inside your brain and eating the part that makes your intelligence? The only one in my heart is Aimi!”


He looked surprised.

Haa? What is he so surprised about?

Hid he had a sleep talk or something? Walking while sleeping? So he can walk and talk while dreaming too?


He think some male beast can exchange the bonds that Aimi and i share together? To come between our love? Trying to separating us?


in your dreams.


speaking about Aimi makes me miss her again..

Ahh Aimi,

your scent, your figure...


Please, hold on for a little while longer!

Once this matter is finished, i would return to your embrace.

Let us go into the infinity utopia together!

Avalon… was here all along!

Aimi.. Aimi..!

I imagine hugging Aimi and making a pose of hugging her.

While looking at me, Iskandar ponders.

“That’s.. no.. forget it. Yeah, it’s fine, sorry”

(Was that overwrite? I read the description in the ancient text, but the only one that is able to use that is..)

Iskandar thinks about something, but Miho is still lost inside her delusion so she ignore him.

(if that's true.., no. I still lack confirmation. There's no proof it was “that”. And her condition is strange too back then.. For now, i need to know more about what really happened. It's better if i don't say anything for now... )

Making his mind, Iskandar decided.


And calls by her name.


Surprised by him calling by her name for the first time, she made dumb face.

“I’ve decided. If there's anything i can do, i will help you. Don’t hesitate to ask. After all, i think of you as a dear friend. Second only to Ignis”

Saying the Goddess name, he made a serious face like protagonist in manga.

“So, let me help you if you have a trouble. I don’t know how much i can help, but i know better than most compared to the people in this world anyway”



No good…

No good...


Not good...

This is not good at all!

I am not good with this kind of face..

When the protagonist made that kind of face, usually the pattern is not fucking good.

The bad end is come, the death flag will get triggered...

No way no way nooo waaaay…!

I don’t wanna hear it, i don't wanna get involved...

Go do your business elsewhere, do it without me knowingg.



i decided.

With a smile, Miho made her decision.

“No thanks, goodbye!”

And trying to run away from there.

I already got my purpose of reaching transcended, no point staying here any longer.


Iskandar is dumbfounded for a moment.


He regain his consciousness.


But i ignore him and still trying to escape.


Ignoring him, i keep running.


Like that,

Iskandar started to run to pursue Miho.

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