《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 68


-if you want to die, i’ll grant your wish-

having sold the materials too, i have about 300.000 gold now

the goddess panties.. i mean, artifact end up far more expensive than what i hunted. i should have taken more items

also, my level is 96 now thanks to the the mad hunt i had done

just a little more.. i would reach the territory of transcend one.. domain of s ranker


everything is going smoothly

and like usual, when things go smoothly it can be very bad after that

learning my lesson from last time, i have to increase my awareness

because i have become strong, even if monster with s rank attack me i’m confident i can run away at least

what should i do?

if i find that guy i might be able to win easily now

but over time passes i was having fun actually, and starting to not even remember his face..

there's a important matter about regaining my body, but it's not like i can return before i kill the guy

according to goddess, i still have a limit for about a year before the body begin to break down

about two year, it would be in state where it could die anytime

three years, we'll definitely too late if that happened

so let's consider i had one and half year

should i just return like that? since i had finally got such a cheat body shouldn't i use it the most?

if gorgon ability is gone, won't that body will return like before? i'm not confident i can live here with such a weak body..

oh well, thinking like this doesn't suit me

for now i’ll just continue to move while thinking the next destination


i reach some old mines

according to locals, there's some thief around here


because this place is nearing demon territory, most of other countries ignored this place because it's too far from them anyway

so everyone is busy fending themself and didn't have time to look for a thief

since i got nothing to do, i accept it anyway despite bad reward

what about your revenge? haha i’ll figure it out later

excited to looked around, start to explore


after around 6 hours

i got lost!

this place is big after all, i don't even know right or left

like this, no wonder i got lost

well i can probably get out with space magic

but what's the fun in that? explore,adventure, excitement!

if you didn't feel it while still young, you're losing some things you know

thinking to looked around a bit more, i decide to walk


a presence is hiding around


since danger sense didn't active, it's probably not hostile or not threatening

but not letting my guard down, i begin to speak

“come out”


no response

i begin to provoke it

“if you fuckers not coming out, i’ll blow this place up and bury you inside”

after i begin saying that, something coming out

“please wait!”

it was a talking wolfman

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