《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 73


-Interludes another chance-

Five year has passed...

After losing Sonya, i started to lose my desire to living

Because she lives alone, she doesn't have a family.

Wearing the first clothes that she knitted for me, i begin to leave this place


i’m looking for a place to die

In the the middle of my journey without any destination.

Using my knowledge about humans and demi human i managed to get a work.

The payment is low and it's only enough to live.

But ever since living with Sonya, i cannot imagine a live by hunting like what other wolf do.

I have never done hunting before, only looking for herbs and berries in the forest. It was especially so after i learnt to live with humans.

I was often ridiculed, but as long as i can live it doesn't matter.


i run away.

The demon is starting to be sighted in this place, and the humans here is starting to suspect the beastman tribe have any relation to that.

Thinking they won't be sure if i won't begin to attack humans like other beastman in the army they start to discussed to dispose me.

But, before that can happened i run away.

*haah haah*

Lost my place to belong again.

Well it wasn't a weird news. it's already a miracle i can live this long

Because i cannot live in human territory anymore or demi human territory,

I start to leave into demon territory


In the middle of my journey.

When i start to eating alone, some cat-like figure is coming to me

So frail...

Her body is so thin


Looking at her, i remove my wariness.

I give her the food.

At first she was looking at it suspiciously...

But, seeing i can eat it fine she eat without hesitation


Looking at her eating, i start to laugh


After she had done eating, i was invited into her village.

Seeing the village condition and meeting with the village elder i realize the situation.

It seems like, they have been abandoned by their landlord.

The noble that supposed to supervise them sold everything that can be sold and running away into another country.

Because of that, they didn't have any more supplies coming.

The land is not fertile since the start, and a famine hits making it as decisive blow

In other words, they're been abandoned to death.

“The new owner of the land had decided to make this place into the living settlement for rich people. And we have to get out tomorrow or else he will hire soldiers and kicked us forcefully or they will kill us all”

Like this, they had been told to die

I see..

my village is isolated from the news of outside world, so they’re quite lucky

Not knowing the situation outside, they live without a care of the world.

Other than me, that is..

Hearing the situation the wolf asked, where will they planned to go now

“We planned.. to ask for mercy from our remaining tribe that sides with the demon king.. or failed to do that and die in the middle”

Asking for help from traitors and the reason they're in this situation from start, i guess they're desperate.

Because i was going into the same place, i offered to help guide them there.

I learn about the way there from living with humans and other demi human for so long anyway.

The elder accepted and grateful for my offer.


I was selfish isn't it?

Truth is, i did not help them for their sake

It's just that, i was afraid to die alone.

Thinking like “Ahh, it would be nice if i can die with a companion” I helped them for a selfish reason.

Like this, we began our journey to die

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