《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 90


-Eh? Robbery? No, i ‘m just borrowing them.. Without permision of course-

There's some commotion after i explained, but it became calm after some time.

I guess, people can get used with even the worst situation given time.


i start to taking out countless money, treasure and weapons from thin air.

They probably know what the money for, but asking what is the weapon for?

Well, for my plan. Making a lot of things from scratch is not gonna make it in time so i planned to only change them slightly later.

Where the money and weapons coming from? Maa it's not important. Thanks for my friend giving me a certain map of certain place, i teleport to there and there and the rest is you can probably guess.

After pulling “out” a certain item to be used together with the weapon, everyone is surprised with it but i ignore them.

Later i told them that Bernard will know what to do with them so i’ll ask them to make a certain “item” first and let him do the combining finishing touch.

I told wolf.. Tuvalu to buy the materials with this money . At first he was worried to go into town alone but i told him to bring the merchant that i met in the town i visited with Bernard.

He seems like a coward and having a piggy face, but after threatening him a little and taking his son and wife hostage, he accepts.

Eh? You're too cruel? Haha don't worry. I returned them while saying i cursed them that they will die if he tries to run.

Of course no said curse exist. I only bluffing but he was too scared that he agrees.

Now then..

the plan is approaching the final phase.

And tonight,

preparing for the worst day in my life instead, i gather a few of the children.


Eh? Why did that wolf woman is following me too? Whatever...

The black cat girl refuse to coming out and seeing me, so i got naughty and approach her instead while making a hand pose i use to her previously. She agreeably coming out then while holding tears.

Ahh that’s not good you know black cat girl.. If you make that kind of expression i kinda want to bully.. Seeing it more.

I bring the thugs that seems to not have anything to do to join me. They seem trying to running away with their own life but stopped by oo-kun.

Good job oo-kun! Just keep doing your job okay!. I need you to keep the guys here so they do their job okay?.

Ah, i managed to duplicate oo-kun too surprisingly. They end up being small, as big as hands though but their basic ability is similar.

Hmm is there any hidden requirement for this skill? Even i didn't understand how it works completely.

Furthermore they all at lv 80 so it's enough to massacre.. keeping watch those guys.

Even Gordes which is the strongest more than their lv won't be able to run if they start to mob him.

He seems to not have any intention to run though. I hope he won't. He’s a capable person. I only saw his work once and it's not too far behind my current equipment.

Given time and material, he might be able to make better equipment.

The small oo-kun end up being famous with children. Perhaps i could sell fake ones of oo-kun to get some pocket money once this plan over.

Well then..

the piece is starting to be made.

Tomorrow, they would be spread all over the world and start to spread the “seeds”

Once it bloomed, nobody can stop it anymore.


The wave will come without anyone able to stopped it, and nobody will want to stop it...

Except the “villain” in this story that will never expects it at all.

A lot of despair, anger, hatred, and death will spread. but at the same time, a lot of hope, wish, dream will be spread further.

A festival of chaos.. Many wishes born from opposite feeling will be born. a contradiction, a orchestra performance...



A grand stage created just for you guys!

A life hanging in balance, a puppet that moves with all of their feelings

You don't have to worry

You don't have to think

You don't have to feel guilty

for our cause is just


The festival will come soon.

Ready or not you guys are the actors in the stage.

So dance. Dance until your life is extinguished, dance until the whole world is getting mad. Dance until your wish are fulfilled...

The festival of chaos will start anytime soon, the flower is spreading, and the tree will bloomed to reach the sky.

Let the party begin

..though i need to focus on my chastity first.

Eh? What about the last time i died? I don't remember so that doesn't count! Forget it, or would you rather i erase you instead?

-In the capital of Abona-

-Treasure room of royal capital-

Hum hum hum...

A guard is starting to move to his designated post and going to work today.

What a easy job!

All he need is to looked around, going back forth and i get paid.

My fourth daughter has been just born too, so this job is important to me.

Thinking it's going to be same as before he nonchalantly come inside the storeroom.


right when he tried to go inside.

Something is wrong.


The door is opened without any lock.

panicked, he start to look inside...

And then...


He trembles.


Everything is gone!

No one, not even a single copper coin is left!

all the coin, treasure, weapon.. it all vanished like a thin air.

But who is the culprit?

The only one able to take that much item is probably a space magic user.

But the one that can use that magic can be counted on hand, furthermore a capacity that one can bring is limited.

To stole that much treasure, and escape without detection.. Don’t tell me, demons?

But demons have no use for human treasure. Human weapon is significantly weaker than theirs too so there's no way it's them..

Thinking he’s in despair since he definitely have to take responsible for it, he had seen a piece of paper left.

Written inside is...

“The phantom thief Kaito is here”

While confused since the paper is written in a language that he doesn't know of, he reported to the king.

“I have to look for another job..” Mutters him with a despair filled face.

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