《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 92


-Vs sword saint-

“This is a good attack. but you probably won't be able to hold it out for long like this isn't it?”

Speaking Iskandar while stopped the beam coming out from my sword with one hand.

ahh.. i know.

I know this won't be enough.

I didn't use storage magic because it have a delay.

It almost not made any difference, but even one second is fatal against this man.

So, i prepare various things beforehand.

Knowing that, i prepare another things from under my legs.


What i’m letting out is a rpg like from jsdf one used.

Inside of a point blank range, i start to turn it on


The sound of the explosion resounded...

The rpg is a direct hit.

This wasn't item from Goddess place. It was the item i received from friend.

He said he got some free time before, so he nonchalantly made some things from his previous world.

Given to me because he never had any time to use it, i was grateful.

After the explosion subsidized...

“Impressive, i never thought someone can made that thing given this world current technology”

He speaks like usual.

“But that won't be enough to defeat me you know?”

I know that.

I know how you won't be hurt at all even with this...


my intention is not even to defeat you.


Starting to running away while taking back my sword, i take a distance from him.

Seemingly didn't understand why i am running away, Iskandar start to walk normally.

“Fuh, interesting. I don't know what you planned, but...”

Seemingly amused, he walked while opening his hand like a child walking in the park.

“Whatever that was, let me try it”

Ignoring him, i start to run to the nearest crevice.


he was suddenly in front of me...


Fast like usual, with speed that i cannot follow at all with my eyes.

“Oh? Is it over already? Did you give up on the game of tag?”

Provoking him, i yelled while opening my jacket.

“In your fucking dreams!”

It was a full grenade. About everything that i can carry.


And i let them all fall.


The area around me is exploded.

In the midst of explosion, i jumped forward.


Survived from suicide exploding i got out from the explosion

But i’m not unscratched. If it's not because this clothes able to absorb some of the explosion i would probably died already despite my body spec.

My body seems groggy all over. And i cough blood a little inside the mask.

In the midst of that...


Iskandar still unharmed like usual.

Though his face seems like in bad mood.


He look at me annoyingly.

Ara? Is he, angry? It was quite rare.

“That’s dangerous you know. You could probably explode into bits if something done wrong.”

Hmm? So he was worried about me?

While thinking like that, the crevice is below me.

I cannot step back anymore but that's fine.

After all...

this is, where i wanted to go after all.

“Well whatever, our game of tags is ends here. You should probably realize our difference in power. Anyway”

Saying that, he step closer to me..

One step, two step..

“I should probably start by teaching you how important one own life is. It's fine to be reckless if you're at my level. Even if most of my body disappear or my heart getting broken is not gonna kill me after all.”

Three step, four step..

“But..! You're still a human despite your body is based on some strong being. Since you're not fully unleashed the potential, just an good attack in head or hearts and your die, just like another human being”

I know that, you don't need to remind me.

Dive step.. and he reached my place.


I stare at him.

Then, he speak.

While offering his right hand...

“Let’s go. There's so much that i need to teach you. It's fine, i won't do anything”

ope, not gonna believe it buddy.

I’ve had enough of being treated like a brat.

While thinking like that...


...dropped my sword into the crevice

“? What are you doing?”

Seemingly not understanding my action, he was wondered.

Well that's good...

activating the magic words for the mana stone below, my sword is starting to shine inside the darkness.


Sensing the massive amount of mana, he probably realize the danger of what i am gonna unleashed right now.

However, even if i fire it he would probably able to avoid it easily.

That’s why…


i fall into the crevice...

With my own will.

-Turning back time before meeting with Iskandar-


Seeing the giant crevice in front of me, i start my plan.

*crack crack*

Pulling all of the mana stone i have, i start to grin.

Mana stone.

It's a unique stone that can hold magic power.

However it can only be used once and the magic power inside is disappear.

Acting like a disposable battery, it can be useful for mages.

However, since its rare and only can be used once, it was not famous at all.

