《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 94


-Interlude shit it all fucked up-

Ahh dammit, it was all fucked up.. .

Hey there.

my name is Tom.

Being known as the leader of the group of trio of adventurer known as “sword ruler” we joined the adventurer guild in hope to become famous and perhaps getting known like heroes in olden times.

Because the recent hero party is based of three people, we thought as three people team we can become famous too.

However, unlike our cool name, life is hard everywhere even as a adventurer.

We did not meet the quota of the finished quest, and our spending money is keep running out too.

Begin to desperate, we start to bully newbie and harass them for money. We even start to mug from townspeople too.

Thanks to that the adventurer guild banned us for entering and our adventurer permit is revoked.

But we already got used to this town, and our victim already paid a protection money regularly to us.

Since it's more convenient, we stayed in the town as thugs and begin to forget our original goal.


our lives had changed ever since we meet that “devil”

We overheard that some newbie adventurer just sold a lot of monster material at once prior to joining.

Furthermore, she was the one that write the infamous picture book called “bl doujin”

Even us who is a common thug have heard about that book. One of our victim that is a woman desperately trying to protect that book with her own body.

She even said she didn't mind if we rob everything that she have and stripped her naked, but that book cannot given.

Given her determination and unnatural bloodlust while protecting the book like a desperate carnivore monster, we decided to given up on the book and compromise for all of her money instead.


She looked so glad while hugging and kissing the book like a treasure. What the hell, is such a plain and thin book is worth that much?

Later we find out the price of that book is worth more than her money.

Dang, we’re been had. I should just taken that book by force if i knew.

Knowing the woman inside the guild is the author, her profit must be immeasurable right? Jackpot, we can finally earn some easy money.

At least, we have that delusion once..

I never want to remember what happened after that.

We got threaten to death to follow her, and almost got killed by the people of our hometown.

Finally thought it's over, she kidnapped us to somewhere else!

We tried to run, but the metal doll catch us again. damn metal junk! i would have a nightmare with a metal for awhile.

She made us wear strange things. She said it's fine to not wear it but if anything happened to our lives we cannot complaint and there's no cooling down period or refund.

Of course! How can we complaint if we dead!

So we have no choice to wear it begrudgingly.

We have to bring some coffin like things too. Shit! This isn't included in the contract! You better paid us more!


We come into a strange place with a lot of standing stones.

Thinking she was gone quiet when we reach the center of place, i can't hold on the atmosphere any longer and asking her what are we gonna do here.

She told us a unbelievable things that we were gonna catch the sword saint.

I start to doubt my hearing but unfortunately it seems like it was true...

Wait a minute, how did you know him anyway? I thought he was a fairytale told to everyone that aspired to become swordsman.


I cried hearing her reply and destroyed my childhood dreams. Damn you! You better take responsibility for defiling me.

Thinking like that a man suddenly show up from our back...

From his appearance there's no doubt about it.

That man, is the one known in legends!

The only thing different is his clothes. its vastly different from the story.

I panicked, but they start to talk like a good acquaintance and she start to provoking him.

How can you talked to him like that? Is she perhaps actually more amazing person than i thought?


a burst of light is exploded in front of the sword saint.

We closed our eye, so we cannot see much about what happened.

Not finished, there's suddenly a sound of explosion there and there.

I did not seeing them all clearly because it happened so fast...

Huh? Since when they disappear?

Ah found them.

Whoa, how did they go that far already?

Their silhouette disappear in the middle, but after that...

A giant massive pillar of light on different scale than previously is shot.

I got very panicked and start to hide.

There's a loud voice and the surrounding area is even started to floating.

Thinking to every gods that i could prayed, i swear to become a better person if i managed to survived.



Is it over?

The noise is over but i still didn't dare to getting up.

Thinking to just burrowed inside earth forever i suddenly got kicked.

Oh, what is it again?

Not waiting for me to recollect my composure she start order me around.


I don’t know what happened...

I don't know what to do...


Seeing that pillar of light.

And sword saint condition with a tattered clothes.

I realize something is happened.

Probably a battle that is unimaginable for us common humans is done here.

Something that can be written in the history book have been done in such amount of little time.


the only thing in my mind after i reply.

“Sir, yes, sir! I will bring the goods immediately!”

That's it.

I want to have nothing to do with those freak things anymore.

I will finish the job quickly and be obedient like a dog until it’s over.

I already given up trying to become like the heroes.

Heroes? Hah. They can just do whatever they want and get involved with those natural disaster in front of me.

Nothing good comes from getting involved with guys like this.

Once this is over, i would go home and confess to michel and have a child and working normally, blacksmith whatever.

I don't care anymore.

No matter how much live you have, being with those freaky being is too much.

Ignoring the bad premonition i have, i keep hearing some curse in my dream later tonight with that woman voice.

“Death flag,death flag,death flag,death flag,death flag”

Shut up, will you?

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