《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 45


- gift from the goddess -


she had returned to the world

she had returned from above ground

to be exact, 200 meter above ground

"fuckfuckshitshitshit fucking slutty bitchy onahole!, she must be done this on purpose! dammit!"

when she almost crashed into ground


she slashed the ground


a loud explosion

amidst the scattered earth

miho still stand up

"wow, im unscratched despite falling that far. this body spec is indeed good, huh"

feeling satisfied, she looks around

"still, i guess i'm pretty far from last kingdom"

around her are mostly plain

since averunks kingdom location surrounded by forest it was very different from this place

"well i'll know where am i while i'm walking. status !"

saying that, she opened her status

name : MIHO

job : transcendance pervert blademaster

age : -

sex : f

level : 1000

hp : 288350

mp : 273400

str : 38150

agi : 36530

vit : 37350

dex : 37140

int : 35350

wis : 5~30

luck : 3

(extra) moral : -288

skills : appraisal, language comprehension, all weapon mastery, all projection damage decrease,all magic resistance, psychical attack absorption, status effect nullity, space sword skill, appraisal block, instant movement, space magic, far seeing eye,bow mastery, space walk,laser series skill, regeneration, *omitted because its too long*

title :__, hero from another world, bold, foul mouth, incompressible, ruthless, bully, unstoppable, lolicon, beauty in vain, goddess favor, goddess restraint, E.T, alien etc *same as above*

she was speechless

what the hell.. this body spec is too OP, at this state won't i be able to take over the world alone?

from what she read, even strongest level class s in history is lv 150 at most

so in human terms at least, it's really powerful

there's countless skill and titles. mostly what she never seen before

nice, the skill and titles are inherited too. seems like my previous title inherited as well


seems like there's a lot of space term here. hmm the said swordmaster is not originally a octopus right?

at this rate, forget revenge. i probably can stopped even the fiercest dragon with one hand

though why is the job is still same? its evolved too. is my very being is a pervert?

some of skill and even title is omitted. yeah probably get lazy halfway, why, you..

wisdom is still the same either. does that means it will never increase? haha.. no way right? i’m still growing, i’m still learning!

moral.. go die! why it's increased in opposite side? what an irrational result

luck.. it decreased! by a lot ! huh ? huh? why? ah.. was the swordsman this body based off is unlucky or something?

well whatever, it's just a small demerit compared to benefit

age is gone huh? is it because homunculus seems ageless since start?

a empty title is shown up too. probably because she didn't remember her previous name?

ignoring it, she wants to try out her new body

and it just so happened there's a slime walking around carelessly without a care in the world

"let's try out an attack first. photon whip!"

her first skill of space sword skill series

she didn't know what does that means, but it sound cool anyway so she tried it

her sword is start to change form into tentacle of light things, and start wrapping the slime


the slime crushed into pieces

there's no resistance at all

"woah, there's no feeling of resistance at all. though the appearance is pretty bad. better to not use it with a lot people or i get labeled a pervert”

..it's probably too late to care about that anyway since her very being is exactly that

feeling excited, she gripped her sword tightly


at that moment


my body hurts

like someone gripped me all over and feeling me all over my body with unreasonable strength


the pain continues for five minutes

it finally subside somehow..

*haa haa haa haah..*

i almost peed myself

fortunately i managed to hold back because this body spec is high

"damn, what was that!!? the pain is not normal. is it the side effect of the skill?"

however she inspect the skill and found nothing wrong

"there's clearly something wrong here. what's the cause?"

inspecting the title next she finally found the cause

and that was..

goddess favor

the goddess worked so hard without sleep to make this!

a title born from her ever flowing love and kindness

afraid of certain someone unrestricted behaviour this blessing is born

this skill activate while that said person attacked weaker being without their consent or warning at all

for the peace of the world, a 1/10 chance of the attacked victim feeling of pain will be transmitted directly to user brain

in case of death of the victim, the feeling of pain is increased by ½ chance

work hard goddess! good luck goddess!

don't lose to bullying!

signed by goddess personally


once i finish reading it

my body is starting to glow

and i feel weaker

needless to say the cause is..

when i looked at my status

name : MIHO

job : hopeless pervert

age : -

sex : f

level : 50 (sealed state)

hp : 1285

mp : 830

str : 330

agi : 280

vit : 301

dex : 278

int : 253

wis : 5~30

luck : 3

(extra) moral : -288

it decreased.. a lot

the skill and title is still there but mostly are greyed or got too much mp requirement

knowing the main cause i read again

goddess restraint

a seal made by the goddess with all of her might

afraid her life is in danger, she created this to restraint a certain dangerous beast

considering the effort taken, probably not even the goddess herself can break this

the effect is sealing the true power of the owner

level can still be increased normally, however it might takes more effort than usual


i didn't said anything

i didn't speak anything

i’m not even moving from spot

after thinking for a while

i made my decision

i'll screw that cunt once i met her again…

after i made her cry and cry, i will throw her to a bunch of starving “wolves” and letting her get raped

tying her with a flying dragon and making her flying all over the world

i’ll skin every inch of her body and sold her as a sex doll

or better yet

i’ll do it personally

swearing to make a certain person suffer and makes her cry, she tried to find a loophole for her titles

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