《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 65


-useless goddess is still useless after all-

putting her hands to my back, the goddess is focusing her mind

thinking i shouldn’t disturb her i only keep quiet

ah right, what happened with pi-chan the plushie you asked?

don't worry, after the goddess us in serious mode the fire is gone too

it got burnt a little, but that's fine

if i sold it to the church as the goddess beloved plushie, i wonder how much i can get?

“fuu, i’m done. i had already done everything that i can but it's only can be this much”

hearing that

i check the title

goddess favor

the goddess worked so hard without sleep to make this!

a title born from her ever flowing love and kindness

afraid of certain someone unrestricted behaviour this blessing is born

however, since the goddess is kind and graceful she changed the effect

every time the owner of the title is hurting and killing someone, their thought and feelings will flown to their head like mind reading

the more intense the pain or grudge, the stronger the voice can be heard

this skill triggered when the user saving someone else too, letting them hear their thought as long that said person is grateful from their hearts

signed with love from goddess

okay, that last effect was unnecessary.

it's impossible that someone is gonna be grateful to me. it would made me itch instead

on the other hand, the main effect is just like i thought.. fufu as planned

now then

for the other skill..

goddess restraint

a seal made by the goddess with all of her might

afraid her life is in danger, she created this to restraint a certain dangerous beast

considering the effort taken, probably not even the goddess herself can break this

the effect is sealing the true power of the owner


however, with goddess power some part of the restraint is getting weaker

level and skill will increase much faster than normal too.

reading that

i checked my status

it increased to 80, and some more skill is usable now

i guess opening it fully is impossible, but the effect is getting weaker now

not to mention i can get stronger faster than usual

heh, i think it's good actually

at this state alone i can be compared to class a adventurer

and the best part, i can increase the level faster than usual so i will surpass them soon enough

medetashi medetashi, everyone happy i am too

“then, i am going to return. please remember that this is a special exception. normally i won't come to the surface except in situation that could threaten the fate of whole race”

looking tired, the goddess is getting up

fine, i already quite satisfied and letting go of her punishment “for now”

ah, she still didn't forgot to bring her plush toy. whatever, i still have some other things to sell

with a bright light, the goddess returned


it's getting quiet like it supposed to be

well, it's already night, and i’m sleepy so i’ll take a rest for now

i can't wait to test the skill..

there's a reason i asked to read their minds after all..

excited about tomorrow, i goes to sleep

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