《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 97


-Interlude i guess i done too far-


it's been a long time since it happened right?

Sensing someone else reach the level cap after 50 years make me excited

-1000 years ago-

I was summoned into this world by the Goddess.

She explained that i got summoned accidently and did not summon me by purpose.

She said she wanted some companion to talked to because she was lonely that her children leaving her and her wish probably accidentally summon me.

I accept it since i was thinking “why not?” because this is another world after all.

The Goddess smiled while thanking me .

Looking into her face.

My heart is beating fast.


Time passed...

it's already 300 years since then.

The goddess give me a potion, said to be eternal youth potion left behind by her creator. Told to her that only use it to someone she can trust fully.

She said it would made the user near immortal and unaging like but still can die if keep received wound severe enough or destroyed without a trace.

At first, she warned me many times that using it could made me live a live that is not a human anymore.

But i drink it without hesitation.

Then with my half immortality the concept of time is getting lost, ever since then i got close to her.

And before i know it i enjoyed my time with her.

I spend a lot of time inside her house.

We would never get bored too. The scenery can be changed so it can be looked like its no different from outside.

I can change it into the scenery in the middle of tokyo too, with a lot of people coming and going.

Apparently the time flow in here and earth is different. Spending hundred year here, only one year had passed in the earth.

But i don't have any intention to return. Not right now at least.

My parent already died in traffic accident, and i hate being a burden in orphanage.


i choose to stay here by my own will.


she was bringing me a camera-things like too. But looks more advanced and can create photo instantly with quality not different from actual scenery. Apparently left behind by her creator, i asked is it fine to use

She only make a naughty smile “keep it a secret okay?” to her already long dead creator.

My face is getting red but i hide it from her.

Love? No, we probably already surpass that relationship already.

To the point that i can’t imagine i would begin to separating from her

Thinking that we can be forever like this, i start to forgot to return into my world.


Occasionally i have seen Goddess made a sad face.

When i asked what's wrong, she keep replied it's nothing but i know the reason.

It’s her three children.

Although she didn’t shown it i know she was worried about them.

But since it's their own decision to separate, the Goddess probably holding back to not meeting them until they’re coming back themself.


even though it's only slightly, maybe occasionally.

Her face that she makes, is unbearable.

Her sad face that she have, is painful.

I don't like it.

I don't want to see it anymore.

So i decided,

to convince her children to coming back to her.

And making her happy.

One day.

The chance is coming.

Apparently some people with lv cap have shown up.

Because this is the first time it happened, Goddess seems confused what to do.

She can telling them directly how to increase their level after this, but it won't do any good if she made a mess by descending into the world like she want.


When goddess descent, it's always a big problem that relate to the fate of the world anyway.

Thinking this is a chance, i offered to descent to the world instead.

I have learn the knowledge to break the limit from her so i can teach it to them.

Though unlike my expectation the Goddess refused to let me go.

When i said that she was starting to locking me in my room.


i see..

It was my fault.

Having come into her life when she was just been left alone, she probably cannot bear if i disappear from her life too.


i start to make a plan.


Okay, she was sleeping.

I was apologizing to her, saying i would cook her otherworldly food and never talk about leaving anymore.

She looks like she just cried, but she accept my offer happily.

Because it's the food unique to this world, she eats it happily.

Looking at her eating face is always fun,but i can't keep staring her.

Haha, you always can’t hold back when it comes to sweets don’t you.


Once she was sleeping i start to use a unique device to her.

It was a device to take certain memories.

Banned as one of the tools that she told me to never used it i used it anyway.

That's because, this is more important.

Taking away memories about me, i start to prepare.

Using the technique of soul transfer, i move my soul into new body.

Apparently i can change some minor details like hair color or scar so i used red hair, and making the face older too.

Thanks to that, My appearance has been greatly changed from before.

h crap, with this much modification would it be alright?

But i’m already too far to change it back. The Goddess would wake up anytime soon and she would be surprised to find a stranger inside her house.

After done preparing, i finally have a lv 1000 body.

My old body? I burned it away. I have no need for it anymore anyway.

Then i start my move,

changing her observation device to ignore me no matter my position.

Taking some basic things that can be useful.

Erasing the trace of me, i was finally able to descent to the world.

