《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 77


-Interludes the burden of the king-


Inside the giant bed chamber.

A dark land without any light coming other than a blue moon.

The territory of the race that claimed to be the rightful owner of this world.

With horns and dark skin, they are what is called a demon.

And inside this place.

Lies the strongest among them.

“Are you awake, Demon king sama?”


The man called Demon king still groggy.

However his disheveled appearance doesn't suit demon king at all.

Two horn in heads, a tired looking face with black hair and dark skin, sharp but looked tired eyes

Although his face still looked young, the tired expression made him more older than he looked

“Aa, i'm alright Carl. I just have an unpleasant dream”

“I see. please take care of your body more Demon king sama. You didn't get enough sleep lately and working too hard”

“Haha, i would like to. But if i didn't do it who would?”

That's true.. mutters his butler named Carl.

The 5th demon king, Arthur.

Having received his position when the position of demon king is opened, he gained it using his own power

Originally the demon's plan is to done world conquest just for their personal ambition.

However, when he received his position the demon is already not the same as before.

After declaring war with humans, they had been pushing them at first. But they're getting too greedy and earn the hate of the demi humans that they cooperate together to fighting them.

Thanks to that the human and demi human managed to push them back and they got forced into this poor land without any blessing of sun.

However, it was not all a disadvantages.

When they meet dragon king Argevalt in this land, because of the effort of the first Demon king to convince him they receive his blessing and becoming suddenly powerful. More than any of the humans and demi human.

However, thanks to that they can’t leave this land too often because if they step out of it the blessing will weaken and they will be only as strong as average soldier.

If not because of that, the demons would already conquer the world and bring the world into their rule.

If only they can expand Argevalt blessing.. No, only receiving his cooperation is already good for them.

Only a few abnormal party of heroes in history manage to venture deep into the demon world territory, because the further they go deep the stronger the blessing is.

With the exception of some demi humans that betray their race and stayed inside the demon world, normally they need 5 party consist of d class and c class adventurer at least just to defeat a greater demon inside the demon territory.

Not to mention an arch demon that could probably wipes out a small country by themself.

Arthur intention is the same as the previous demon king, to conquer the world

however, it was not just for that.

His real intention is to save the demons and letting them live into the world under the sun.

Living here is harsh because no light of sun ever come. and demons that only knows fighting can only hunt for their food instead of farming and raising livestock.


Sometimes they hunt the monster inside their territory, but their favorite food is either the crop or livestock of humans.

Some extreme demons eats humans and demi humans, but as a intelligent beings, most of them still rather eat livestock and food that is created by them

After you taste a luxury food, a raw meat is undesirable after all

Some of the strong demons gather under Demon king general. And still attacking humans or demi humans and making factions among them.

But with no decisive blow between them, the war last for 200 years.

The demon cannot leave their territory and decimating humans-demi alliance because they won't have enough power outside the land.

The humans and demi humans alliance cannot attack them deep inside their territory too because they would be wiped out inside.

After the first Demon king is killed by the abnormal existence called a hero, the Demon king after that is planned to take the human and demi human with force. But avail they end up getting killed by the hero party eventually.

Thanks to that the human and demi human in this generation lack the fear that first Demon king has done, and thought the demons is manageable somehow as long as they leave their territories.

Once the Demon king and his elites leave their territories, the three biggest country in the world will cooperate and attacking them with the heroes party. That's the usual pattern.

However, the fifth Demon king is different.

Realizing they cannot win just by brute force or sheer power he already made a plan so that demons can exhibit their strength outside even without Argevalt moving.

However thanks to being too deeply indulged in his research, not many demons hold a loyalty to him expect a few of chosen in number.

Most are suspect that he didn't even have any intention to conquest, the rest are thinking he’s a coward that rather spend time inside the castle and letting his subordinate dies

Although he earns the ire of the demons, he ignores them and still continuing his research.

After spending almost all of his lifetime dedicated to that, he finally founds a way to spread the Argevalt influence into the whole world.

“How is the progress of the “ tower” coming?”

“Sir, it's already more than 93? finished. At this rate it might be done before we reach the new moon”

“I see..”

The new moon.

The only phase where Argevalt influence is getting weaker.

It is said that because his creator influence, the Goddess power reach the peak at that time and his dominance is lessen.

He himself is not being affected by it, but the one that receive his blessing definitely feels the influence

This secret only known by the Demon king and his few loyal subordinates. Because the humans and demi human coalition cannot learn of it

“Progress the plan and increase the pouring of mana. We must finish the tower soon before the current heroes matures”

“Is it wise sir? Most of our soldier has been overworked and even died.”

“I don't care. We need to spread the tower completely into the every corner of the world. If the price to be paid for that is the lives of a few of lesser demons, they would be glad to offer their lives”


“As you wish, sir”

It seems cold hearted, but Carl knows his king is actually doing it for the good of all the demons.

There's no future for the demons if they can't conquer the world and prosper under the sun.

