《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 44


-birth of the most devious blademaster-

it seems like it was success

"hmm its a bit different with my previous one, though i seems to get older a bit?"

if her previous age is 17, now she looks around 20 years old.

a long black hair, black eyes like japanese person, a modest chest, and about 170cm in height

only her face looks more adult-like compared to previously more childlike look

and nothing covers her body

"i get taller than originally too. well, not like i mind"

the goddess looks tired

"did.. it.. successful?"

"all good loli baba! though you run out of breath easily. need some massage? your boobs looks heavy, how about asking some hoodlums in street to personally taking care of it?”

"dont.. call me that! also my boobs is fine, thanks! "

whose fault you think it is? to increase the chance of success i put out a layer on top of layer and layer and layer projection for soul, furthermore i made sure that the magical power didn't spill from this place and making an explosion

feeling too tired to make a complaint, the goddess only wants to take a rest now

- after another week -

someone is standing proudly

wearing gaudy red clothes like a general from some war times

with a giant long katana-like sword with glittering handle

with a hair tied into ponytail

a hat like japanese ronin

a geta shoes

biting a grass stalk

with fluttery white cape

written inside the cape

is a japanese word saying "subjugate the heaven and earth"

"...where did you found that clothes?"

asked the goddess

"isnt it good? i found it from the room beside yours."

"..creator! i didnt know you had hobbies like that!"


the item in this place will not degrade regardless of time


among them, she never touch the room of her creator

so thats why the item there mostly untouched too

because almost nobody come here anyway, she took it like its hers

"then, ready to depart?"

already used by her selfishness she ignores it

in order to prepare, the goddess makes some maintenance and adjustment to her body and it took a week

it's about her new body after all, so it's better to not disturb her

since she can't bully the goddess, she got bored and explored the place a bit

there she founds some costume and weapon, permission? what's is that? is it edible?.

" oh, before that"

asked the girl

"i need to think of a new names. when i heard my name or even from writing i can only heard or see garbled words"

"was it still not returned yet?"

the girl shook her head

well i dont really mind. i feel more relaxed not knowing my name compared to when i’m still alive. feels like a baggage is off from my shoulder. this feels more like a true starting point for me

thinking for a bit, the goddess ponders and speak

"how about maho from mahoutsukai? to made it better sound, make it miho. i think it suits you.. ah wait wait wait if you kill me you won't be able to get out from this place! "

thinking this goddess really only talks what's inside her mind she makes a stance of iai-drawing to test her new bodies

but, hmm.. it's not bad. witch seems interesting, a witch despite being a blademaster, such contradiction i don't hate it.

“alright, that's my name from now on then. at least until i return to my body. remember that goddess”

“ah, o.. okay..”

thinking she won't forgot someone like her anyway the goddess continue the preparation


-after some time later-

" i suppose we will never meets again. human life is short, so at least this lifetime we probably won't meet anymore. still, i wish you good luck, and prayed that you can fulfill your wish"

a magic circle formed below miho

“if, something happened to your original body and it start to break apart call me with all of your might. i can try to suspend its time and delay the destruction”

speaking like a goddess, it surprised miho a bit

realizing this is probably farewell, she put her finger to goddess

afraid she was gonna hit her again, the goddess half closed her eyes

and then

touching her cheeks with index finger, she smiled while speaking

"alright. seeya, goddess"

with cheerful mood, mikoto vanished

after she leave, goddess falling down on her knees

"uu, finally desu ~ i'm free at last.."

she was tired

only two week passed since she meets "miho” and it feels like it takes longer than her whole life

her house is taken, she got treated like a slave, and every room is messed up like a ghost ship

she already felt like her stress will reach the peak and ends with blowing up the world and suicide

"aah.. but if she realize about that body flaw, would she come and trying to kill me?"

this place is located quite a distance from the planet

but she got a feeling anything is possible with this human

"i'm sorry, i'm really sorry! but this is for the sake of protecting the peace of the world. i need to restrain your behaviour a little!"

she was not lied

that body is a copy of one of the strongest person alive

but because she was afraid what would happened if she received such a strong body, she tinkered it a bit

since handing over it as is like giving a switch for weapon of mass destruction she need to put some “restraint”

honestly, she was scared to meets her again more than anything else


with her face getting red she touched her cheeks

“that was unfair! what was that?”

didn't realize her face is red the whole time, goddess stare at magical circle

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