《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 43


- time for conquest -

"waiit, haa.. haa.."

seemingly out of breath, the goddess finally catched up

"why took so long loli baba? if you died from heart attack do it after transferring me to new body"

"stop calling me loli baba! what is that supposed to mean anyway? it.. it's not like i forgot to exercise. i'll just never needed to run,ok?"

while making an excuse like what NEET do, she was still able to speak back. looks like she's grown

getting impressed, the girl asking her

"so it's homunculus? why is all of them looks blank like watery doll?"

the homunculus lined up is looks like a doll with water inside instead of artifact human from legend

"that's, because their purpose is to be injected with soul of another living being. so their form will automatically matches the form that the soul remember the most. be it animal,humans,demihumans"

hearing that she got interested

"ah but please don't try to become a form that's not similar with yourself okay? if it's too far from your original form, the soul might get contradiction and rejection will occur"

tsk. clicked her tongue she can't ask for little girl form

“uhmm.. i’ll tell you in advance before you start to blaming me of getting forgotten or not mention it, but i never done this previously so there's no guarantee it will be succeed. worst case it failed and your soul cannot handle the pressure then get disintegrates. ah, don’t look at me like i’m a useless goddess! i know the theory at least from my creator!”


looked disinterested, she still wants to do it anyway

why? because

"if i died just like that, then taking my revenge personally or return alive is a pipe dream anyway. such a weakling is better to died from the start"


hearing that, the goddess seems surprised

this human, despite she hold her live dearly, why is she so reckless with it?

"then, which one is the best?"

"probably this, my creator programmed it with skill and status of blademaster from another planet"

"okay, fine"

she decided immediately

the goddess, seemingly given up start to support her

"then, just stand there. i'll commence the transfer now"

the goddess start to chant

"i command you in the name of ignis, obey me and accept the lost soul beside you as your new master!"

so her name is ignis huh..

bright light start to surround the place, and a high concentration of magical power is flowing

"soul transfer!"

chant the goddess

a bright light has enveloped the place

and what's appeared when the light settled down

was a tall black haired girl

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