《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 79


-I catch three more slave yay-

When i coming out from the guild, a typical pattern coming out

“Hey neechan, you just got some good cash huh?”

“What a coincidence, we are low in money. Can you give us some?”

“Our mother is sick you know, we need to be good with parents right? Though i raped mine AHAHA”


Their conversation is so third rate that i don’t know how to react.

Analyzing them show their small fry level too, 15,17,20..

I’m not interested with the rest so i ignore it.

Usually i would beat them up, tie them naked while writing “Small penis,excalibur” or something like that.

But their coming is good. I need extra hand to help me for my “plan”. A good-for-nothing them that is nobody cares dead or alive is perfect.

“Hey, don't ignore us. How about i scar your beautiful face, ahh?”

Ah sorry..

I forgot to speak your language again.

Is it fish? Is it amoeba?

Sorry.. perhaps you don't even have a right tool to think huh

“Dont ignore us dammit!”

The hoodlum start to attack me.


I’ll bring them there.




Hitting them with speed that they can't even react,

I bring them near the mines with the teleport


When they wake up, they screamed

“Shit where did you taking us bitch!”

“You fucking cunt, what are you doing!?”

They got tied up in something called bondage style.

Ah don't misunderstand, it's the only method of tying up people that i know. Not like i care if a bunch of hooligan getting tied up with whatever style as long as they’re not escaped

I ignored them and begin speak.

“Say, would you be interested to join me in my plan?”

“Huh??” x3

I begin to explain them with telling them the plan.

Of course, i omitted some part. Only telling them the main part.

After some face like they heard something unbelievable, they began to get confused.

“No way right.. you must be kidding?”

“Haha, something like that is unheard of”

“But if that's true..”

One of them start to think

“If we got find out, we would be a villain that everyone in the world seek you know! All the race and bounty hunter all over the world will look for us for our blood!”


Those guy began to gulp.

A action that could involve the whole world, even imagining it is unthinkable

However, if what this girl is true, it would bring a big change in the world

History will definitely record this as the biggest death that ever happened in the world. And if the mastermind is find out, he or she would definitely become the enemy of the world.

Is this girl..sane?

Grinning, i said to them.

“Isn't that a good thing then?”


“You see, life is uninteresting if everything is happened within prediction right?”

“So, if the pawns in the board doesn't move i just need to crush the entire board”

“If they're refuse to move, then i will force them to move”

“Without any choice, the only way for them is to move on right?”

“Blocking their retreat, leading their advance, controlling every each one of their movement...”

“All of the person in the world is your pawn, a part of a big chess”

“As the mastermind behind them all..”

“You will leave your proof in history as a main part of the biggest performance in the world”


Hearing that, they gulped.

This is all a nonsense.

The girl must be delusional.

First of all, her plan have no guarantee to succeed.

Even if that happened there's no guarantee the world is gonna move like she planned.

They should just ignore it, but..

For some reason,

they can’t just ignore what the girl had said.

And then,

the smallest of them begin to talk.

“Let’s do it Tom. Let's follow her plan”

Hearing that the other two is surprised

“Huuh, are you in right mind Zack? You believe what this bitch is saying?”

“Well, even if it's a lie there's no hurt doing it. It's better than becoming a low time thug in the town”

“Hey, are you serious man? Sheesh.. hey Char, you won't follow her right?”


Getting quiet, the man named Char is thinking seriously.


“What do you need us to do ?”

“Huh!? Char, not you too!”

Getting angry, he yelled at him

“Tom, i wanna ask you a question then”

“Huh? what is it?”

“Are you.. truly fine with things as they are?”


Hearing that Tom is getting silent.

“I... you know, we come from slums. In that place, life is worthless. Our being there is only there as a tools for people in high position”


“Everyday, even if we worked hard it was barely able to worth anything. Even payment in silver is like a one of a kind treasure there. If the aristocrats happened to find woman he likes, he would take them away and return them as a corpse tomorrow”


“Tom, you as the one who his sister get taken must be understand it the most..”

Tom still listening.

“I... i cannot accept it. I want those arrogant one with position understand. I want to make them pay, i want to make them suffer. At the very least, i want to punch those guys once in the face”


“So let's do it. let’s punch them right in the face. let us tell everyone that even we can fight back! That we exist here. That even us can outsmart them”

Hearing that,

he exploded.


“What? done with your sappy story yet? I’m getting sleepy you know..”

“Heh, you really are a bitch.”

Looked amused, he continue to speak

“So what about our payment? You know we can't work for free right? What's your offer? You better give us a lot of money for this you know?”

Hearing that Miho smiled



Getting excited she continues

“As i said, everything. Excluding the production cost, all of “ that” thing profit will be given to you. Of course i don't need to said how much it would be once it got sold right?”

It would be a fortune worth the entire world after all

Hearing that,

he laughs.

“Khuhuhu.. HAHAHAHA! Really, is this what making a pact with a devil looks like? Shit, i like it. You send shivers to my bones.”

Then, he continues.

“You won't regret it missy, despite my look i’m from a family of a famous blacksmith. Mass producing that thing is easy as pie. So, how much we need to make?”

“Let's see, as much you can. About 5 billion?”


Hearing that, he got stiff.

“What? You heard my plan right? It won't be good if i half assed and we end up not having enough. Truth is i wanna make twice of that, but i compromise since we won't have much time after all”

“H.. how long do we have to make it?”

“Hmm… considering we start the plan 5 months from now on, and we need to distribute it and preparation phase to gather materials and people.. about 3 months?


Retort the three of them.

Hearing that she only made a sweet smile

“Don't worry, money is no problem. I will get them and the material. Just gather as much people as you can in one week and come back here okay? Ah, you better not running away since i already told you the plan”

Saying that she use her storage magic


What comes out is a mechanical robot.

“this is guardian robot oo-kun. He done his job perfectly be it killing, killing and killing”


“Ignore the small details. Oh right, running away is useless, he is far stronger than you guys at lv 130 and his speciality is “chase and destroy”, to be short..”

“Even if you runs into the end of the world, he will keep chasing you without the need to take a break”

Hearing that the three is getting pale.

Since there's no more question, i cut off their rope.

“oo kun, make sure they do the job ok? If you found out they do things unrelated, cut them down. Be it sleeping more than four hours, or toilet more than 5 minutes..”



Hearing that she smiles.

“No, i am probably a goddess that saved you from a life's full of boredom”

Leaving them, the three start to waste no time and begin to work immediately.

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