《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 64


-scamming this goddess is an easy mode-

“p.. please release pi chan! i don't care what happened to me, but at least pi chan..!”

“is that the way to ask favor to someone? how about dogeza first? you know what is dogeza at least right?

“ m.. my hand and legs is tied up, it's impossible, desu~”

“oh? then i guess you don't care whatever happened to pi chan eh? aren't you sad pi chan? you owner already left you, you know? that heartless bitch care more about her safety than your life. if you want to grudge, hate her that throws you away”

“weren't you the one that kidnapped her!? why are you making it like i’m the bad guy here? pi-chan, don't believe her! mommy will never gonna leave you alone!”

“hear that? that heartless bitch is gonna using you till she was satisfied and playing around with you till you get battered and useless, then planned to throw you away once she had taking everything from you that can be taken, and drain you until nothing can be drained like a vampire. oh, don't cry pi chan. *pat pat*. just leave that heartless woman that abandons you”

“why did you interpret it like that? i never said it like that at all!”

khu khu so you thought you can outsmart me huh? think again

back then

although i found some weapon and equipment, i didn't find any money at all

i guess that's as expected, but i’m sure not having any money is not gonna work if i wanna live

i was thinking to bring some of equipment and selling them, but it wasn't a good idea to bring things that's originally not from that world

i got that much common sense after all. no, it's not like i got irritated seeing someone else other than me having it at all


then i got a idea

in my world, isn't a used good of a certain famous person can be sold in high price?

so i decided to “borrow” some things from goddess room, no, its not stealing. what is my slave have is mine right?

that's why here we are

i don't think there's a chance to use it this soon though..

“uu.. what do you want from mee...”

begin to lose hope, the goddess cried again

“you know what it is i want. hand me over the power to destroy this world.. ah, wrong. lift over my curse that you had given to me ”

“you just said to destroy this world didn't you! also don't call it a curse. everything that goddess give is clearly a blessing! just like i thought, i clearly can’t entrust you with that body! i won’t remove it! boil me, cook me, do as you wish! ”

begin to sulk goddess start to make a face like a chicken prepared to be cooked and served to the hungry children all over the world

well i know this won't be easy, she won't prepare that much effort if she’s gonna remove it that easily

but it's already within my calculation.

“relax, i won't ask you to completely remove the curse. only changing it slightly”

“eh? what do you mean?”

the goddess looks confused

i begin to smile inside

“well you see, even without me feeling their pain directly there's a more efficient way right?”

“more efficient?”

“that's right, for example..”

start to grin, i spread my hands

“if i can hear their voices and thought, then i won't be go as far as killing them or torturing them?”


hearing that the goddess start to get convinced like hearing a revelation


hook,bait,sinker. one more push

“if i can hear their voice when i torture.. *cough* accidently hurting them or killing them, even someone like me would believe in god and stopped killing mercilessly right?”

“they said in my world that “even the most unredeemable criminal is a loveable children of god”

“rather than making them feel isolated, isn't it better to letting them feel their god love and compassion and letting them becoming a better person?”

goddess start to hearing me seriously

“so, if i can hear the thought of pain, or their thought of death even someone like me would be hesitate to inflict pain to another, and become a saint right?”

“goddess grace and compassion had the power to make even the most unfaithful unbeliever changed to be better. what do you think the people all over the world would think if they learn that?

the goddess makes a face like she had been imagine the situation where she had been worshipped by everyone without exception

“but, i’m still unknown to this world!. even if i had been redeemed, the world would never know your deed goddess”

“even if i become a saint, it would be useless if i failed and died in the middle of my journey for that because of my own powerlessness!”

“that’s why. let me become stronger! with power comes a great responsibility! in order to spread this feeling, this compassion, this miracle of god!”

looking straight to goddess, i speak to her

“lend me your power goddess! let us save this world together!”

i offered my hand

hearing that

goddess body start to shine

and the rope that ties her up disappear like it never exist at all

floating in the air, she start to speak in graceful voice

“dear children from another world, i have heard your determination”

“the grace of goddess is reach beyond and far, even reaching you that come from another world”

“the goddess had heard your prayer and will honor your wish”

“using everything that i have, the goddess, promise to fulfill your wish at any cost!”

hearing that

i hide a smile like a certain villain that kills people by writing their name in book

“all according the plan”

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