To convince her children,

so that the Goddess won't make that face anymore.


I know,

i know this isn't exactly a good idea.

Since she was lonely, i should just stay with her and she probably forgot her loneliness eventually.


i can't allow it.

I can't allow her to make such a sad face occasionally.

Even if it's just slight i don't want to.

Even if she didn't realize it herself it's fine.

I... would definitely made her happy.


getting pretty excited too with the first time journey into another world i descended into the world.

From there, much things happened.

I start my journey and realize various things.

Apparently the third child Gorgon is often hides herself so it's almost impossible to found her without the help of other mythical beings.

So i decide to leave her for last.

I tried to find the second, phoenix. but from what i heard from goddess she probably disguised as human or demi human and made a brothel somewhere.

I decide to find the first kid, Argevalt instead

the second? Well, yeah.. searching for that place might be too much for someone like me that lives as a student in japan. Needless to say, i never holds hands with girl either.


Don't call me a coward, call it a strategical retreat!

Uhh anyway...

He was more unreasonable than i thought

He only interested to hear anybody who drink with him or defeat him in fight

Since drinking is impossible for me, i choose to fight.

The result.. it’s obvious, i lost.

Despite me having such abnormal body, he was the strongest in battle power among mythical three. Furthermore he was created dedicatedly by the Goddess and have far more battle experience than me.

Fortunately it seems like i’m still half immortal. It seems the potion is tied with my whole being itself rather than my body so i survived.

Since he was in good mood that someone able to fight him for this long he spare me.

Like this, i realized that i need to get stronger so he will listen to me.

After i lost i begin to thinking how to defeat him.

Realizing i probably cannot defeat him alone i gather comrade to fight.

However nobody able to hold even a finger flick from me. They all end up almost died or in critical condition.

I’m in dilemma, but i realized.

Didn't the Goddess said there's some people with lv cap?

If trained well they might able to get high lv enough to helping me in fight.

Deciding my move i start to look for them.

I found two of them and start to be friendly with them.

A lancer girl named Rufa and brawn warrior named Bonso.

Those who saw us is surprised with our strength and start to make a tale about us.

A story of us saving a certain country, defeating dangerous monster, and me.having such incredible sword skills and calling myself sword saint.

I know, i got carried away while practicing drinking and calling myself sword saint while drunk. But please don't laugh at me! Not those two too!

Why did i got drunk? Well i thought i should train my alcohol tolerance so i can challenge Argevalt in drinking.

The result is horrendous though. I can't even stay sober from one bottle.

After spending some time with them we begin to think of each other as comrade, not just master and student.

Using one of knowledge from goddess, i can open up a portal into another world dungeon.

Its unknown where it was connect to. But the experience there is noticeable for us that already lack any enemies in this world.

training in place that even i thought we’re gonna die every times we become stronger .


Some years has passed.

i have reach around lv 1300 and my comrade is around 700 and 800

Along the years to come we found another comrade that reach lv cap. A magician iffy and archer borneau.

After transcending, they become a invaluable help for us.

Like this, we probably can defeat or convince the dragon king of our strength.

Finishing our preparation, we head out to Argevalt.


the timing is bad.

Apparently the third child, Gorgon had been killed.

We come to him when his bad mood reach the peak, and he start to massacre us.

My attempt to convince him was unheard, once he start rampaging he was unstopped.

At this rate, the world itself might be destroyed by his fits of rage.

Thinking to fight to protect this world, not just for Goddess we all brace ourself.

The battle is harsh and long but i finally manage to stop him.

However, the price is too harsh.

Iffy got eaten by him, and Borneau trying to run away and got killed by his breath.

Bonso holds out till the end, but when the fight is over he died breathing his last.

And Rufa..

to made sure i win, she kissed me in the cheeks and using a cursed sacrifice skill to hold Argevalt movement.

That’s unfair Rufa..

it's more cruel than leaving me alone and died.

But thanks to her sacrifice i got a chance.

Using everything i got, Argevalt finally manage to be wounded and regain his sanity.

He retreated secluded deep inside the place that later known as demon territory to heal his wound.


After the battle is over, i got famous and known as the sword saint.

After visiting my comrade family and making a grave i got a lot of proposal.