I found a lot from the warehouse that i stole.. borrowed from.

Seems like that country is preparing for the usual war with the demons, so they prepared a lot of mana stone.


While ignoring that their plan is in ruined now i start to look at one of my skill.

One of the trump cards that the swordmaster based on my body have, photon sword cannon.

It basically explode a massive amount of energy and firing it like a grand cannon.

Well, basically like a cannon used in that space battleship anime. The one that is used to destroy a planet.

Firing it is no joke, any being in this world would probably pulverized if got hit.

But the mp necessary is so massive. Even the original swordmaster can only firing it once with full mp. There's no way my decreased lv can use it no matter how long.

Though depend on how much the mp used it can become stronger without limit. Wow, scary.

So that's where mana stone coming in.

By specify the time i unleashed the skill, the skill will demand the magic point necessary

Most people using it “now” because usually there's no point delaying it, but for me there is a point.

By activating it alongside mana stones, it would absorb enough mana to blast.

But no matter how strong the attack, it probably won't be able to defeat Iskandar if it's not hits.

That's why...

i will make him in a situation where he cannot avoid.

Seeing he was flying normally to my position, i suspect he can't use space magic. Or can’t even bothered to learn one.


Taking advantage to that, i’ll use a bait to stop him.

I’ll put him into a situation where he cannot move

Needless to said...

that said bait is already here all along.

-Back in current time-


I fall into the crevice.

That's right...

the said bait, is me

Betting in a situation that he probably cannot let someone else die in front of him like usual protagonist in manga, he would definitely come.

By protecting me, he cannot avoid the attack even if he wants to

By using all of his strength, he would protect even “me” the culprit of this situation since the beggining.

That's why...

knowing he would come anyway if i’m in front of him, i can make this bet.


He suddenly grab me midair.

Oh, fast like usual.

But how do you block it

The light is started to shine so brightly.


without any delay at all...

My trump attack, the one that i cannot use with my own power “photon sword cannon” unleashed its true power.



A gigantic pillar of light is bursting from the planet.

If it was a direct hit it would probably burning the planet surface and no living being probably able to live.

Because it was directed into the sky, no casualties happened.

Except for “two” people down there.


Fending its attack desperately with one hand Iskandar stopped the giant pillar of light while embrace me in one side.

His hand is wounded, and his whole body getting scarred...

Strangely i’m not hurt at all. Did he pour his defense magic to me?


Seemingly focused, he unleashed his power to push back the pillar of light.

But he’s getting pushed back.

If this keeps up, he would probably the one get killed instead.

Well, he could probably fend it off if using two hand, but a “protagonist” like him will never abandon me and rather choose to die together.

I’ll pass if that really gonna happened though. I rather bite my own tongue and die before he does.


Seemingly concentrated for a while his mana energy is rising.

And instantly...


He wears a golden armor with dark pattern and lion in the chest.

It was only in instant, but i was definitely seeing it.


Unleashing the power that his golden armor had, he pressure back the pillar of light.

Along with a shining golden light.

And then,


The pillar and Iskandar aura clashed with each other.

With vibration that seems like being able to destroy the world they clashed.

After some time, the pillar of light is running out and the attack stopped.

In midst of that...


Is floating a man with red hair and dojo shirt carrying me.

His armor disappear, seems like he only used it when he’s serious.

The gravity around the area is messed up, and i feel like my body is kinda floating.

His dojo outfit all torn up and the above is exposed in burn...

Though after some time passes, his wound is starting to close.

Amazing, so this is the ability of transcended? or Iskandar is special?


He seems to be glaring at me, like trying to say something but not doing it.

Floating while carrying me like a baggage, he throws me into ground.

While i’m still wearing special ops suit...

Like this, it would be like a joke scene instead of romance. Haha, take that.


He stare at me harshly.

How nice, you should made that face more often.

Seeing someone calm is irritating me. Looking at them panicked calming me down.

And then...



He punch me in the head.

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