《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 75


-Interludes starting over-

“Please wait!”

I stopped her.

Sensing i won’t be a match if there's a fight, i desperately trying to ask her to ignore us.

I tried to convince her to leave, but her reaction is becoming the opposite instead.

Oh no, what should i do? Ehile i was thinking that…


Sonya, don't! You won't be able to win!

Trying to stop Sonya, i desperately shout at her.

But it's too late. she got captured instead.

Thinking to sacrifice myself to save Sonya, i planned to do suicide attack by grabbing her.

At least, if Sonya can escape..!


What had happened after that.

Is beyond my wildest expectation..

“W..what is this? What are you doing? AAHN..! NO,NOO!”

I was dumbfounded.

Captured by her colossal strength, she begin to touch sonya all over

Wh..what is this? Why did she seems to know much about beastman weak point that even i didnt know about?

Sonya keeps moaning and making an expression that even i never see

Not stopping with just touching, she began to bite and lick her

...i don't think i should watch this, but i can’t leave Sonya alone

Confused at what am i supposed to do, Sonya screamed.


...I don't want to remember what happened afterwards..


After quite some time..

“Uhmm, sorry for such a commotion. As you can see, i have no hostile intent. Can you speak what you’re hiding now?”

“Ah..? ye yeah..”

Surprised, i only managed to speak such short sentences.

No hostile intent? But it looked to me you just stole something important to Sonya..

At least she might not be a bad person.

Calming my mind, i began my explanation.

After begging her to let us go, she started to make a irritated expression.

Strange, most human would probably sympathetic or getting excited to hunt them instead, but this girl is getting angry.




I was surprised.

She stabbed her sword in the floor and start to threaten me

“I will decide when i saw the survivor wherever you guys are worth to letting go or not”

“Until then, show me the way to them. don’t misunderstand, this is an order not a request. Should you refuse, i will cut you down in the spot and tells everyone around that you hides your fucking tail here”


It looks like she didn't have any intention to let us go...

Didn't have any choice, i bring her to our gathering place.

Seeing the place itself, she would probably understand we would die sooner or later anyway.

Thought it's better to showing it myself i guide her.

Ah, but please don’t touch Sonya! Even i was getting scared thinking what she would do next.


When we reach the place,

she ignored me and started to look around.

Where did she go? there... Oh, isn't that Reks, the fox clan village son?

Although he was such a bright boy before, after losing the elder in the middle of journey he start to become desperate too.

Well it's understandable, the elder was his only family left.

Such a sad boy, when i was thinking that.


She grab him.

What are you doing to a dying kid!! I almost shouted.

“Do you want to die?”

Hearing that i stopped...

I see.. so even the kids already realize it was hopeless after all.

begin to lose strength myself from the depression, i heard her talking...


become the feed for me

nobody to even remember or knowing you

block your ears block your sight all you want

and watch the demise of your race

Hearing that i begin to get angry...

What do you know? Do you think we want to become like this? Do you think you know our suffering until now?


the boy begin to talk.

“I.. dont.. want… to die”



I see.. of course you won't.

I know it, it's obvious isn't it?

Nobody would want to die, it should be obvious.


The girl start to shout







It seems like it was directed to me.

What i truly wanted..?

It is..

To die following Sonya.

There's no way someone like me, who “kill” her deserve to live.

Someone as sinful like me didn't have the right to keep living.

At least, that's what i thought until now.



The boy shouts

He keep pouring the things that haunts him

Over and over...

He didn't stop saying that he wants to live.

And then...

Hearing that, the girl is pulling out a bottle and poured the content to us.

Everyone begin to recover, and even their lost limb are growing back.

What is this? I have never seen or heard such a item with this miraculous effect...


Am i dreaming?

Thinking that i can't be more surprised with her, she began to talk.

From now on, you guys will be living in hell

Instead of peaceful cold embrace of death, you guys choose to live and suffer

Your end will never be good, and your live will never be easy either

Still, take responsibility


Ah..! Aahh..!

That’s right!

I was such a fool!

Why did i think death is a salvation?

Why did i think to die as an atonement for my crime?

Since when did i think a criminal like me deserves such a peaceful death?

No, i don’t!

Someone like me is never deserved to come into Sonya side!

If someone like me coming to her, it would soiled her instead.

I tried to running away, into such an easy way!

Would such a unforgivable criminal like me deserved to died peacefully? No!

Such a peaceful way is not the answer for me! Definitely not.

Instead of coming into the paradise with Sonya, i have to live in hell.

I have to suffer for my whole life bringing this painful feeling...

I have to live inside the world without Sonya.

That.. Is my atonement. That’s the answer!

I almost made such a wrong decision. i was a fool.

I’m sorry Sonya, i'm sorry...

I have, to live bearing the burden of your loss

I cannot come to your side, no, someone like me is not deserved to go there

This is your curse.

A curse that you give me.

“Don't give up on living”




What a cruel woman you are, Sonya.

This is the first time i might hate you.

But at the same time,

You are truly, the woman that i love

Congratulations for now

Because at this moment

You are, truly being reborn into this world

I have made my decision.

As someone who deserve to live in hell, i decided

If i need to go into hell, i will embrace the worst hell possible.

If i have to live in suffering, then i will follow the worst painful live.

If i need to go living in hell, it's better for me to follow the one who is moving straight into them.

Looking into the hell that this person going, a path without salvation.

Inside the hottest flame ever exist, i will live to suffer.

And i want to see ..

The end of this path.

The hell that she mentioned.

Finding out the reason i was born, i have decided to bow.

“Let me serve you as your subordinate, master”

I exclaimed with all of my heart.

Today, the previous weak me is died.

I was reborn as the right hand of this devil.

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