《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 74


-Interludes the coming of devil-

In the middle of our journey, we began to move from place to place.

Because no humans or other demi human wants to accept us, we have to taking a break in any place we found.

Forest,cave,abandoned mine.. any place is fine.

We were basically never had any hope from the start anyway.

Along the way, i got close with them.

The only spirited one from them, the cat girl i saw back then seems to took a liking to me.

She said it's because i smell similar with her late father that died from a beastman hunter last year.

Since their race is rare now, some adventurer or hunters sometimes hunting them for their fur and fangs.

Her mother already died since long ago before she could remember from a disease, so she didn't remember her.

When asking her name, it seems like because her father that supposed to give her a name died before he got a chance, she didn't receive it yet.

When beastman is coming to age at 9, that's when they receive name from parent or guardian.

Thinking it's inconvenient to not have a name i called her Sonya unconsciously.

Because that's the name that is dear to me.

Liking that name, Sonya asked to be called that from now on

It's fine, right? While ponders like that i was in deep thought while reminded of someone that is no longer here.


Our journey took about a year.

In the way, some died from the exhaustion and hunger, some had given up and we have no choice but to leave them alone

The only spirited one is Sonya, but maybe because she was the youngest of them.


We hide in the abandoned mines currently.

Most of us already doesn't look like they want to move anymore.


The elder had already died from some time ago from hunger, so i become their leader unanimously

Not like it matters since we already given up mostly..

Sonya still looked spirited and she sometimes stole a food from nearby city.

What are you doing, we would attract unwanted attention...

But, i didn't stop her.

It's not like i have the right to.

Even if i said it, most of the children probably never realized that this was a suicidal plan from the start


I don't have the heart to tell you the truth

I don't have any power to save you guys

The only thing i can do left.

Is to follow you guys too soon..

Aah.. “Sonya”..

I, will join you soon.

I hope you understand.

I don't have the courage to continue living in the world without you.

Sorry, you waste your life trying to save such a weak man

You.. probably won’t forgive me right?


Sonya calls me..

Apparently she heard someone coming into the mine.

So soon? i thought there would be a subjugation party to search for the thief. But i didn't expect it would be this soon..

Anyway, i have to hurry.

If we’re going to die anyway, i want to make it peaceful at least.

Sonya refuse to stay and insist to following me.

Because she seems won’t budge, i agree to bring her as long as she promise to not attack first


i saw the intruder.

Fortunately it's only one person,

A girl with a long ponytail and black hair which is rare.

But the aura i feel from her is clearly contrast with her appearance.


Because living with human for so long i can roughly determine the individual strength of them.

Judging from this, i can conclude based on her strength alone she was probably a top-class adventurer


..God, even you had forsaken us

By sending us this grim reaper, so you’re telling us to die

“Come out”

I was surprised.

I was confident for my hiding skill because i have been living in run for all this time.

But she seems to not realize my exact position, so i decided to keep quiet

“If you fuckers not coming out, i’ll blow this place up and bury you inside”


Hearing that, i panicked.

Please don’t!

They deserved to die a peaceful death, with the best grave and flowers for them.

If they died here suddenly, without any graves and names nobody would remember them anymore.

Pulling out my determination, i come out

“Please wait!”

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