《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 56


-conclusion of battle, a small hope-

the earth starting to shook

the ground is rumbling

the sky's getting dark

and a typhoon is created

admist of that


a female pig wearing dress is clinging into trees

“i shouldn't have come here! dammit! why did i come again? ahh thats right.. they got the nerve to fight by themself and ignoring me! i mean, who did they think they are? i am the princess you know! i am the most important person in the world! nobody cares if the king died, but if the princess died it’s a world loss! praise me more! pamper me more! aah.. hey pervert, vampire or whatever hey how about you save me right now? you love me didnt you? then prove your loyalty! exhaust your life for me! ah, ahh! my grip is loosening, aaiii noo, at this point i already don't care who you are, i will do anything. licking your boots shoes or becoming your slave whatever, just SAVE ME!”

starting to become desperate, she tried to start begging

of course, nobody can hear her

-amidst the storm-

“gu, to think she can use magic to this degree!”

the storm with countless rock flying is a extreme example of sandstorm

however its strength is on different dimension

because the wind is so strong bernard cannot maintain his mist form anymore

“wheres that girl? with a storm this degree, she shouldnt have been unscatched!”

in truth just staying alive is taking all of his strength

“curses! i’ve been playing for too long!

not losing hope, he said

“no, it's not too late. i can still get out if i kill the girl”

looking desperately for hope to escape from this predicament, he began to look around

but there's no need for that


because a silhouette i nearing him


he found the girl

however, her condition is different

she was floating in the midst of this storm, proof that she had completely mastered the control

staring at him with wide eye opening, she looks at him

feeling “anger” ever since the first time she had been reborn, she start to speak to him

“you..” said bernard

“ ...laughed didn't you?”


he didn’t reply

“how.. dare..you..laugh”

in that moment

she concentrated her magic with both hand

“nobody.. can laugh!”

and by lifting both her hands

“her.. our wish..!”

she concentrated a massive amount of magical power in her hand

and direct it to him


the massive rocks is concentrated to bernard

the number is massive

like this, it's impossible to dodge…

thinking it's over, bernard laughs

inside a moment that seems like eternity

looks like i “lost” this time

well it can't be helped, our strength is different

judging from level alone, it's already surprise i can keep up

did i end up strengthen her instead ? by giving her a battle experience

aa, how funny. i lost but i’m not feeling bad at all

he start to ponder

i’m sorry for thinking you the same as a doll

you should be proud

what you are right now, is clearly someone with a will instead

if it’s the current you, and you keep growing

then perhaps

no, you’re already..

not bounded by anyone or anything

walked by your own will

with responsibility and wish on your own

khu khu

i was rather curious with how both of you ends up

unfortunately, i won't have memories for “this time”

ahh, if only i had more time researching “that”

well there's no use thinking something i am not used to

it's better if i keep becoming “a love hunter” like before

your story doesn't need someone like me to be included

so go ahead



keep moving forward

make me a stepping stone for your “story”

trample me

forget me

ignore me

and decide

where should you go

what should you do


find what you truly seek for each other

closing his eyes, bernard disappears

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