《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 95


-An idiot is heree! Yaay!-


Starting to wake up, i looked at my surrounding.

It seems like a hospital room or nursery room.

While i'm still wearing my special ops suit.

Huh? Where am i?

Lets see..

to begin to understand where i am, i start to remembering the previous event.

At first.

I thought to myself.

Perhaps the reason Iskandar is like that is because there's no real heroine around him.

That's why he was getting desperate enough to even sexual harass the villain.

So i thought,

why not just made his heroine then?


i got a idea.

Gathering the preference and fetish of anyone, i gather three different fetish together.

I thought of adding a old man or legs fetish, but i have no time.

By gathering three different “heroine” potential i start to make them seduce Iskandar.

If he got his own heroine, there's no need to harass me further!

Yep yep there's no need to thank me, for i am your cupid of love.

While you guys are mesmerizing each others, i can just train normally while being hailed as your cupid of love.

Impressed with my own idea, i started them immediately.

But unfortunately i got the infamous reverse blade strike using finger flick instead.

What did i do wrong? Hmm does this means he’s impotent? Maybe he only pretend to be playboy to hide his impotence?

Thinking some various things i heard a voice.

“I got a feeling you're thinking about something rude, but i have already getting used of it”


He’s here!

Bringing some apples cut like a bunny, iskandar nonchalantly enters the room.

Entering without knocking, it's obvious your intention is no good since the start!

I get my wariness into max and prepare to counterattack if he dares to touch me even a single hair, but he didn’t realize it at all.

“Haha, its fine. I haven't done anything to you yet. See, your clothes is still the same as before right?”

“Yet” you said! I won’t miss that, fucking bastard!

You think i can get taken advantage of by a sweet talk? And reduce my guard? Think again.

By saying yet, that means you're gonna delayed things that is inevitable for ero harem protagonist!

I’m not going to give up, you motherfucker fucking asshole.

Try to look for a crack all you want, you won't get my heart even if you can take my body by force!

If you dare to touch me even by a single strand of hair anymore, i would destroy this fucking world! Creating supernova and big bang! And bring you down together with everyone else in this world!

Hmm? Why didn't i think it’s suicide you said? Hah, yeah right. Everybody can just go die and i’ll still survive! I would escape to Goddess place, making some spaceship somewhere whatever. As long as i can guarantee my safety after blowing up this whole planet together with him!


Goodbye, all of the unpleasant memories here. Goodbye, my chastity...

I absolutely going to take revenge for you guys, no matter how long. Just watch!

“Hello, why silent treatment? If you keep getting quiet i might attack you, you know. Making such a seductive pose like that”

Yeah yeah i know you're the type that would even see a girl pee or shitting in front of them and think they're adorable!

If you thought making a thinking pose while wearing black ops suit is attractive, go check your head in brain doctor. And just go see the thinker statue all the day!

Ignoring my various problems, he continue nonchalantly.

“You don't have to be worried with those guys. I have already returned them by gouging part of the land and strengthen them so it won't broke until they reach the destination”

Ah right, i forgot about those guys…

“Seems like you forgot. You better at least remember their face. A comrade that following you even to this place is more precious than you thought.”

Uhh i actually kidnapped them and forcing them to come against their own will though?

..Well except for that one woman that even i failed to understand.


Sitting beside me, he start to approach me.

“Where do we start?”

Obviously trying to make a seductive face, he speak without any reserve.

Fuck it.

Ahh i got annoyed, ahh i’m really fucking annoyed.

I almost lose my reason and trying to destroy this world forgetting my own safety at one point.

If i use all of those unknown thing from goddess place, some of them would probably succeed in destroying everything?

“Do you want to ask me question? Do you want me to personally training you? Or ”

Making a pose that seems like it touched my lips, he continues.

“You want me to be rough? Or gentle?”






Kill him







Rough him up

Cough him up

Destroy him

Put his head into gutter

Splash his finger into the shithole

Cut his bottom and skewer it into a crow feed

Erase his dick with the full power of photon cannon

Everything else, just let it rot and spread it into every different place in far universe!