For that, he knows his master must steel his heart and throw away his sympathy.

“How is the current heroes progress?”

“Sir! they're still weaker than the previous hero. Although there's three of them now, compared to previous one i dont think they’re a threat at all”

Hearing that the Demon king only stare with sharp look

“Don't underestimate them. Although weaker than us, the previous Demon king is always killed by the hero. They got fate and luck siding with them, adding to that the cooperation. Something that we demons lack.”

The demons is spreading into various faction and even the Demon king had a hard time gathering them all.

Compared to them, humans and demi human is cooperative under the banner of the hero.

Although weaker, their combined might is a threat.

“Ah, apologize sir. This one didn't intent to underestimate them. We will definitely kill the heroes once we meet them”

“I see. i’m counting on you”


It's better to pluck a disturbing factor early on. Or am i the only one who thinks like that? Is silently mutters the Demon lord.

Moving on, he start to move on into another problem.

“Another tantrum of the dragon king?”

“Yes, lately he’ been feeling bored and thinking if he should just wreak havoc on humans and demihuman world sometimes”

“Tell that old man we will double his sake and sweets this year, so he better hold back on that”


Feeling tired, the Demon king sighs.

If Argevalt moves their enemy might be finished easily

But once he start to rampaging nobody can stop him.

Last time he was rampaging, the demon is lucky that someone manage to stopped him before he ends up destroying them too.

But next time they might not be so lucky.

If he rampages, it would mean the certain end of demons too not just the humans and demi human.

But Argevalt is not the only thing weighing the Demon king mind.

“Is there something in your mind, Demon king sama?”

“Ahh.. it's not a big deal”

“Are you worried the humans and demi humans will attack? Dont worry. Unless a strong hero descent they won't dare to attack us here.

At most, it would only be a small skirmish. Because the heroes is already summoned no new hero would be coming out until they died. And even that happened, they won't have enough time to mature”

Because we will succeed in dominating them first.

Hearing it the Demon king only made a wry smile.

“It’s not that. i just had a bad dream”


“That we manage to fulfill our 'goal' without any casualities”

“Isn't that a good thing?”

Hearing that the Demon king answered.

“A good dream is when it happened opposite of what you want, Carl. If it's a good dream usually it become bad in reality”

“Surely you think too much?”

“Perhaps. but..”

He start to made a sharp expression

“I still got a bad feeling. Like when my father died and i become the Demon lord”

“Really, sir?”

“..No, seems you're right. It seems i was only a bit tired.”

Hearing that Carl only nodded.


Seems to agree, Demon king asked.


“Is there any possibility of the worst case to happened?”

“Worst case?”

“That the heroes become a transcended”

“Ahh.. that's true, only a transcended one can become a threat even inside our territories, sir”

“Think there will be any rising from current hero?”

“I think that might be hard sir. Given time perhaps. But they might reach their lifespan and died first.”

“That’s true, but there's always a possibility that they reach this place and aiming to take my life just like when the first Demon king killed”

“Haha, i don't think you need to have anything to worries sir. If the heroes not even a transcended being surely it won't even become a fight”

“Hmm.. but let’s just prepare just in case. No one seems to reach them ever since the last hero died from age. But it's no surprise if one or two strong one among the normal humans is showing up right now”

“I understand, sir. I will increase the surveillance of the strong person who will most likely reach them”

“Please do. also..”

If there's a transcended, perhaps they can join our cause after knowing the truth..

Knowing his actual intention, Carl only nods silently.

The room is getting silent.



A small cute girl with one horn and blonde hair is coming.

Demon king catched her softly.

“Oof, hahaha. what's the matter Leticia? Did you get bullied by castle guards again?”

“Mou, don't treat me like a kid!. i'm already 12 years, i'm a adult”

Leticia, the only daughter of the current Demon king.

Born from her mother succubus, she hold enormous magic potential that surpass her father.

If trained well, she might be able to surpass him.

Once that happened, the burden of the Demon king is definitely swift's to her.

Thinking that he won't let that happened, he aimed to made his plan succeed no matter what.

“I see i see, Leticia is a adult huh? Then, you can marry papa then?”

“Papa, i’ll report you to mama you know?”

“Spare me for that.. your mother is merciless”



Grinning, Leticia is teasing her father.

“I, am gonna marry Bernard when i grow up!”

Hearing that he freezes.

Ah, it happened again. Milady usual teasing.

The Demon king begin to tremble

“Khu khuk huk huk.. i see, Bernard huh.. i see”

The Demon king is preparing to leave.

“Where are you planning to go, Demon king sama?”

Demon king only shortly answer.

“I will go for a while to check the condition of a unloyal subordinates that never coming to greet me. What, don't worry. I will be back soon”

“Bye bye papa, bring some souvenir ‘kay?”

Like going to a picnic, Leticia say farewell to her dad.

Carl only hope he won't make too much commotion.

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