《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 40


- taking a house from this goddess -

"um, about that. what do you mean exactly?"

the goddess only looked confused and didn't seem to understand

after their first meeting, she explained the situation that happened right now

although it was unexpected that not only the girl she saved didn't respect her at all despite knowing she was a goddess, the girl even keep using violence and treats her like a dirt

to add further than that, she even threaten her which bring this current situation

"exactly as i said. give me this place and i'll spare your life"

"isn't that robbery!? didn't you said you're grateful for me saving you a while ago?"

"still remembering about the distant past, that's why old hag is.." replied the girl

"isn't that only happened last week!!? also why did i must wear this clothes??"

answer the goddess with maid outfit

so, as to why this is happening

-turning back a few moment ago-

"uhm, what is this?"

giving her a maid clothes, the girl replied calmly

"what? its a maid clothes. don't you even know middle age fashion? perhaps you're living in jurassic period?"

" i know what it is! this is my room after all. what i meant is, why are you handing this over to me?"

"hmm? isn't that obvious?"

replied the girl happily

"thats because, youre my slave #2"

"ah, number #1 is my brother by the way"

-back to current time-

"uuu.. disgraceful, i definitely cannot shown this appearance to my follower desu~"

"why? it suited you. in fact, you should shown it to them every time i bet your morale is gonna get skyrocketed. ah, i suggest remove the underwear. it would leave more impact" replied the girl

"i don't want that kind of impact! besides, i'm not happy at all despite being praised!"


before, the goddess is meeting the girl directly from first time.

although she tried to remain dignified, this girl is more uncontrollable than the wildest horse

receiving violence and abuse that she never received ever since she was born, the goddess start to regret her decision saving her

not just satisfied with violence and abuse, the goddess received various bullying from her everyday

forced to reveal her diary as prophecy to everybody in the world, have to wear miniskirt and start to singing in front of every church, having forced to work like a horse for 24 hours a day without any rest

although her heart was beating fastly when she receive her grateful thanks

it all quickly poured down by her next action

"uuu, what is my fault? what did i do to deserve this?"

"despite saying that, you wear that outfit excitedly" replied the girl

"that's because you're keeping pii-chan hostage! what kind of cold blooded monster taking such a cute, adorable creature a hostage?"

"this one"

while she calmly replied while bringing the plushie


the goddess gritting her teeth

despite her saving her life, in this case soul. what did she do to deserve this?

to begin with, with her power she shouldn't have to be afraid with one human soul that can disappear with flick of finger

however, there's no way a goddess would do that far to a single human

furthermore with her favorite plushie is becoming hostage she didn't dare to act


"ah, my hand slipped"

the girl accidently slash the plushie with fruit knife


"ahaha relax. its not hit. see?" speaked by her nonchalantly

she thought her heart is gonna be stopped

fortunately the girl only swing it around without hitting the plushie

already reach her limit, the goddess


slapping the girl while crying

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