《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 102


-I got scammed!?-

“Okay, the contract is done”

Finalising the contract, Iskandar said that.

The content is as following : Iskandar promised to give me daily meals a day any time Miho asked, in exchange i have to hand over all of the dangerous item that is able to influence more than a scale of a town i received inside my storage.

After signed it, i just realize my mistake.

This bastard!

He makes me to give everything, meaning every weapon of mass destruction that i received from elsewhere won't be able to used too!

I can make do with a weapon of small destruction, but something fatal as hydrogen bomb or atomic bomb is impossible too.

The exception is if i store it somewhere outside, but even i wasn't dare enough to letting an item that powerful outside!

He stripped everything of me, making me weak and unable to retaliate while making me as his plaything!!

“Please dont look at me like i am some kind of depraved pervert... I won’t do anything, see...”

Aah? Like you were not already doing it!

I’m still looked at him suspiciously, but Iskandar only saying haa and ignore me while moving into next topic.

“How is your body now? Feels any better?”

Now that you think about it...

I didn't feel groggy anymore, but my condition is still weaker than usual.

At the moment, there's no problem moving normally but fighting is still hard i think...

“This place had a special atmosphere that makes training and recovery easier. I think your body already undergone some changes and you’re already surpass lv cap right?”

Huh? Wait, so it was that easy to reach the transcended? I only need to stay in here and just like that?

“Normally humans have a hard time gathering mana so they need a long time to level beyond the cap. Monster or demons is having easier time because their body is basically mostly made by mana itself. So they can reach hundred level easier and there's no need to categorized them as transcended or like that”

Seriously? Humans are weak...

“However, once a human surpass a hundred they gain strength more better than a monster equal with level. So it won't be strange for a lv 100 human to defeat lv 150 normal monster. Even lv 200 sometimes depends on the human ability”

Hmm.. So they’re basically a late bloomer.


“Of course, there's always exception where the status and skills is far surpass their level like the mythical being or some certain s rank monster... but most life form are basically similar”

Huh, i see..

Well, just knowing general pattern is fine..





Trying to run finding the exit, i try to get out.

But Iskandar stopped me while holding my wrist.

“Wait, before that there's still something you need to know”

What is it again?? Make it quick.

“Dont worry. I have heard about your plan roughly from your friends. You can still made it in three or four days”

So he heard it. But then...

“Are you.. fine with it? You know that many will die once i started my plan”

He seems to determined himself.

“I have already decided to not involve myself with the surface unless it involves mythical beings or another creature at same level threatening the world. Besides..”

“I believe the beastmen indeed deserve better. They shouldn’t receive such a treatment compares to another demi human”

I see...

so basically he only cares about the Goddess .


“I get a feeling you just dissed me. But this is important. You need to recover first”

“And i will teach you everything that you need to know. Besides..”

You cannot win right now. Not in your current state



He touched where it hurts

It's true,

At my current state, even after reaching transcended i would just move into my own death instead.

If i had another strong member to help perhaps it's doable, but i don't have any time to find them.

Neither friend or gordes is free to helping me in the fight once the plan started. And oo-kun only strong against those which is not transcended because he didn't have any skill.


“I won't allow it”

I won't allow anyone or anybody takes my ”prey”

My target has been decided since the start.

The pleasure of killing him, making him despair, angering him, and becoming his sworn “enemy” that he will never ever forgot for his entire lifetime.

Is a right for me, and me alone.

All of the despair, grudge, and hatred...

direct it all to me!

Only then,

and after then...

That i can feel alive

By feeding their intense emotion right before they died...


Is a right for me and me alone.


“Seems like you regain your vigor. Good”

Seemingly happy, Iskandar replied.

“Then, shall i bring you to a place where you can recover?”


I got a bad premonition...


In front of me

Lies a hot spring


I knew it..

“I made this place myself. It's not as great as the hot spring in japan but its close. In exchange it have a better recovery capabilities and faster… what are you doing?”

I was busy writing something and ignoring him.

“List on how to murder you in 100.000 ways, also the list of my grudge that i will definitely take revenge at”


He looked at me like i was seriously going to do that.

Well, of course!

I don't have any extra energy to yell or attacking him left, so i will save it until later.

I know his protagonist disease is terrible, so wasting time to bitch talk him is useless.

I will kill him definitely next time


“Then, feel free to take your time. I will be waiting outside then”



Eroge protagonist would usually offer “you're too weak huh? let me help you. Ah i will put a blind so i wont see” and then making a various scene like getting slipped and hugging the heroine while naked or something.

I got more suspicious instead.

What are you planning? Is it the normal peep? Is this place actually exposed into outside fully like that black outside clear inside mirror?

“You looks like you didn't believe me.. should i make a contract to not peep absolutely no matter what? Haa.. did you really not trusting me this much?”

Of course! Like you can be trusted!

But i don't have any time for that, so i’ll let him go.

“Whatever, just stay here”

He made a disbelief face.

“Huh? What happened? Did i heard it wrong? Are you sick?”

Noisy, what do you actually want?

even i know i must recover faster.

I don't know how long i must stay to recover, and truthfully i need help washing myself.

A little shame is a trivial matter for my ambition!

“I’ll just made sure to pay you back a million times fold so don’t worry”

“Ahh i’m glad. It was the usual you..”

While i’m taking a bath, i used a swimsuit and letting him washing me.

..what? You expect me to fully defenseless against such a dangerous creature?

Ha! Not a chance! And the chance of my swimsuit slipped is non existent too!

Because it was made with a material even stronger than my usual op suit.

Though because it was for Goddess use, some part is getting loose.. i had to modify it previously.

But why did you only wear a towel in your important part? I swear if you shown that fucking thing to me..

I’ll make you regret ever being born

I’ll let you die more worse than getting cursed

And i will made every generation of your descendant suffer

While he helped pour the water for me, i got bored and talked nonchalantly.

“So when are you gonna confess to her?”

Bhua!? He got surprised and spilled the water all over me.

Oi, be careful.

He made such a poor reaction.

Stop being so template, will you?

Regaining his composure, he talked.

“Thats.. For now, i want to settle my matter with the dragon king first”

He’s running away!

I knew it, this dickless guy!

Cowaard cowaard, gutless useless.

“Ahh i get it, i get what are you trying to say! But even i cannot go to her place easily!”

What do you mean?

“Her creator made that place to be completely isolated from outside interference. If she wants you to in it's another matter, getting out is simple too. But getting inside with your own strength is something that even i cannot do”

Ahh i see..

“Perhaps her children knows something on how to get in. So i was thinking to asked him too if i had a chance”

Excuse excuse.. Typical typical.. Boo boo..

“You're.. really like to put a salt in the wound huh? Though i can’t refute that”


just say i’m being honest.

“Enough about that, how about you?”

Hmm? Did you even need to ask?

“Ooh? You start it.. you started it ok? Don’t regret it, then..!”

I got excited and started to sing.



He was surprised with my sudden change and slipped.

Oi, close that disgusting thing away.

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