Break him apart

His soul, his mind, his existence

Even throwing it into ten ascension of hell is not enough

Even by him suffer and regret his existence is not enough


Make him regret he was ever been born


Make him regret he was ever exist

Suffer.. break.. crushed

Reincarnate into all being of karma, suffer and die again

Born into a shit, born into a cockroach, born into the unrecognizable things

Even if you speak your suffering you won't be forgiven


Even if you beg for mercy you still won't stop suffering

Tortured, pushed down, drown into the unimaginable things that is gonna happened to you, right-now

And laugh

When you get pushed into your limit you will gone mad!

Even if you gone mad you will not reach the salvation

Inside this maelstrom of suffering, even your soul won't reach a salvation

Trample you, destroy you...

While i was in the middle of cursing him.

He place his hand in my mask

“Isn't it time to stop teasing me and show me your face? Seeing your pose is attractive, but combining it with your varying expression is going to make me more happy”



So you want to see my face huh?

Bring it.

Actually i already prepared.

It was my last, and most trump card. plan C!

The final and innermost defense line of humanity

If i fail, then i give up.

That means he was a being more perverted than any fucking beast exist beyond every fucking damn imagination even compared to Lovecraft imagination!, even orc or goblin with their propagation breeding ability pales compared to him!

Against that sort of creature, there's nothing i can do...

Boil me, bake me. I cannot do anything anyway! Shit!

But, don't you ever think i will forget...

I will live in humiliation, and will never ever forget this grudge.

Even if your family is reincarnated million times, even if i break apart and my soul disappear...

I would return from the depths of hell to exact this grudge beyond comprehension.

So be prepared...

for the final act that become the last silver thread for humanity.

Is it salvation? Hope? Or a depths of hell...

Pandora box, released.

Now the time had come for you to see the world.

Come out, my trump card...

I summon you!



He was speechless when i opened my helmet.

A smell more stink than a canned herring.

A face muddle with a unrecognizable black mud all over the body.

All sort of trash is coming out everywhere when i opened my helmet.

Like this, it was even unrecognizable if the creature in front of him is even a human.

My current state is probably like a smelly black lump with a pair of eyes.

Fufu, that’s right...

My final plan, is reversed cinderella plan. I call it (reversed) beauty plan!

Fufu, are you surprised? i bet you surprised are you?

That's right.

No one wants a ugly person.

Be it villain or heroine, as long you're a beauty anyone would pursue you.

Ahh, it was a sin to become beautiful indeed. Like they said, beauty is a sin. A forbidden fruits given by gods that make woman and men alike had gone crazy.


deciding to take advantage of that, i changed my appearance drastically.


Iskandar seems looking at me with a blank look.

Haha, take that!

Even you must be not expecting this huh?

I was thinking of scarring my face and burned my body all over like a certain girl that rather does that than getting raped, but healing magic would made it useless.

Trying to change my gender with magic is not efficient enough. There's still a possibility his perverseness is transcending gender.


i’ll just become the most ugly girl in the world!

Let's put aside whatever i am even a human being at this point is doubtful or not, but this is definitely working.

Huhu, so take that you ero protagonist!

If i’m doubtful even as a human anymore even you would feel disgusted and didn't wanna to even look at me right.

So cry, suffer, despair!

Forget about me, the villain, and find the heroine.

I’m sure there's one, the world is fast after all. If you didn't find one how about i look for you? Ahh i can try old man Gordes or oo-kun next time to try if he got that kind of fetish.


Victory feels good.

It was worth it throwing away your pride as a woman, no, as a living being.




Actually, just hurry up and lose interest of me already!

I can block my sense of smell and pain with my skill, but it still feel gross.

Especially now that i inhale the outside air after so long. I felt dizzy already from getting cooped up inside that tight suit with all kind of unrecognizable trash.

I know i already prepared to lose my pride.. Or even something important for me. But going this far even for me it was not a easy thing to do!

Ah there's even a bug and worms coming out from my suit. I’m kinda afraid to look at my current state of body.

No wonder i start to feel kinda light headed, did they made me into their nest? Ew..

Bear with it a little my body! As long as i can be free from this protagonist!

Crap, i'm feeling anemic from blood loss... Just how much they nest inside of me..


he grabbed my shoulder...

He made some serious expression for awhile while staring at me.



He start to laugh.


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