《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 81


-Oh my?-


job : Sword saint

age : 1017

sex : m

level : 1500

hp : 488350

mp : 373400

str : 58150

agi : 56530

vit : 57350

dex : 57140

int : 45350

wis : 56710

luck : 48576





No matter how i think of it, i can't think of a scenario to defeat this guy.

Even if i returned this body original power, i probably can't.

Looking at his skill and title it's even numerous than mine.

Like this, it's no wonder...

He is, the only being able to fight the dragon king and return “alive”

“Haha are you surprised? actually”

He whispered to my side

“I received this body from the Goddess too”

Hmm..? I didn't misheard it right?

“But she said it was the first time she had done that technique though”

Wanting to buy a time i asked.

Even if it's only miniscule chance, watch it.

Even if it's only one in ten million grab it.



“Haha you know about that? So you force her to use it huh? Well, i can do the transfer myself that's the answer”

Shit, it can't even buy one minutes!

“Well it's fine. My business is about another matter”


“You.. already reach level cap right?”

So he knows...


After i reach lv 99 my level and status stop growing.

I thought this is only because the exp requirement is high but it's strange.

So, there's a requirement to break lv 99..

A requirement.. to become one of the transcended.

“I made a promise with the Goddess, that i will help the people who reach lv cap to break their limit. Well it’s merely a selfishness of my part but i don't have any intention to betray that wish”

I see.. So what?

“So you don't have to worried. You can stop your bloodlust you know?”




“If i refuse?”

He looked surprised

“Oh? Usually everyone accept right away, you're interesting”

Looking at me with curiously, he start to pondering

“Well, nothing. I don't have obligation to force anyone anyway, but remember one thing”

“I am the only one that can break your level cap. If you want to fight against your destiny, to fulfilling your wish..”

“Then you don't have any other choice”


I start to draw my katana.

I don't care anymore.

I want to cut this guy right away!

Level difference? Like i care!


He is gone.


suddenly, from behind...

Without warning or anything


grabbed my breast


“Hmm, its fit in hand. But you're pretty thin aren't you? You should eat more”

Not finishing, he start to touch various place...

Butt, legs.. waist..

“You use your new bodies well, but it's still stiff. You need to relax more or else it won't reach the full potential you know?”







What, is this...

What, is this

What is the meaning of this!?

What have he done!? What have i done?

What the fucking hell in blazes of the shits inside fucking hell of karma he’s fucking doingg!?

His hand is even starting to nearing my below like a snake...

Getting pissed off without doubt.

I exploded.



The surrounding is becoming black like it’s burned.

It's the effect of one of my skill “demonic blast”

It’s effect is strong but it recoils my body.

I feel the drawback, my body aches all over.

But i don't care...


Looking at him again.

I stare at him.

With the most hatred i ever seen...

Probably even more than when i died from that guy.


I spew every insult i could think of.



I got angry beyond belief.

“Ahh, i see. It's the first time for you? Despite you looked like a player, you're not the type to get attacked huh? Hahaha apologizes but i’m not intending to sexual harrass you, you know?

“Fuck You”

“If That's True Then Why Are You Reaching Below My Clothes?”

“Any Fucking Pervert Is Making Excuses Like You Bastard”

“Do You Think You're Protagonist In To Love Ru Or Something? Aah?”

“I Like To Attack, But Getting Attacked Is Another Thing!!”

“Starting A Route In Your Head? You Motherfucker!?”

“If There's A Fucking Route I Will Blow It”

“If There's A Flag I Will Burn It Down”

“End Everything, End Your Lives, Even The Whole Goddamn Stories And The Author That Writes It!!”

“You, Are, Dead”

Using everything i got,

I used every such a crazy attack that follows no pattern, purely by rage.


“Hahaha, sorry sorry. All of my previous student are mostly men. So i kinda forgot how to treat woman. Hey, don't get mad. It would ruin your pretty face”


“If you want me to listen, then stay still! Drop dead! Got killed by me! Hacked into pieces!”

“I will cut over all of your body, starting from that defective tool that is unnecessary from the male animal! Hack it in most painful way impossible to recreate and making sure it would never be able to used anymore..!”

“Your fucking useless piece of junk penis, i will make sure it disappear in the world!? I will research supernova and incinerate it in the worst wayy possible”

“So be still and accept your fucking fate already!!. Disappear without even a grains of atom left!”

Increasing the strength i keep attacking him.



He stopped me into ground,

with, one finger.

“Well relax. Despite my attitude i’m always serious you know? You are attractive, honestly. But you speak too much. Anyway i’ll get to the point”

“Yeah, i’ll fucking listen.. After i cut off your goddamn piece of shit silver tongue it is!

“Wanna get killed? Huuh? Wanna die? Relax for i’ll make sure i will hunt you in the worst way possible”

“Your existence, is the one thing that better be off disappear, for my sake, for everything, die!”

But i can’t move despite all of my effort.


He’s treating me like a toy.

“Okay then i'll make it short. Come into the stone sentinel canyon. You will know the way there using your teleport. Your time limit is one week, anymore than that”

“Then you lose. Your fate won't progress farther than that and your wish will disappear”


“Maa don't worry, you just need to endure some training. It won't be hard since you already got all the basic things necessary. Then..”

Pulling out my chin towards him with other hand.

He.. kissed me.


“So long then, until then. Adios”

He pick up the pillar,

and flying away.

After he leave just like that...

I lost all of my strength.


And all of the emotion on my face.

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