《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 62


-in order to move forward-

it was a dream

the usual scenery, the usual atmosphere

something that shouldn't have been too long, but feels like a distant past

a time which feels like nostalgic, yet already feels like another world instead

coming like usual in school, speaking like usual with her classmate in school, and coming home like usual is already feels like a distant world

but there's one tiny difference

and that difference is..

“she” was there..


himegami arisa just waken up

ever since coming to this world, there's no need for her to waking up in morning like usual

but since it’s already becoming a habit, she always waking up every 5am

because this world have similar time zone like the previous world, it's not that hard to accommodate the time like usual

“5 more minutes…”

however because there's no mother that wakes her up, she end up sleeping again

like this, she would end up overslept like usual..

-abona capital, guest room-

-around 1 pm-


arisa just wakes up

her hair is disheveled and her clothes pretty much messed up

because she usually leave cleaning the clothes and drying it to her mother, she didn't clean it that often in this world

as a result she often used the same clothes over and over

with a appearance that can make her fans cry in previous world, that arisa

“morning, arisa”

“it’s already afternoon, it's not morning anymore shuu..”


“gyaah?” mutters the two

ever since coming to this world, the three of them are starting to change little by little

shuu still a good ikemen like usual, but he start to become affirmative and learn to refuse a request unlike his previous self. though he’s still famous with ladies like usual


yuya start to speak longer and sometimes making a small talk. he didn't just talk with animal like what he usually do previously

while arisa..

she worked the hardest compare the other two. training her supportive magic and learning self defense from the previous holy maiden herself

because of that, she was too tired to continuing her usual facade in school

“ah, no, it's fine. please forget what i’m saying just now..”

hearing that shuu only make a smile

“it's fine. i think this side of you looks better than when you previously called me shuu-ya”

hearing that makes arisa blush

“geez, i told you to not make fun of me again, shuu-ya!”

aah they're doing that again.. mutters yuya from side

after arisa calming down, they had a breakfast in the eating hall. normally the maid is gonna bring their food in their room, but since it's already past breakfast they eat in the hall instead

“i’m sorry, you guys had to wait for me before eating..”

“dont worry. arisa and yuya will return to your respective country tomorrow, so let me treat you guys today”

continuing their conversation, they begin to make small talk. and then..

“oh right, why did you two come to my room today? its unusual”

hearing that the two looked to each other

“about that, i'm not sure actually..”

“did you see some strange dream?”

hearing that arisa reply

“oh right, i think i'm seeing a dream about our previous world.. but i can’t remember much the content. wait, did you guys see the same dream?”

the two nodded

“ahaha its strange. what is the chance that we all seeing the same dream?”

“probably because it’s fate? hahaha”

“you're too romantic shuu, thanks to this you keep getting courted by ladies. it's a hassle to keep them back down”


“that's why you're here right, yuya”

“i’m not insect repellent, tch”

hearing that everyone laughs

then arisa start to made a little sad face

“ i wonder, what is she doing right now?”

hearing that everyone looked at arisa

they know who is arisa mention about

“it's strange.. i.. i still don't feel like she is already dead. despite many of evidence suggested that. am i weird?”

hearing that shuu start to reply


“you're not strange. in fact i feel the same, strangely.”

yuya start to speak too

“it would take a lot to kill that woman. you can said that the world is gonna destroyed today but that one is still creepily survived while laughing like a madman”

feeling like it's strangely convincing, arisa and shuu laughs

arisa start to slap her cheeks

“yosh, there's no use keep getting depressed. if mika-chan is still alive, we can always find her after defeating the demon king”

“though if she was still alive i wonder what's she doing now?”

“ i bet making troubles with everyone around her.. nobody can forget her even if one wants to”

after that, the heroes return to their respective country and begin to train harder than before

not long after their return

the rumors of war between the demon and human-demi human alliance gonna start again is spreading

however, the trigger of war this time

is something that no one can even imagine

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