I’m still sad over my comrade death but after some time passes i can accept it readily. Perhaps it's because i become weak.

Marrying a lot of woman, i become known as harem king but that's the story of another time.


live with a lot of wifes is not as good as you thought.

The woman are demons.

Looking at me like a rare steak, they start to fight to decide who is the official wife for me.

Among their bickering and insult they even start to make a plan to hindering each other. Some of my wife even gravely injured from this internal dispute.

What is this?

Is the woman in another world must be this extreme?


i become scared and running away leaving them.

Hiding inside my hideout in stone sentinel canyon i made a teleportation circle that only works with my permission.

Like this, i got traumatized with woman and cannot go out after that.

The rumor starting to spread about me being the only one that fight the dragon king apparently spread by my wives .

I want to complaint, but i’m too scared to meet them!


living secluded in the world i start to learn unique magic to teleport into my previous world.

Taking some game and anime from there, i start my secluded life.

After playing alone for so long, i become influenced with the game protagonist too much and deciding it to be my persona.

Occasionally, i sense some strong people that reach lv cap. But unlike before, i didn't make them into my comrade but treats them as disciple.

I don't want to have the feeling of losing comrade anymore, so i decide i will convince him with my own power next time.

however, because i was afraid with a woman, and the result of living alone without talking to anyone, i played too much games about

seducing woman and getting too used with that persona.

I still didn't have a courage to pass the line though. Let's keep the fact that i’m still a virgin despite married with lot of wifes to my graves.

Thanks to that another rumor about me has spread. Sheesh, rumor spread in generation is troublesome.



i sense someone who reach lv cap.

Thinking it's been quite some time, i got a little excited to meet them.

Oh? it's a girl. and pretty young too, usually the one that reach cap is middle aged man lately

Analyzing her, i found out who she was.


So she was a hero, and summoned just like me.

That’s interesting. I feel some familiarity with her too. I wonder if it's just because we come from another world, hmm..

She tried to run away, but bump her head instead. haha.

Thinking she was pretty adorable, i stole her lips.

Oops was that your first? It's technically mine too so that's fine right?

Leaving her nonchalantly i wait for her in a week.


She was planning some weird things again...

Huh, strange.

I was only planned to seriously teach her how to break lv cap but she was uneedlessly wary with me.

Feeling amused, i meet her directly below.

She talked straight fact about me.

Ugh i feel like i gonna collapsed every time she insult me, but i try to bear with it.

I was strange too. i didn't plan to personally sexual harass her this much but i just can't stop myself.

She was fighting hard despite our difference of power. it's been a long time since i feel a excitement in fighting.


i didn't expect her to use that strong of attack.

Moreover, by betting her own live.

I panicked, and end up using my prized armor.

But, what makes me annoyed is not that.

What makes me mad is the fact that she treats her live lightly


I cannot let her be this reckless anymore.

I must teach her a correct path from now on.

If she was a stranger and i let her died somewhere i probably won’t care.

But we already meet, and leaving her to die like this would put a bad taste in my mouth.

I don't want to experience the feeling of losing my acquaintance because of my helplessness anymore.

But she was misunderstanding things and thought i got an extreme taste.

Hey i’m just a normal, healthy guy alright.

Flicking her, i bring her to my house after sending her friend home.


It was really full of surprise one by one.

I was actually not really angry when she barfed to me.

However, her reaction is amusing so i decide to tease her anyway.


her reaction after that unexpected to me.

Thinking she would be angry with me like usual, she was crying.

Oh crap, i didn't plan to make her cry. I thought she was gonna abuse me like usual.

After trying to calming her down, i began to think a lot of things.


i forgot.

She was a girl.

No matter how she abused and done crazy things she was a girl, and someone younger than me.

Since meeting her is a lot of fun, i start to forget that simple fact.

What am i doing? As a man it's my responsibility to protect her right?

Different than the Goddess that can live forever, she was not an immortal and can die anytime.

Apologizing to her, i want to do everything i could for her.

Be it taking responsibility by marrying her, or killing myself i intend to do them all.

But if you want for me to suicide wait until i can convince the dragon king and phoenix ok?

I can’t stop on that since i have gone this far anyway.

Deciding that, i planned to not letting her cry anymore.

    people are reading<Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard>
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