《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 37


- interludes ahh, life is so beautiful -

after calming down, the goddess looks again

the girl is dead

after doing bizarre things like swallowing a piece of gorgon skin, she lost her energy and died

well thats natural

such things like miracle did not exist in this world

even if there's magic which surpass normal realm, it's still within realm of possibilities

something that denies death completely.

even her creator with their immortality and ability has given up and embrace death

the girl died and nobody will remembers her

without accomplished anything

and her wish will disappear like a morning dew

it was supposed to be

"her soul is already begin to separating"

the soul is usually return to cycle of reincarnation and flowing back to another life

however because extreme burden and pressure from last fight, her soul is starting to deranged from usual route of reincarnation

at this rate, they will be lost somewhere and becoming vengeful ghost without able to reincarnate

"i guess the main cause is the revenge of that devil inside the axe? he probably didn't expect to get killed like that and the result of his grudge probably what makes her soul deranged from reincarnation"

people killed by devil usually won't reincarnate

because they themself taking pleasure in eating soul, a suffering soul is the best food for them

that's what makes devil fearsome instead of their magic and strength

" the soul is already separating to different place. well i might able to find them if i start looking, but.."

with her body dead, returning it is useless

the creator didn't give her ability to resurrect from dead

because they believe if life's getting treated lightly she won't find the answer

"if its that kid, probably possible.. but, the chance for that to happened is"


if it's with gorgon power of granting wish perhaps she can be saved

but a piece of old skin is probably doesnt have any power like that

furthermore, since she was already died

even if gorgon is still here, it's too late

"i should've contact the other heroes about her remains position at least. that way at least she can receive a proper burial"

at that time

a faint light shone up from the girl

"is it.. you? but from that small piece.. ah, don't tell me, you heard her wish even in death?"

normally it was impossible

however the place the girl was is the place where gorgon is subjugated

without goddess knowing, her soul is bounded in that place

adding a piece of her body her ability can be triggered

" i, see. so you wants to grant that girl wish? even in death you still think of others more than yourself"

"or perhaps.."

"you've been touched by her willpower?"

the wound is starting to close, her body is starting to regenerate

at this rate the body will stay alive

looking at that, the goddess smiles

"if you are working hard even after died"

the goddess start to standing up

"then, as your mother i can't just stay quiet right?"

pulling her determination, she start to search the girl soul

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